Soviet-Afghan War

What is Zig Forums's opinions on the Soviet-Afghan war? justified? was a fight against muslim fundmentalism that was threatening the peace of the socialist modern world?

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you mean the soviet-us proxy war?

All struggles against America are justified.

which do you prefer
women being free to get education or little boys getting raped?
the government asked for assistance from the soviets, the taliban was supported as a terror gang from the US via pakistan
should be obvious who was in the right


Proxy war conducted by two superpowers, but the Middle East would have been considerably better had the soviets won.

come to think of it, the world would have been a better place, had they won

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They were invited there after Amin started failing at his job and stayed due to an increased presence of US backed mujahideen which were attempting to seize the government. Karmel was actually for more democratic reforms that went further then even Amin. The purges that occurred after Karmel only happened because Taraki and Amin attempted to purge Karmel's party before and the only way to ensure stability was to remove any remnants of it.
The only mistake which occurred was replacing Karmel with Najibullah.

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You can't really call it a "proxy-war" when one side had their actual troops taking part, and the other armed and trained terrorists

Even Hitler's struggle.

A war directly against a proxy is still a proxy war. Maybe something like the Greek Civil War should be known as a double proxy war to avoid confusion?

Support Hitler's struggle against Soviet assisted American imperialism. eks dee.
Critically Support the Taliban against US imperialism.

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OP like always btfo.

he keeps turning around when he shouldnt be

damn soviets can fuck right off

nice try mujahdeen

Every radical muslim killed gets us closer to communism.

Hi there Mossad


Hi there Zig Forums.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with fraternal socialist nations aiding the cause of their fellows in suppressing counter-revolution and reaction.
The blame lays squarely with Anglo-American capital and its projection of its interests through US foreign policy in the middle-east in support of reactionary barbarism.
the soviet gerontocracy was too chickenshit to fully support the Afghan Saur revolution from the start when the Afghan government asked for help

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Soviet Union was revisionist imperialism, they slaughtered Afghani Maoists for a reason