CNN equates Jimmy Dore to literal neo-nazis, and they basically begged advertisers to stop working with YouTube
>Exclusive: YouTube ran ads from hundreds of brands on extremist channels
CNN equates Jimmy Dore to literal neo-nazis, and they basically begged advertisers to stop working with YouTube
>Exclusive: YouTube ran ads from hundreds of brands on extremist channels
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wow they really fucking called out our boy by name
of course
Fuck off philocelt.
I remember her, some mormon who spat out kids like a machinegun
Nuclear detente was a mistake
She's really, really dumb.
worst crime of this piece
Jimmy 'Zog no more' Dore
Jimmy is pretty far-left, he's just not an authoritarian gommie like you.
Daily reminder that any time when internet and media companies start going after "radical" content, it will always be used to silence even moderate leftists.
what, where
Twitter accounts of these people:
It's the usual ilk - progressive social views mixed in with economic and geopolitical views of Ben Shapiro and John Bolton.
By the way, they don't have many followers and barely getting any likes and almost no comments on their tweets, would he a shame if they got a few dozen "SHUT THE FUCK UP LIBERAL" under their tweet where they link to the article.
I meant, I wish Roo was mentioned.
He's a SocDem at best. I don't know why this guy is so liked around here; even Wolff is more of a socialist than he is.
tankies == liberals that like the color red
Because he's babby's first leftism, and we like having that gateway content.
Your missing a / between there
He's a standard Berniecrat.
Them's fucking fighting words.
Always love the CNN spin:
Yeah, how crazy. Or how about:
what will we do?
They don't get any comments on their posts, just go comment with some Stalin memes or whatever, or Dore memes.
It's right wing af
well, "centrist" in the US sense: between the Dem and Rep parties, pro status-quo, etc. So yeah, right wing, but you know…
Better than Nazbol for sure.
He fulfills the function Paul Joseph Watson does for the right. Populism and gateway drug.
liberals, out
The thing is shows like Jimmy Dore's are not gateway drugs, they're just plain weed. His podcasts don't lead people towards socialism, they trap them in social-democracy. Don't expect millennials not to assume socialism is when the government does stuff when that's exactly what your "gateway drugs" promote.
Both are probably true tho.
Legit more evidence (post-Jr's email Tweet self-own) of the Russia thing than there is of yet that Assad was behind that attack.
Jimmy Dore = Hoxhaist-Maoist synthesis. If Jimmy Dore was a SocDem they wouldn't be smearing his show on CNN. Jimmy has on multiple occasions used Communist slogans "You ain't been doin' nothin' if you ain't been called red" and advocates class war (opposite of socdem)
ha, no sweetie. he advocates demsoc
source on that claim?
It is a conspiracy theory to claim the chemical attacks were a hoax. Chlorine and sarin gas were used — we just don't know by whom.
it is a conspiracy theory to claim that a chemical attack took place. no chemicals were ever used.
looks pretty staged, just like the ones before with "victims" just being able to walk around after the photos are taken in videos meant to be kept private for the white helmet terrorists (they behead children in their "off duty" time when not roleplaying as "civil protection") to laugh over after CNN runs the story to spread warmongering propaganda
You're not even trying.
Chemicals were used. Medics reported strong smells of chlorine as well as symptoms indicative of gas poisoning. Oh, and RT is not any more trustworthy than CNN.
you mean children beheading unsecured running in "white helmets"?
sure thing kid, tell me more about the lizard people that use chemicals that don't affect the "rescuers" or the victims
does it at least make the frogs gay?
now look at my cat pic, it invalidates your argument and makes everything i said facts
chemical attacks don't actually affect people
So, only biased eyewitnesses? I mean if that is enough for you, sucks to be you.
There are/were no independent reporters or agencies working in the area, there are no reliable sources.
The newest reports show that interviews with eyewitnesses confirm that people were choking in bunkers due to the lack of oxygene, not chlorine gas. There are serious doubts over whether or not the gas attack in Duoma even took place. The /only/ indication we have are White Helmet reports of people in a hospital showing signs /similar/ to gas attacks, nothing more.
Oh my……
what do we have here….
fuck off back to Zig Forums
Lurk more, burger.
Fuck off with this shit
That pic is against zionist bourgeoisie you fucking idiot
The left deals with enough claims of antisemitism for it's legitimate criticism of Israel that it doesn't need to start incorporating literal antisemitic caricatures into it's images. Just stop. It's a bad look.
Fuck off you stupid pussy. Following this reasoning we should purge all of the crust punks hipsters and transexual/transvestite
Yes exactly.
How does that follow?
I hate jews and I hate trannies, so they're the same.
Because "they make us look bad"
You make us look bad. Purge yourself.
Bullshit anyone who's questioned this, even fucking Mattis, has just mumbled some shit about how the US has strong evidence for it, there's no actual evidence besides the FSA who probably would have carried out the attack if it happened anyways
Edgy teen or autistic? We'll never know
I disagree that they do but this is entirely separate issue. Peddling bog standard antisemitic imagery doesn't just "make us look bad". It actively undermines the legimate critiques of Israel put forward by the left.
actually, the medics that were interviewed all say the same thing:
it was nothing but a show for the cameras to provoke an air strike and help the terrorists
guess everyone they asked is in on the conspiracy by Assad who is secretly controlling everything and everyone, including natural laws and how chemicals attacks actually work
what a monster!
There is nothing anti semitic in caricatures of zionists (seen how zionism is exclusively jewish). Again if the problem is that thay use anti semitism against us, why don't we stop associating with crusty anarco liberals too (seen how they use that one against us too)
not advocating for it, but why not following your reasoning
And CBS found people in Douma saying it was a gas attack.
It's almost like this a convoluted, hyper-propagandized conflict and nobody here actually knows whether it happened or not or who did it if it happened. Until an analysis can be done by an agency like the OPCW everyone is talking out of their ass.
it's a conspiracy theory to deny the existence of god
nobody has seen it or any proof but "white helmets", who now apparently also are "medics", said it happened so it must be true
denying anything based on facts is merely conspiracies!
That isn't even true. American evangelicals are ferociously pro-Zionist.
i guess that's her purpose
Oh ok
1) Crust punks don't actively undermine the left's assessment of the Israeli state.
2) Nobody gives a shit about crust punks.
One is, at best, a superficial criticism rooted in personal taste while the other delegitimizes an important position held by the majority of the left.
You claim not to see any antisemitic trope at play in your "anti-Zionist" caricature. You're either a complete brainlet with no historical knowledge whatsoever or yet another renegade Zig Forumstard bringing his reactionary views along. What do a hooked nose, a golden tooth and peyots have to do with Israel? Especially considering that hairstyle is mostly worn by Haredim, who tend to oppose Zionism for religious reasons.
Tbh I think he's a closeted gommie at this point. He dropped the "crony capitalism" meme, and will actually say "no, it's just capitalism" in response to it. He shits on the market regularly, and pretty regularly calls for a revolution and direct action e.g. "let's all go to Jeff Bezos's house."
Bezos house when, comrade Dore?
Go back to r/socialism, burgerfag.
Nonstoply reminder that SJWs cried the hardest for their San Francisco overlords to "moderate" online speech so people wouldn't violate their safe spaces, and now they won't stop tweeting and churning out whinepieces about "tech bros".
I'm not even against social justice or safe spaces(for allies who need them), but this is leftyPOL. Being unable to write any black humour at all is just silly.
I wouldn't be surprised if the causation ran the other way around at this point. It is a public secret that Silicon Valley and the intelligence-industrial complex are joined at the hip. Who's willing to bet they amplified idpol on their platforms, to divide the left and have a family-friendly excuse to expand censorship?
Nerd analogy ahead: the more I read, the more I think that phenomena in general, especially in human systems such as society, economy etc., are closed-loop systems. Rarely does the signal travel only one way. A closed-loop system follows a dialectical logic too.
an endogenous relationship isn't necessarily dialectical
so like this
The fascist censorship crackdown is going to begin very soon. They're already getting all the blacklists and search warrants ready.
PJW and the rest of the IW cabal are the opposite of a gateway, they cater to people who already believe all of the insanity they spout.
Maybe, but if it's not dialectical, it's a one-way relationship i.e. an open-loop system.
As far as guesses go, I'd say the SJW outcry for more not-censorship was an unplanned development (Gamergate lol) which the Silicon Porkies were more than glad to comply. They were going to slowly go down that route anyway, so now they got the opportunity to do with on the fast track while pretending they were humbly obeying their oh so beloved users.
For their part, SJWs now take pot shots at the most public and egregious swines while still carrying water for their companies themselves. Oh, while ignoring they got the ball rolling, of course.
Well remembered, that's a similarity, but I'd say it's not quite the same thing. There're no discernible input and output, since superstructure plus base equals all of human society. There's literally nothing to measure changes in society against, unless you count on an ideal society (imagined future, or real or imaginary past) as the goal. To have a proper system, you have take small parts of it, like this Silicon Valley-SJW symbiosis.
But I reckon I might just be running too long on my loop system metaphor tho.
The second it saw Porky cracking down on altist hacks, the far left knew they were next on the chopping block. Google already fucked around with Wooswoos and other socialist sites, but Dore would be the first victim with normie visibility.
it's more like the interest of corporations are a set of unobserved state space varibles (like average earnings, ), and the interest of the proletariat are another set of unobserved variables, where the interest of the corporations are the internal dynamics of society, while the interest of the proletariat are the external dynamics, iin this way only the interests of the corporations interest the corporations, while the interest of the proletariat are influenced by both
fucking normalfags, neurotypical genocide when?
Can't wait to see Jimmy's take on this tbh.
Same! His live show is going to be good this weekend.
USA is so far right that Succdem is considered literally Stalin here unironically
i always find it funny when Zig Forums and trumpists claim that the media is far left and communist
That's because they don't know what socialism or communism are. They think it means "when minorities, Jews and women have rights."
And then there's that sleepy monkey, Ben Carlson. "Health care= nazism".
Reactionary scum. The left does not need idiots like you who post such dumb images for "fun's" sake.
Are reaction images not inherently reactionary?
We're allowed not to enjoy
You misspelled "Satan".
What a waste of good quads.
You never surprise, do you?