Which countries where communism worked

Can you bother to list the countries, debating with Zig Forums right now, to be honest right now they are a pain in the fucking ass, I forgot the list I made up in my head to on which countries where communism worked and I am looking like a fucking idiot, show if you can bother to show the list so I can make them btfo.

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All of them, they only fell because of retarded planning or Capitalist attacks. Nothing wrong with Communism.

None because communism is not something that occurs in a single country but happens through a long transformation and abolition of capital.

USSR could have survived easily if you fix some of Brezhnev and Gorbachev's decisions.

There. I personally wouldn't touch China or North Korea, but do what you have to. And don't backstep when in debate with Zig Forums.

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Thanks user.

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Some bionics stuff and famine debunk

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end of list

Map if they try the ethnic homogeneity argument and some other stuff

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take off that flag you poser

Anyone have that image debunking the 1918 German Revolution jew meme?

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judging by the early 2000s pic you posted, you must new to leftism so you should probably read about socialist states before fucking debating people about them

Read Cockshott

none and if the system was worth half a shit capitalism wouldnt be able to stop it. Hard to say you have a good system when the opposing system that your meant to destroy ALWAYS wins.

Pick just about any given one

lol what a stupid faggot

wow such deep intellectual points, ive come to expect this from the retarded.

sorry it hurts your feely feels to have someone point out how stupid you are

enjoy knowing as you go throughout your day that everyone is secretly thinking it whenever you open your vapid brainless mouth

do you really think i give a shit what a commie/retard thinks? Literally everyone thinks youre dumb and you float thru your worthless life just fine. Me on the otherhand im educated and well spoken, i have nothing to be embarrassed about. I know basic economics lol

who doesn't care about the opinion of their peers? lol

most people are stupid, all commies are stupid. We are not equal. I think the saying goes "wolves dont bother with the opinions of sheep". My "peers" are devolving into fun due to marxist education, why would i care about what they think?

the system doesn't win, the brainwashed lumpens that defend it do, usually at their own expense for the sake of some fantastical ideological bullshit like islamic theocracy
whenever the right gets their twoo capitalism it crashes and burns faster than any leftist state ever has

give 1 example. Still better than never even being able to impliment the system.


well obviously but it's nice of this board to tolerate you despite your deficiencies


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pinochet's chile reneged on their free market autism in a relatively short time. by the end of the lolbert policies the government actually had more state influence in the economy than under the socialist leadership
socialism is meant to be a next stage, not a competitor. it does not have the same goals of capitalism
it's not like it would be possible to force capitalism during ancient slave society either
in the US this is unironically true

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censorship doesnt exist here retard

thats where youre wrong kiddo, colonialism worked.

removing trash isn't censorship lol


lol at least i have an intellect

but then if you had a single functioning neuron you would be a communist


had the 2nd fastest growing economy of the 20th century the USSR is 2nd after Japan Source: artir.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/captura-de-pantalla-de-2016-05-26-10-15-23.png

had zero unemployment have continuous economic growth for 70 straight years. see: Robert C. Allen's, From Farm To Factory Source: citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi= (review of book here homepages.warwick.ac.uk/~syrbe/pubs/FarmtoFactory.pdf ). The "continuous" part should make sense – the USSR was a planned, non-market economy, so market crashes á la capitalism were pretty much impossible.

had zero homelessness. Houses were often shared by two families throughout the 20s and 30s – so unlike capitalism, there were no empty houses, but the houses were very full. In the 40s there was the war, and in the 50s there were a number of orphans from the war. The mass housing projects began in the 60s, they were completed in the 70s, and by the 70s, there were homeless people, but they often had genuine issues with mental health.

end famine have higher calorie consumption than USA Source: artir.files.wordpress.com/2016/05/compar1.png?w=640

. You can read more about the post-1941 famine history in Nove's An Economic History of the USSR 1917-1991. There were food insecurity issues, especially when Khrushchev et al. majorly fucked up with trade and resource dependence on the west, but no famines after the collectivisation of agriculture in the early 1930s (except for in the Siege of Leningrad).

end sex inequality Source: en.wikisource.org/wiki/Constitution_of_the_Soviet_Union_(1977,_Unamended) Equal wages for men and women were mandated by law, but sex inequality, although not as pronounced as under capitalism, was perpetuated in social roles. Very important lesson to learn.

end racial inequality Source: theguardian.com/artanddesign/shortcuts/2016/jan/24/racial-harmony-in-a-marxist-utopia-how-the-soviet-union-capitalised-on-us-discrimination-in-pictures

make all education free Source: revolutionarydemocracy.org/archive/PubEdUSSR.htm revolutionarydemocracy.org/archive/anglosov.htm unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0000/000013/001300eo.pdf

99% literacy Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Likbez

have most doctors per capita in the world Source: marxists.org/archive/newsholme/1933/red-medicine/index.htm The Soviet Union had the highest physician-patient ratio in the world, my notes say 42 per 10,000 population, vs 24 in Denmark and Sweden, 19 in US. In this document: sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0735675784900482 You can open it without paying with sci-hub.cc

eliminate poverty Source: gowans.wordpress.com/2011/12/20/we-lived-better-then/

double life expectancy Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Soviet_Union

After the October revolution, the life expectancy for all age groups went up. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years. This improvement was seen in itself by some as immediate proof that the socialist system was superior to the capitalist system be 25 years away from reaching parity with Western world This is kind of a counterfactual – the transformation of the USSR to capitalism began a long time before 1991, so trying to figure out what Soviet growth would look like if it hadn't become capitalist requires that we root out the fundamental cause of the change to capitalism. And we can't even use US economic stats either – the mass-privatization of the Soviet economy and the sudden influx of cheap labour for Western capitalists obviously had an effect on the US economy. But then again, even a 1% difference will stack up over 25 years.

Now let's take a look at what happens after the USSR collapse:

GDP instantly halves Source: upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/92/Soviet_Union_GDP_per_capita.gif

42% decrease

40% of population drops into poverty Source: wsws.org/en/articles/2003/07/unpo-j28.html Article cites a 2003 UN report.

7.7 million excess deaths in the first year Source: academia.edu/1072631/Review_Red_Plenty_by_Francis_Spufford Really difficult to find this exact figure, original link I had was dead. Also: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC259165/

one in ten children now live on the streets Source: theglobeandmail.com/news/world/an-epidemic-of-street-kids-overwhelms-russian-cities/article4141933/

infant mortality increase Source: knoema.com/atlas/Russian-Federation/Nenets-Autonomous-District/topics/Demographics/Mortality/Infant-mortality-rate-deaths-before-age-1-per-1000-live-births Was 29.3 in 2003 which is around (current) Syria and Micronesia, 7.9 in 2013. Given the trend downwards, it was likely to have been much higher in the 90s. There's a weird amount of variation between years – I have no clue why. Infant mortality in USSR was 1.92, literally the lowest in the world. What the actual fuck. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_Soviet_Union#Life_expectancy_and_infant_mortality

life expectancy decreases by 10 years Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_Russia#Life_expectancy
Approximately true for men, women were less affected apparently. i.stack.imgur.com/8Fj8E.png 1996 election rigged Source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Russian_presidential_election,_1996

i literally just did
prove that literally any conceivable socialist economy would fail
no, the US winning the cold war is not proof
t. burger that thinks the world did not exist before his country did

Don't be too hard on him. There are a lot of words in this thread with multiple syllables that I'm sure he's struggling with.

Great post. I also must add finbol's video: youtube.com/watch?v=s5axVunzQSA

a small, deficient, backwards intellect. Everyone has one retard.
if you had even a basic understanding of economics, human nature, or just common sense you would kys for believing such stupid things. If you believe in communism past age 14 youre mentally deficient.

that wasnt an example of what you claimed. Every socialist country collapsed or moved to capitalist based economy.
i dont even get what that means or how you reached that conclusion. Are you people all under 18? lmfao

almost no one who uses "basic economics" as an argument even fully understands what economics are and just parrots talking points they don't think about. ask them about things like criticism of infinite growth in neoclassical economics and they'll have no clue what you're saying
the exception are austrian economic advocates and their ideology is seen as more fringe by the mainstream than marxism ever was

and it took much, much longer. given how chile went from representative democracy to military dictatorship and back again, it even abides by the spirit of your request
i mean you don't even know what slave society refers to in an economic sense

i love when commies study old ass theories and eco history yet fail to apply any of that to communism to realize its a debunked nonsensical ideology.
actually i do and its irrelevant to the comment.

consider using yours then lol

and you don't have even that, otherwise you'd be a communist
doesn't exist
is code for your deficient feelings-based "reasoning"

you're an infant and every post shows it

intellectual giant over here

How is cuba revisionist? Genuinely curious, idk enough about it to have an opinion

come on user this is way too predictable

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Half my family is from Bulgaria. While they had some authoritarian social policy (and of course the racism against gypsies and turks but Zig Forums might like that part), economically I'd say they were better off under communism. Living standards risen, education and housing were available for everyone, they had solid infrastructure, more prestige on the world stage due to their sports/cultural exports, and they had positive growth and birth rates, now the exact opposite is true and it's one of the fastest declining countries in Europe under capitalism. People are leaving in droves and the population has been halved since the fall of communism (I think it might be the biggest decline in population in the world actually). Hell they even voted for the Socialist Party full of ex-communists in their latest president election, although those guys are more Socdem from what I know.

Basic economics
Logic & Reason
Read Ayn Rand.
I don't need your silly ideologies, for I use the power of my own brain. I am enlightened by my own intelligence.

Tell me which pure Capitalist nations (IE America) has worked?

Because it's not fucking working at all. At this point, Socialist nations have had a negative PQL Index compared to Socialist nations. Now what is a PQL index? It's a measurement of how well the citizens are being treated by their government in Physical Quality of Life. Mental health, stress, physical fitness, the like.

Past Socialist nations within the Eastern Bloc actually….shocker get ready Had a higher PQL Index than America today. Is this evidence of evil socialists in our midst? No it's the end result of Capitalism.

You don't have to take my word from it; take the word from at official medical sources


And we've been saying this for bloody fucking decades, for well over a century, Capitalism always ends more unfavorably for its populace this. It's undeniable that this happens. Before you throw stones, remember that we have been trying to warn you that the economic inequality will rip apart the quality of life for all men. At one point it reaches a breaking point. There has never been a time in history where material benefit of few weigh far too heavily on many. At one point it will give later in the 21st century. It's better not to be surprised when America begins to look like how you consider Venezuela. Poverty is climbing everyday

Tell us how Capitalism is currently working for the benefit of men on a material economic level as of today. I'd love for you tell me about how I can afford a fridge, a computer and a phone

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*At this point Capitalist nations have had a negative PQL Index compared to past Socialist nations

Freudian slip/typo/I'm tired

What do rightfags mean by this?

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Why they keep putting Venezuela in with the others jesus christ

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holy fuck, this "meme" should be shown to whoever uses the phrase "the left can't meme" unironically

I hate to put it this way, I'm not stepping on any shoes, but it's rich powerful people despising that it has its own sovereignty; also the motivation is probably racist to some extent. The boomer old men lived in a fucking time of entitlement.

Anyways tangent aside, I would guess the American response is "Mexicans and Communists! No Good! Smelly!"

What seems more likely an attack on Syria or someone Smearing Assad's historical legacy for fighting off ISIS

since the radical leftist Euromaidan protests the people's republic of the ukraine has been overtaken by liberal leninists again leading to war and widespread famine in the donbass region because it failed to take basic economics into account

nice fucking meme

i mean that in a good way that picture is great

This has to be satire

"Equality means that everyone is exactly the same; and the more exact everyone is, the more equal they are." –Kurt Vonnegut

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Like clockwork

How do you archive a thread?


The only one that I have no ability to defend is Cambodia. There isn't much need to defend Cambodia because there is little about Cambodia that doesn't resemble a cult.


You don't need to since the Khmer Rouge got blown the fuck out by Vietnam.

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le idioco
