Something could have saved these guys in your opinion?
I mean, how communism can help ticking bombs like these guys?
What if there was something inerenthly wrong with them? Like psychopathy I mean.
I know that in this case the general consensus is depressesion, but in a communist society how would be possible to turn depression into something less destructive?

/alienation/ general I guess. I don't want to know what your problems are, but what do you think drives guys like these two into shooting up a school and how this would be avoided in a communist society

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The main solution is threefold: work, community, welfare. Work in that it provides stabklity, I dont mean gig economy shit but actual, proper jobs. Community because it inherently prevents this kind of alkenation, and welfare in the form of proper mental health provision.

this pretty much. also outreach and re-education programs to identify dangerous cases like these two and then intervene.

Communism would have been worse for guys like them because at least under capitalism you can acquire resources and lure women despite your god-given attributes. Under communism there is no such hope and all the women would go for the top men, leaving a vast underclass of beta men. Such cases would only happen more frequently

You can't pretend to be for liberation while leaving the sexual marketplace unregulated, and use libertarian platitudes to justify it ("you aren't entitled!", "just get better lol" and so on)

"Sexual free market" I thought we banned the incelposters?

here's a (you) bye bye now

Quit the pity party, KHVs are very rare in real life.

It isn't the first time I see someone posting this meme on Zig Forums, but do you have any data to back that up?
I don't think there were school shootings by messed up young people in the USSR, while it has been a thing in America since Charles Whitman at the very least.

These guys didn't go on a shooting because of
">tfw no gf ;~;" like Elliot


I havent read it but if anyones interested

This guy is right:

They were misfits but they weren’t virgins, they even had gfs.

oooh, thanks comrade!

Under Ceausescu they would have had state mandated gfs who would have been forced to become pregnant.

Nothing wrong with any of that

This is unacceptable imho. Incels should go to the wall if they pretend this shit.
State mandate programs for lonley people? Good. Mail bride? No


i thought in doing a school shooting
i didn't want to kill, i just wanted to free my hate, my anger and kill myself

Damn, the 90s were fucking boring

90's had way more violent crime and teen pregancies. That's why gen z is so fucking dumb their gen x/older millenial parents were teenagers when they were born.

better parents.. they were clueless.. shouldn't have been allowed to breed

I agree, the incel community online is dreadful. Probably because it's a community formed solely out of resentment, but still. The rhetoric surrounding their 'condition' is mostly encouraging sex slavery.
There probably needs to be some sort of social work available to these weird young men who never learned proper socialization. It's rarely a problem of simply being too nervous to talk to girls. It's usually just one symptom of broader social dysfunction.

What did they mean by this?

You do understand that Zig Forums was formed out of wizardchan right? It literally started out with a 100% incel userbase.

Watch the Last Podcast on the Left's podcast about them, they weren't bullied or left out, they were just psychopaths.

Funny enough, I've done some research on bullying and what school counselors and psychologists usually try to work out is why the bullied child lacks the friend group or confidence to stand up for themselves. The bully also has problems, obviously. But ones that are often beyond the power of the school to help. There are plenty of non-pathological bullies though. I used to torment this kid in 6th grade, push him into cars and shit, for no good reason at all. I had perfectly loving parents and a healthy group of friends. I just felt the need to fuck with someone.
So what I'm getting to is, a bit, yeah. It probably mostly lies with the incel person himself as to why he hasn't had sex yet. At least in terms of what can actually be changed.

Yeah but obviously a good deal of the boards here have moved beyond that. There were several migration waves much larger than the original wizardchan userbase. Zig Forums in particular has had repeated conflict with these incelposters and their bizarre solutions. All of them seeming to revolve around some form of sex slavery. And I'm sorry but if enslavement or coercion is the only way you're going to get laid then I'll take your permanent virginity as the trade-off for a socialist future.

Under anarcho communism you could actually have multiple women as sexual partners, and there would be no “age of consent” legislation. You would for the first time in modern history have true sexual liberation, something we haven’t yet seen. Capitalism, and its hierarchies, and institutions is what caused these young men’s alienation.

Nah, the migration waves just brought more volcels and incels in denial. Those are the people attracted to a niche imageboard.

Potentially, idk, what has been sidelined is the specific culture of wizardchan.

So you were a little sociopath for no reason, but it's still up to the victim to change?

you are not getting a state mandated sex slave user

Probably shouldn't have used a personal example. I knew a lot of people like that though.
Point being, bullying doesn't always have an easy explanation. Most bullies aren't being sexually or physically abused at home or anything. They're just kids who are notoriously unsympathetic in general.
The common trait most victims of bullying share though is a lack of "social problem-solving". Trying to improve that is what most counselors try to address. Since the presence of bullies is a near-guarantee in any social environment. Communism certainly won't eliminate bullying. No economic system will, I think. It seems to be an emergent property of social life, at least at a certain maturity level.

IDK why people care so much about "school" shootings when teens die in gang violence all the time and noone cares on a national level but me. "School" shootings are like 0.1% of teen homicides.

As a social outcast, it makes me feel physically violent to see all the quasi-lefties on FB share statuses about how they're "sick and tired of kids getting shot by girlfriendless white male losers".

The only "white males" shootings shit up and killing people on the regular are Kansas City Royals and Hells Angels as well as the white "sister gangs" who work with Crips and Bloods.

I'm so sick and tired of socially dominant men committing all the violence, while people only focus on violence committed by social outcasts. I'm sick and tired of alpha gangbanger pieces of shit killing literally HUNDREDS of times more teens than school shootings do yet they get nothing but respect from their peers.

But I can't criticize gang culture or I'm "racist".

SubLumpen Revolution Now. Fuck gangstas fuck jocks.

Columbine shooters weren't on my side, btw. They were just typical over-domineering males.

Ceauşescu's regime was known for some extremely restrictive policies on abortion; prior to his taking power, Romania had three to four abortions per live birth. Ceauşescu put the kibosh on this recklessness, banning abortion entirely, advocating vigorously for Catholic-sized families and imposing an almost self-parodically stupid enforcement regime whereby women in the workplace were regularly rounded up and given pregnancy tests by government agents referred to (where they couldn't hear) as the "menstrual police". Women without a threshold number of children who repeatedly failed to conceive were required to pay a steep "celibacy tax."

me again
the correct word would be grudge

I disagree. I feel like the greater amount of free time would allow for more people to find spouses and meaningful relationships and that the removal of capitalist alienation would allow people to engage with others in a more authentic fashion. This whole idea also relies on the premise that humans are polygamous creatures, which modern anthropology would dismiss.

make a change, kill yourself

Then what should the most alienated people around get then?

What if we made incels the sex slaves instead?

Eric and Dylan were alt-right dweebs who were born a decade too soon.


There's too much of an attempt in these discussions to talk about the contemporary "incel" situation as if it's the permanent state of affairs for humanity. It's difficult to say exactly what a complete upending of the current social system and material reality would mean for them, or if the drastic (and silly) idea of the "state-mandated girlfriend" would even be necessary in the first place.

I like how this board think those with "mentall illnesses" shouldn't participate in the revolution, just like the right who thinks we need gassed. newsflash: that's just mainstream opinion. its still very marginalized in "mainstream society". you're not changing shit. if women's lib happens, black lib happens, gay lib happens, fuck open the floodgates. either that or just leave them closed. its also funny to point out idpol leftists saying transgenderism is NOT a mental illness but everyone agrees autism is. or schizophrenia. etc. actually in all seriousness scrap that. only mentally ill underclass should get rights. fuck everyone else.

Tbh I think every single things you listed as idpol and mental illness.

I don't think that's silly at all, at least in the states there's more women than men, its essentially "to each according to their ability to each according its need" in practice. also a 1 or 2 child per couple rule like in China should be the general consensus, too many women underreproduce and some overreproduce. that'll make sure the population doesn't overrun the environment or waste resources yet the people will be able to have at least 1 gen per couple. it just works.

tbh Idc what you think. caring about anything is gay. rest in piss, Seth Putnam. you were humanity's savior.

That's not a bad idea, I bet there are plenty of lonely gay guys and 300 lbs fujoshis around who'd like an incel sex slave. What's that user? You don't want to help your alienated comrades? :^)

This, incels weren't a thing neither in feudal nor ancient societies. Anons here are too often blinded by contemporary liberal ideology on these matters because it involves peepees.

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Dylan Klebold was /ourguy/

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take the centrist pill and realize leftists dont care about egalitarianism

They were both known to have a few screws loose; the problem is that by no sane metric are any teenagers "mentally sound" so weeding out the genuine threats from those merely in the throes of hormonal misery doesn't work very well at an institutional level. If you can assign responsibility for this act to anyone besides the perpetrators, anyone who you can point at and say "you should have seen this coming", then it's their parents.

tbh compulsory schooling was the real problem. they didn't fit in and they bullied as much as they got bullied. They shoulda been allowed to pull out before it got any worse, nobody should be forced to endure the hell that is public school.