Moderating idpol leftist communities

So I garnered the trust of plebbit leftists and now am a moderator of one of the most well-known leftist subs. I am trying to gradually pull the sub away from idpol, but of course it's a very slow process since I don't want to lose my moderator status. Any of you fellers have experience with moderating idpol lefties?

Pic unrelated.

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I think it's at the point, where S.DF flat out has a queer brigade which is quite fucking retarded
also what sub

Just try to make things less about virtue and self crit, and more about systemic understanding of problems. Don'y ban ppl for wrong think, just try to cut down on clallout culture and instead of making a fuss about idpol itself, present a positive vision of materialism.

there are no leftists on reddit



iirc that was all unofficial and just some dumbass volunteers

Sure bud

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Why anarchism always devolves in these weird thing?

There are more weird people than non-weird anarchists, and the idea of anarchy is attractive to weird people. Pic somewhat related.

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but imo best chance is out-cucking them: accuse them of bigotry (but NOT too much! else you loose mod), woman/black hating etc. they will always cannibalize themselves, unless the person is some high-status eceleb or so

Consistently bring up materialist critics of identity politics like Adolph Reed, and consistently post examples of shit IDpol people say or do that directly hurt left-wing interests.

It's important for you to do both. When you criticize identity politics, people who lack the context of how damaging it can be will assume the only real motive you have for doing that is because you're secretly a bigot. But you give them a theoretical perspective while you keep imprinting Joy Reid's tweets on their brains and they will know exactly what you're talking about

Just in case anyone from leftist plebbit browses Zig Forums, I'm not going to say which sub, in case someone could figure out who I am and show this thread to the mod team. But no it's not ChapoTrapHouse.

That's not how it works though. A person who gets drawn in to talk about idpol is going to keep talking about it. They're not suddenly going to start talking about their relationship to the means of production.

Yeah of course. A person changing their mind about something and evolving towards new conclusions, particularly with the aid of a milieu that shares those conclusions? That's impossible.

Use their language against them in a way that will deter them from wanting to discuss it there. Use alt accounts to downboat the stupid idpol posts. I don't know much about reddit so that might not work if they can see your IP associated with alts.

The hyperfocus on identity is itself reflective of how little class matters to them and the current cultural moment of neoliberalism's cult of self-involvement (an obsession with self-improvement and the valorization of personal cultural identity above everything). If they know yet largely ignore class, there isn't much helping them. From their class position, it isn't in their interest to talk about class.

Ignore the userbase, focus on making sure all the other mods are you allies and stooges, then you can transform conversation.

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No, but this sounds like a waste of time. A lot of the people aren't there for Socialist revolution (like Zig Forums theoretically is); they are there for the idpol. Any attempt to change that wouldn't be a changing of their Socialist worldview, it would be a complete change of their worldview. Absolutely impossible without moderators on your side, and they're not. At most you could perhaps reference here a few times, and our user could concentrate the autism and attempt to convince the ones you "inadvertently" send here. The issue is that Zig Forums isn't entirely dedicated, so their is some issue with potentially becoming idpol, at least to some degree. Probably would take an inordinate amount of shut posting tho.

Did they purposely make their acronym TQILA to sound like tequila? Its in Iraq so idk if they'd name themselves after liquor but then again they are queer commies

Instead of trying to "fix" anything you should out-idpol them. Accuse other mods of transphobia over something really ridiculous and watch the entire sub have a complete meltdown. Post results here once you've managed to create enough of a shitstorm.

inb4 the rest of left-reddit mods make a scandal out of this post and either a) they reinforce their idpol moderation ways, b) you get accused of being a "brocialist" or whatever and kicked out of the position, or c) both

this is not the kind of shit you openly brag about OP

So are you guys against leftists who identify anything other than straight white cis

The ironic thing is that straight white cis liberals make up the large majority of plebbit idpolers.

I can't tell if you're a tumblrina trying to strawman us or a Zig Forumsyp asking if we're le reddit pilled

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damn you're on to us