Am I being undialectical if I unironically agree with this chart?

Am I being undialectical if I unironically agree with this chart?

I mean, you can't really deny that all 1st World people live extraordinarily well compared to 3rd World people, plus the differences in culture are pretty pronounced (1st World is individualist, 3rd World is family and religion-oriented; 3rd world resists, 1st world doesn't). We see strong revolutionary movements in India, the Philippines, Peru, Venezuela, Mexico, Palestine, and Lebanon whereas we only see minor shit like the Black Bloc, BLM or G20 protests in the 1st world.

Attached: third-worldist-chart3333.png (640x1596, 202.12K)

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No, just an idiot.

I'm fully aware of what Zizek says about the 1st world exploiting the traditional structures of the 3rd world, but that doesn't explain how those same traditions enable the 3rd world to resist the very imperialist domination which fucked it in the first place.

Here's an example: western imperialism initially destroyed secular and socialist movements in the Islamic World by funding religious fundamentalists. However, many of those same Islamic fundamentalist groups began resisting the west and became the main vehicles of resistance against western imperialism and hegemony (Hamas, Hezbollah, etc.).

LOL! Someone send this chart to the Roo and ask him his position on it.

They are both imperialists competing for territory and power, you fucking imbecile. This is why Third Worldists are retards, they cannot discern the map from the territory.

Hezbollah isn't fundamentalist, no flavour of Palestinian government would do much different than Hamas, same with Iran, USA refused Taliban's surrender, ISIS and Al Qaeda are CIA assets. Actual resistances to Western imperialism are Ba'athists which are more or less secular and may or may not be competing imperialist powers.

Ba'athists were mostly Soviet puppets, idiot.

Pretty sure this chart has nothing to do with "1st vs. 3rd world" and much more to do with modern vs. pre-modern. You could say most of the European countryside would fall within the "Third World" paradigm despite profiting off their countries' colonial ventures. Likewise, Arab oil barons or rich Chinese fit the "First World" paradigm.

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where the fuck did he say that

nvm thought you replied to someone else kill me plz

Muslim fundies aren't anti-imperialist, that's for sure.

Hezbollah's politics are still religious-based, not secular.

Hamas has plenty of popular support among Palestinians.

Never said al-Qaeda was anti-imperialist, but you have to admit mosques generate more radical rhetoric than your average American union.

he'd probably say it's some racial idpol trash, that gets lumped into mtw

Meaning he has no understanding of base and superstructure.

Class collaborationist garbage. The national bourg desreve extermination, moreso than even the international ones. Also a lot of that is kind of idealist but acceptable. America needs to end.

Attached: third worldism3454.jpg (679x960, 120.71K)


But they resist, progressive 1st worlders don't.

Resist what? Are you a moron or what? First we can't resist something that we invented, second is more of a
Fuck you, you are so fucking stuoid I don't even want to finisht the post

Colonialism exists. Are you denying this?

this is all either false, or you are telling me south america is filled with first world nations, according to the chart

t. spic

The examples he cited aren't, but it doesn't change the fact that being anti-Western does not proletariat make.
My point was that MTWs lack the sense of nuance required for a materialist concept of society. They are children that see the world as good versus evil and are usually driven by personal identity biases. The Western world just happens to be dominant–it does not mean imperialism itself is inherently a Western concept or vice versa.

Certain areas of the South America are first world. Others are third world. Even in the US there are growing patches of territory which could arguably be considered "third world."


Japan has all that traditionalist bs you love to fetishize, it only made them an even worse capitalist hellhole. Get your head out of your ass bucko and into materialism.

Indigenous peoples in Latin america are highly communalist.

Islam fits the bill. Every single one of their traditions emphasizes collectivism and social justice. Plus, Islam does not allow for private property.

Don't ever use this term again.

Attached: vomit cat45.jpg (1052x1463, 306.52K)

third worldism is obviously true. the only counter-arguments are just "muh feels!!!1" from buttblasted worst worlders

Maybe consider this, friend

Islam believes all property belongs to Allah. In that sense, it's inherently socialist.

Attached: Islam believes all property belongs to Alla In that sense its inherently socialist.png (1000x141, 68.89K)

What's wrong with my statement?

workers in the worst world will only get off their asses once the gibs they get from neo-colonialism end. you can't expect the majority of people to oppose their fundamental material interests, which for worst worlders is the continuation of imperialism.

Don't do this


and it's already ending, most industrial production is moving to the third world, the only way the first world middle class or labor aristocracy can preserve itself is by expropriating the capitalists.

God isn't a person.


It implies socialism though.

even if the first world middle class/labor aristocracy overthrows the capitalists, i'm afraid they will still be imperialist. if they try to end imperialism for real, this would massively decrease the living standards of first world people. so even if the capitalists are removed, there will be pressure to maintain global neo-colonialism.

God isn't real. But if a god were to be real, yes, it would be a person. What god is not, is human.


Or they could simply reinforce their commitment to imperialism, as they are doing now in the west.

Islam doesn't believe Allah is a person. Their concept of God is more like a transcendental spirit.

It's an individual being with a will of it's own. Person.

Allah's will is not akin to human will.

It's still an individual's will. That's all that matters.

I want to see Roo the retard use this chart in a tweet or blog post thinking it's legit.

how about you read Marx and Lenin first
third worldism is defeatism and crypto fascism

TBH fam whoever made that chart must really hate Hegel.

No send it to Zizek and watch his head explode.

Attached: laughcrycom.jpg (200x200, 14.31K)

I'd like to see a honest analysis on this actually.
We currently have an abundance of labour and capital in the first world, so it would be perfectly possible to start producing goods with relatively high productivity per worker.
I'm not sure what we would have to do about resource exploitation, but I presume trade would still be possible.

Not that guy, but if were talking about the idea of God in general, this statement turns into a lot of metaphysical and philosophical discussion on the idea and concept of the individual and whether or not the "will" in the context of a human can be compared to the "will" of a metaphysical force.

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now you know colloquially thats true

Could we please not stoop to the level of Zig Forums? Thank you.

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Hamas is a self-described pan-Islamic movement.


This is nothing but a mirror image of chauvinist socdems who support intervention because they think the west is more enlightened and egalitarian while third worlders are backwards and reactionary.
Both are forms of reactionary anti-communism which deny the universality of class struggle.

Class struggle can't be universal when one part of the world benefits from the exploitation and oppression of the other.

But they don't, the cheaper goods are in the west as a result of third world production, the less jobs there are in the first world. The only real winner is porky.