Zig Forums is a Stalinist board
all larping trots, armchairs, smashies, succdems, demsuccs, lolberts, libs, conservatards, turdwayers, orthodumb marxists, syndickless idealists, revisionists, reactionaries, porkies, porky sympathizers, cointelpro drones, brainlets, nazis, and nazbols need to read a book or gtfo to Zig Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

i'm a syndicalist

I'm watching you, leftwing deviant.

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Stalin was against a cult of personality


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Since networked systems can take many forms, from centralized to decentralized and distributed, I must fully agree.

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If you call YOURSELF a Stalinist, you're edgier than any anarchist.

Funny how newfags don't know or choose to ignore how this board was much more anarchists than MLs back when it was first created.

Nice revisionist history, leftpol. But no, this was always a board for committed leftists (Marxist Leninists)

oh fuck off. there's still a good number of MLs, AnComs and Syndies here

pick one m9

the good ones became ☭TANKIE☭s

I dont think someone who supports a country that was literally propped up by the USA has the right to decide who is and isn't a leftist. The only reason Yugoslavia lasted as long as it did was because the US needed pseudo-communist buffer to attract useful idiots.

Okay, but can I still post catgirls and listen to prog rock?

The truth Zig Forums doesn't want you to know.

Uh he's right, I'm a ML who's been here since 2015 and this board was always dominated by anarchists and leftcoms.

Ok I know this is shitty bait but I laughed anyway. Not bad/10



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this but unironcally

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ah, I see you are a man of culture as well

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The fire rises comrade.

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Mao > Stalin
Fuck Khrushchev

seems legit

You faggots are so desperate to be contrarian you'll be saying this is a Pinochet board within 3 years

"Stop sending people to kill me. We've already captured five of them, one of them with a bomb and another with a rifle. If you don't stop sending killers, I'll send one to Moscow, and I won't have to send a second."

— Josip Broz Tito

Left unity or dead ☭TANKIE☭s. There is no other way.

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go home cointelpro

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You start markcucc.

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Yet you call yourself a Stalinist. A real Stalinist would call himself an orthodox Leninist.

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And you call yourself a socialist. A real onanist would call himself a communist.

poast-left cyberarchons only

I don´t hate Танки nor anarkiddies, even thou I find these brick throwers annoying sometimes.

Even if we accept that Stalin is entirely innocent, Leninist organisational modes are still invalidated by the fact that:

1) The Yezhovschina occurred under the noses of the party leadership

2) Revision set in almost immediately following Stalin's death

In any case, attempting to build socialism in peasant nations through rapid industrial expansion is obviously going to cause such enormous, immutable structural flaws that the project was likely doomed in the first place.

Stalinist pls go, this is a communism board.

you are basically an ultra-left who likes the USSR