What does Zig Forums think about religion? Do you have any sound, non-fedora views on religion or irreligion? I'm an agnostic here, but I feel that I'm still kind of a brainlet on the socialist or materialist perspective on religion, aside from it being the opiate of the masses.
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Religion gets in the way of shit. I'm fine with it if you don't put it ahead of everything else but it ain't my cup of tea.
I bet this thread wont fill up with autistic christian communist Zig Forums converts.
I grew up catholic. Well actually in a religious way more than any secular first worlder usually does. I went to Sunday school, did my communion, did confession, ate the bread, all that stupid shit.
I believe all religions are man made. Although they did serve a purpose and have some knowledge. Its mostly used to control people.
Its possible A god type entity exists. For all thier blathering atheists have yet to disprove it.
But religions for sure are just stupid shit men made up.
As i got older i became an atheist. As i got even older atheism became super dorky and i explored the many religions, the occult, paganism. I came to the conclusion i wasn't really a fan of the abarhamic religions.
If i had to pick a religion it would be Buddhism.
Now as a i enter my 30's i have decided there probably isnt an afterlife. You just become nothing and your bones turn to dust.
Of all the types of Zig Forums converts on Zig Forums, christcoms seem least likely to be former Zig Forumsyps.
I don't think anyone who would come to socialism through the gospels or liberation theology would have become a Zig Forumsyp
Are you the same guy that keeps making threads, asking us about what we think about x subject?
I grew up non religious but through studying anthropology it's obvious that religion and humanity are interconnected.
Religion is the center of all community and when that breaks down so does the society.
I grew up non religious but through studying anthropology it's obvious that religion and humanity are interconnected.
Religion is the center of all community and when that breaks down so does the society.
Education > religion.
Lol thats so not true.
I'm an atheist, but I think the marxist "opiate of the masses" view is a one-sided explanation of religion (I'd say it's one of the main issues where I disagree with marx). Material lack and poverty isn't the only thing that can lead people to develop religious feelings. I'm fairly libertarian on it tbh. If Lenin and Marx are right, religion will disappear when the material conditions change, so no need to fight it directly (marxists.org
God and the historical dialectic are literally the same thing.
10/10 reply
Y'all nibbers need Baldur.
The rape of nuns is the highest phase of communism.
Religion is a tool of class oppression, spirituality is personal and should be kept so.
So American death squads in Latin America were communist then?
Religion as an ideology is obviously as spooky as it gets, but it also has significant sociological aspects. Irrational beliefs are a natural aspect of human psychology, and to many people its cultural symbolism and unification are more important than the doctrine.
Would we be better off without it? Yes. But it cannot be forced out manually because it is a product of material conditions, which we already seek to change.
Not implying you did this, but I hate how people keep misquoting this passage or only quote this part.
>If Lenin and Marx are right, religion will disappear when the material conditions change, so no need to fight it directly (marxists.org
it's mostly a non-issue
I'm a strict atheist though
religion is the opium of the masses.
Once capitalism goes, most religion shall go with it.
and yet virtually all christcoms here are blatant Zig Forumsyps who spend most of their time battling d.egeneracy, bashing marxism for being materialistic and calling all detractors fedoras.
it's almost like they didn't reach anything through gospels and liberation theology, but rather just want to be contrarian and get attention with their contradictory identity. "GUYS LOOK I AM A GAY NAZI FURRY GUESS YOU DIDN'T EXPECT THAT HUH?!"
I have no idea why they are allowed to have their flags or post at all, they're always idpolers and lifestylists of the highest order
explain this further
this is what it has always been too me. Its a nice place to go to meet and discuss higher topics with my community. Why would we be better off without that sense of community?
Religion, likely, but not spirituality. Some form of ritualistic observance has been with humanity since before even primitive communism, it's unlikely to ever go away, imo
I have never done this once. Just because there is that one blatantly third-worldist christcom who wears the christcom flag doesn't mean we are all like this. We used to have a few more who used the flag, but then most of the more "libertarian" socialist ones moved to Zig Forums, so this is all you've got now.