Castro Era Ends
Castro Era Ends
What a shame. How is Diaz-Canel favored over there? Well liked, or sort of unknown?
I think I found Trump's new target.
Kind of an oddball, he's trusted by the conservatives but he's also seen as a modernist. Tbh I dont know much about his economic position. He was the vice president so I'm guessing Fidel and Raul must have trusted him.
Can someone who is better versed on Cuban politics give me more info on his economic positions.
fingers crossed fellas
Let's hope he doesn't betray the revolution like the Socialist states in the third world did
Cuba has long been in decay in terms of policy friend, they went liberal in the 90's
I like seeing engineers in leadership positions in socialist countries. Makes me feel like my STEM education can accomplish good things. Marxism is a science.
Well lets hope he can turn it back then. Cuba is pretty cool, the more I read about it.
He looks dashing. No homo.
How do you explain this?
Fast-growing Cuban cooperative says government ordered it to close
Why did they close it? Is it because they would rather liberalize Cuba into a mix of neoclassical captalism and state capitalism like Russia and China did?
Read the article carefully. Cooperatives are basically businesses and act outside the of the planned economy. They are not SoE. This step is rather illiberal, but of course we can't say if that's an indicator for theil future.
Sounds like a scam.
Not really, if you go to Cuba and check out the local businesses a large majority of these places don't have paperwork for anything, transactions are just made by a simple monetary exchange. For example, in the state run markets paying with a $50 CUC bill for your stuff forces the cashier to whip out a book, take down your ID (Passport in my case) and the serial number for the bill because that's the law. But where I go to actually exchange USD to CUC is actually a guy I know who owns a photography business in town and we exchange money at 98%, obviously off the record. Same goes for these mom and pop shops that have to deal with large bills.
And even if they followed the law all these records are printed on rinky dinky recycled paper. Most official documents are printed on thin matrix printer paper, and there's a hell of a lot of it too. I'm sure anyone that has at least an above water business there does so too, so an accounting business that helps manage that isn't really out of the question.
He said that he wants to strenghten Democratic Socialism, the Party and the planned economy I would say he is a good Marxist-Leninist
Tbh should send a Cockshottian delegation. Cybersyn 2.0
I'm genuinely excited about this. Anyone who actually has some substantial knowledge on Cuban politics who can explain me what this will mean? If I'm not wrong Raul has been liberalizing the economy in the past few years? Is this guy likely to turn the tide?
Also hopefully the election of someone outside the Castro family will make "cuba is a hereditary monarchy" fags shut up
Pic unrelated
Lets hope he is as mean to capitalism as he looks.
There was a guy who ran it before the castros did, wasn't there?
didn't even know that, I thought you meant Batista or some shit when I read your reply
photo from wiki for the lazy
holy fuck yes
this but unironically. Apparently he is a technocrat type and an engineer? So i think he's really interested in advancing the tech of the country and shit.
Holy fuck, let's do this comrades.
Imagine if he says in his next speech "I read this book by a gentleman called 'paul cockshott' which i liked a lot, gave it 5 stars on goodreads and I have decided to enforce a labor voucher system in Cuba as of today"
also, I vaguely remeber a cyber socialist (or somehing similar) thread from like a year ago where this guy was mentioned as a potential candidate for Cockshottian conversion therapy.
Where do I go to send him CS books?
Probably havana. I doubt he has twitter.
he probably does have an e-mail adress though
So why the hell are fags telling us to unironically send him shit?
Fuck, stop giving me false hope, boys.
You can just email the president of Cuba random shit?
A bunch of Zig Forumsack shilling Cockshott to the fucking president of Cuba, that would topple /a/ sending a letter to a mangaka to tell him"pls do not an hero we love u".
I hope no one will mention the board though.
So what are his stances as an ML? has he been vocal and been confirmed to be a non-revisionist?
Kek. I'm not sure if this would restore my faith in humanity or destroy what's left of it.
Wait seriously? Has leftypol been pushing for him to become president?
His push for gay rights in Cuba has a lot of potential to provide an alternative to pink capitalism for gay kids.
nvm I'm retarded
If leftypol was in charge of a country without BO it would either be the least murderous, most left-diverse commie government ever, or the biggest bloodbath the world has ever seen.
Bunch of basement dwelling leftists ruling a country with an iron fist
As long as BO and Aidan were immediately gulaged Zig Forums would engineer a veritable utopia, that is until any one of the factions would inevitably determine that a coup is necessary to save a revolution from their particular mortal sin against leftism and puts everyone else up against the wall, or is put down and the resulting paranoia leads to eventual purges and everyone else gets put up against the wall. Either way it would be a blast.
Does TANS have a spanish translation?
Anti BO is pro revisionism
fucking screencapped
not random shit, it'd probably go through a security officer or a secretary or something, but there must be a way to contact the guy
I meant Democratic centralism
I just reread it now and it I realized my mistake sorry comrades
Too late. >>>/gulag/
found this btw, sounds good
Hesitantly optimistic
I've heard that the Spanish version is pretty bad.
Does kim speak spanish or what? I've always wondered how international leaders communicate face to face (besides like european leaders who often speak many languages)
Kim speaks English and German. In his meeting with Xi there was a translator with him. The translators are usually trained to stay out of photos as much as possible, they are very nimble
that's his wife, user
really? I never knew that
He got his education in a swiss private school, they hardly taught him in korean.
He went to an international school in Switzerland. He'd have English classes there and former classmates have said that he picked up German as well.
here is he with XI aswell
he is*
Social science is still science. Don't be a STEMfag
>Miguel Diaz-Canel is a regular anime shitposter tripfag on Zig Forums
Let's do it.
Yes, just like sociology, anthropology, and economics. All these are sciences, more specifically social sciences. You can even lump history and social studies in this category.
Trips of truth, hopefully
Trips have spoken
Council Communism > Planning > Cooperatives > Capitalism
My god, the next Cuban president better computerize the country if there to have any economic growth.
Just why, this sounds pretty anti-scoalist?
Why should I care?
kim jong-un did something anti-socialist? Huh really makes you think
It is. Education, health care and industrialization are all bourgeois inventions, and should be abolished.
The DPRK actually sends a lot of promising students to school abroad, particularly to China and Russia, but also elsewhere. KJU got his degree at Kim Il Sung University.
Liberal moralism and literally another version of the "why do you use an iPhone" argument.
There is nothing wrong with trying to get the best education for someone possible if he's gonna have such a position. In capitalism, porky kids get the best education, that's just how it is, nothing can change that. Also, it was just a high school, it's not like Kim made a degree at the Mises Institute or something.
Private school is anti-scoaist
I’d be worried about them developing revisionist or outright capitalist views.
Apparently according to some gusanos I know and not, freedom of speech is limited in Cuba. Is this actually true or not? I did defend their literacy rates and shit, even though a lot of them tried to rebuff me as those statistics being "communist lies", but I hear even from anarchists that is actually the case.
why even argue with them then?
technically it doesn't really exist anywhere, say the wrong thing in any country and your ass will be buttfucked
a quick google search only showed up the usual suspects of FreedomHouse and other burger "non profits" talking about ebil cubans repressing free speech
And what is wrong with tha? if you're going to defent Tatcher or Shillchet, you should be executed.
Tbh Cockshott probably has connections which could set up a meeting between cockshott's computer scientists and high ranking members of the cuban communist party.
If the DKP have connections to the WKP they probably also have connections to the cubans. We just need cockshott to talk to the DKP.
Surely libshits exaggerate the repression of free speech in evil gommunist countries, but it does seem unlikely the truth would be so far from all reports that there's really no more repression in Cuba than in the west. I have serious doubts that it's as easy in Cuba to get articles published which openly criticize the government as in Europe/ the US, or at least without getting in trouble. Still don't see them as a failure though but it's naive to assume they're perfectly democratical
That would be great, idk where to start though. Contacting Cockshott?
He's on discord and he has a personal email address. I'll try contacting him asap.