Is it weird that I have a thing for alt right girls (sexually)?I just feel guilty asf whenever I jerk off to one
Is it weird that I have a thing for alt right girls (sexually)?I just feel guilty asf whenever I jerk off to one
They are usually better looking, probably because of petit-bourgeois parents who can afford healthy food, medical services and organized athletics from childhood.
Hatefucking is a thing and converting her with your dick.
Oh no, it's way different. They are hot in a femdom kind of way, especially if they appear exceptionally smart.
kinda. tradthots just make me angry. the type of attention-whore who get constantly railed in every hole by the black men they pretend to hate as they collect hundreds of thousands of patreonbux from nazi dullards who think she's conservative just because she dresses like a babysitter and says cuck sometimes
Here take it from someone that "is on the other side of the spectrum", don't feel guilty about beating to shit like this , you are not made out of your dick and neither should it dictate your political thought.
Tradthots are horrible and should not be incouraged , what you should look into is writing Erotic Fiction of you getting femdommed by a fascist girl that actually likes you
Although I would not turn down a femdom girl in an SS uniformwith roleplay of both me as the captured russian and she as the captured german
Fuck now im horny again
Nah dude I have some weird sexual fantasies about alt-right/Nazi/fascist men (am fag). In fact there is a guy I know, a populist who is interested in Nazism, enjoys their aesthetics and music and making Nazi jokes. I fuck him. It's a healthy relationship (if you could call it a relationship). He's a bit of a moron so I'm slowly turning him the other way.
who givs a fugggg
put benis in baginaaaa :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Even rural neocons are smarter than those morons.
No surprise here
user if someone still has that cap of a ☭TANKIE☭ DW group confessing to stuff where 60% of it is full of sexual fantasies then please do post it.
Also remember that even if you like to group up everything as enemies alt right / Nazi and Fascists are different
And again just be a normal person , no need to repress it but neither do you need to be boasting about it like the horny twitter ☭TANKIE☭ side.
Even self-claimed marxist authors have explained it extensively about why every fucking ideology seems to have some sort of sexual fantasy connected with fascism , fuck sake even the Jewish people had a problem with Nazi Porno to the point where the state had to ban it.
The uniforms , the ultra-dedication to goals that rightfully make them look fanatics and unwinged, the bodies , the mindset all of this draws the pervert side of anyone.
There is also an explanation directly connected with femdom and fascism that I could try to find it in my library .
Anyways just keep quiet and beat off your dick maybe when you cunts achieve your dream you will secretly harbor a fascist to keep your fantasies alive.
You know after getting really into leftism I can't help but find nazi porn super unappealing
I didn't say that it applied to everyone, maybe you have not really gone that far yet.
Don't worry you are no less "impure" or "pure" for enjoying this.
You think I live under a metaphorical rock?
Believe it or not, I do not find actual rape to be a turn on.
Well I like femdom in general. I also like uniforms, and it has a kind of forbidden theme to it.
No worries then you have a ton of stories of soft femdom that don't involve rape, sometimes people want to be taken care of it is normal
Also german speaking girls are hot in general, no matter what political side they take
I was referring more to the "if you guys achieve your dreams of communism you will keep a fascist in the basement"
Unless you meant something else.
I could never seriously date or have a relationship with a genuine nazi/fascist though.
Oh I get it now, I don't know there has been times were love really got the better of both and they forgot their ideologies and just lived till death.
But who knows, maybe not an open relationship where you present it to everyone, etc. That is the case for many, might not be yours but who knows life always suprises us.
That being said, this reads like a false flagging ancap.
Most likely
But it would not be uncommon to find Anarchists with fantasies about someone that they despise so much.
In my experience they tend to be on the poorer side of things whereas richer families seem to produce liberals at a high rate - see the average political leanings of my most of my well off university classmates vs the political leanings of the poor people who went to the church I went to growing up.
Posting my godness and my new one.
Also no femdom or hatefuck. I'd legit go on a date with these.
I also play werewolves of millers hollow sometimes.
Not that I would know where to find fashy girls anyway, luckily being fash isnt accepted in my country. But being in love with someone who holds such a fundamentally different worldview from yourself sounds fucking horrible tbh.
get some better taste jesus
the blonde one at least looks presentable and non-jewish but what do i know.
The only reason I like them is because they have a pussy and are radically opposite of what I am. Roaming millennial objectively better tho
It does but that is what actually makes people like it , the taboo , giving up everything for that person while she does the same for you, maybe even coexist with your differences , fight on both sides just to be united during the night in the embrace of eachother.
BTW mods should anchor this its a bit off
Not lock it, its fun i guess.
Post more porn damnit.
So like bonnie and clide except you try to exterminate each other during the day? I can say I see the appeal and have though about this scenario before but it doesn't seem that fun for real if my politics are a large part of what defines my worldview and my actions.
Could be that or you unite to defeat a bigger enemy ( think something like the molotov ribbentrop pact ) .
Post moar Nazi waifu femdom.
This. Someone post this.
The ideological aspect is what makes it fun. Nazis are scary and the femdom aspect is being under the complete mercy of the fem-SS, who loved to kill Marxists.
You get mad because they get le fucked by le negro man? Sad!
Jeee man. Not every fucking one of them is like this.
What the fuck is this thread.
Get the fuck out of here unless all discussion is limited to rape hatefucking, otherwise this is fucking pathetic.
Let me guess you want to arrive at home drop dead in the bed just to be hugged from the back by her while she cuddles with you telling you to not worry about anything because she is there for you , you dirty red scum.
The only thing we could do together is bomb jewish banks, which isnt too productive for achieving communism, much more productive towards nazism.
Think big
Hi guys, what did I miss?
Maybe we should put you in a concentration camp, so you can concentrate on reading some fucking marx.
Not much, all rightwingers will be raped before being killed is all I'm saying.
Hey pal at least you admit it.
It is one of the many faces of it I agree you should attack capitalism but are you going to tell me you wouldn't mind bombing Wall Street with your girl ?
I guess that could be fun in a hypothetical scenario where there are no consequences, because bombing wallstreet does nothing to damage capitalism and will lead to me/us being arrested.
Would be a cool court case though
The problem is that every time I look at this I'm not turned on I just think "wow that's edgy" and imagine the neckbeard that drew the picture
She’s a basic bitch conservative. She isn’t alt-right.
Nah I want the S.S. to discover I have copies of Karl Marx books and for the head of the local S.S. branch to be female and to blackmail me into being her submissive little bitch who drinks her piss and rims her asshole.
And this is how Nazbol was born
It is either Japanese people or Chinese that praise this thing like if it was gold , hell you can apply that standard to any hentai if you wish.
Not my stuff but if that secretly makes you happy
Well that way you can take the fun out of anything.
Nein danke.
Cmon lads, youve got to have anything better than that.
SS uniforms are absolute fucking trash, at least the wehrmacht was somewhat presentable. The SA is where its at.
Urine fetishism isn't where it ends. Farts, armpit, sweat, feet, etc. is also part of the fantasy.
Also nice quads.
There it is easy and simple , enjoy your fantasies
Alright you fucking bolshevik scum
Anything but excrement is fine by me tbh.
Stellar taste
Although smaller tits and blonde hair would have worked even better
Contributing to the thread, this is now a porn thread, make something good of it.
of fucking course it does
At least have some taste and post the OG leftypol pic
The hueheuehuehs did a comic that you might enjoy
Nazi vs Comrade search it up
If you don't like futa I might have something more akin to your taste.
Now this is art
Look at the way the shadow falls, the rought yet detailed texture of het uniform, the stylish yet realistic curls in her hair and her pretty, realistically proportioned body, combined with those red eyes.
TBH cant lie that nazi aesthetics appeal to my edgelord side.
Fuck off, Western aesthetics are capitalist.
Enough to get you worked up if not already tying your wrists to your chair, nice.
It looks like fetish gear.
It is the symbology of the uniform not in itself, it represents the ruthless side that you guys have always hated and will always hate till your death.
Most of these booru images are shite, but theres some good ones
How can you jack off if you tie yourself down.
How the fuck do you even tie yourself down?
Not really.
Its not about the uniform itself, and an argument could be made that it became fetishwear exactly because the nazis wore it, but more of the symbolism that comes with it, representing the antihumanistic destructiveness of humanity, a bit of primal bloodlust. Edge.
And idk rub against some shit or glue a onahole your choice lad
i don't think you realise how many people on this board would happily put a bullet through your head and think nothing of it
we don't 'hate' you for being 'meanies'.
we hate you for being retarded.
someone pls ban all these d.egenerates
Western aesthetic is not inherently capitalist mate.
Dont have such a fancy setup lad.
I was wondering when the fun police would show up
Forgot to add:
Because its older than capitalism
t. no.
Because empirically speaking all the signs point to it having become infused with capitalism if it originally wasn't, as far as I'm concerned it's McFucking capitalist with a capital TM.
Maybe you are not "scared" but you see it as something evil more than "retarded" .
*Slams head into desk and breaks it.*
yo can somebody post the doujin with the nazi femdom girl and the boy with a ushanka
all help is appreciated
Capitalism is a mode of production that did not exist before the end of the medieval period. "The west" existed far before that.
And saying something is "infused with capitalism" really is a non-saying statement because capitalism does not have an inherent aesthetic.
Well I dont agree with OP but finding a gf is still on the list of "things I want to do", right after or together with "finally getting laid".
Now remember , this thread never happened , never discuss this topic outside of here alright?
I'm not even going to refute that statement because someone is going to refute it for me, but for the love of fucking God read Marx, capitalism isn't defined by production it's defined by system and hierarchy which was around since Rome and Greece, even Marx says it's been around for all time, the industrial revolution or even before banking in the Renaissance.
You shouldn't care about the political leanings of a woman as long as it doesn't get in the way of what you want out of your relationship. Women are herd animals. In 99% of cases their politics are malleable and will conform with whatever is hip and cool amongst their peer group. Moreover, never get involved with a woman who is politically active. Whether they're commiecunts, Naziwhores or tradthots, They're doing it for sexual attention/betabux, and have neither true convictions, nor true understandings of views they profess.
Spurdoposter yet again breaks the limits of retardation. How does he do it?
trips wasted on a retard
Not to be politically correct, but this applies to nearly everyone. Having genuine convictions is quite rare.
I'd say go back to Zig Forums but even retards like them are leagues above your intellectual level. I'm going to go to bed now so I won't be able to trigger your autism but I'm sure someone else will. Choke on your own shit.
hey man if you swear enough maybe it will validate your opinion
Are you actually mentally handicapped? Capitalism isn't one shop in roman times having an employee, capitalism as a system is the domination of the capitalist mode of production of society.
Read some actual Marx. Here is a summary.
What an absolutely stupid thing to say. This goes for nearly everyone, having real, strong convictions rooted in fundamentally well supported axioms is very rare, and requires either many years of building up these convictions and supporting them or irrational belief in certain axioms.
It applies much more to women than men. Men are more inclined to think outside the box and have unorthodox/taboo political views in spite of risking social status. Moreover, men are more likely to have an interest in politics to begin with. This is why every politics forum/chan in existence is dominated by men.
Every internet forum and chan is male, hence when it gets a political aspect its mostly men. Its not mostly men because women arent politically interested.
Oy post more porn damnit
There are plenty of discussion forums that are dominated by women. Anything related to celebrities for example. There's no barrier for women joining politics forums. You're deluding yourself if you don't think men and women have inherently different interests, with men leaning more towards abstract systems, and men leaning more towards social interactions (and hence prioritizing their social status above forming coherent and convicted political views).
if and when women use the internet, they typically relegate themselves to facebook, pinterest, instagram and dating sites
So does litterally almost everybody, unless you think reddit is not exactly like that.
anything outside of those places, it's all men
1. Not true
2. Anything outside those places is fucking tiny and insignificant. You drastically overestimate the amount of people who actively post outside of those big sites.
Yes it is.
And same goes for people with unorthodox/taboo political views. Yet that small group is still predominantly men, which reinforces my original point.
You just claim shit without any proof.
Men not wanting to do work that fits their values seems to suggest men are less likely to be political, as seemingly they dont give a shit. And politics is anything if not working with people.
Disregarding for a minute that it is from america, which makes it unrepresentative of the world, lets list all the stuff that is not politics
Lets list all things that could be political
Thats already 1 more thing that is political that girls like, rather than boys.
No, 99% of politics is fucking feelings, there is almost no systems involved unless you specifically look at marxism, which is an oddball poltical movement that takes it out of the realm of philosophy (which is literature) and into the realm of science.