Discord cancer meme

why do we hate discord again? i think it seems like a decent organizing platform for leftists? is it cuz of the whole "cia lmao" thing? because if the cia wanted, they would know everything about you with or without discord.

Attached: download.png (186x186, 3.25K)

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discord is not good for organizing

Discord is for kids. If you are older than 20 and are on a Discord server, you should be embarrassed.

Attached: FBI.jpg (612x408, 24.66K)

Honeypot / dataminer. Not to mention it attracts some of the worst people I've ever had contact with


It monitors everything you post, and is overall just a bad site, I also find most of the community is beta reddit users.
No joke that sounds like what Zig Forums would say but I'm being serious, only white nerds use it seriously. Stay away from it.

No, fuck off with this reasoning.


Since Zig Forums is a shit place to organize, the same will apply to discord

Attached: cockshott!.png (1046x577, 79.46K)

anyone can just name themselves paul cockshott It's not that hard.

Does anyone have a good alternative?

Literally everything is a honeypot and datamine at this point.

Discord sells your info and records everything you type, post, and records your voice. It was founded by a company that was sued awhile ago about these same things.

tox chat?

does anyone actually use it though

discord is meant for fucking teenage gamers,
go out side for christ's sake

you are fucking retarded, unsurprising that you're a discord user


Why not?


FBI have acces to everything you post here too, don't fool yourself.

Pretty sure it's him. Jack Angstreich uses it too.

Honestly, I don't use discord, mostly because I prefer the autism of anonymity, but you all seem to be having a "le reddit" reaction to this.

It's fine. Use whatever platform you want, be sure to make it hard to track you (not for the government, but for regular people who might want to expose your personal shit)

If we play "but the CIA" at everything we'll soon be out of social media, out of any online board, out of any chatroom and back to the streets selling newspapers.

Typical self-fulfilled prophecy, don't use it because nobody uses it, despite being interested in the concept, thereby contributing to killing it yourself.

Because it's just a centralized IRC chat that stores absolutely all data you send through it and will sell or datamine your stuff at best and promptly give everything to Uncle Sam if he so much as asks?

no, it's not him

get over yourself faggot there's no maximum age requirement for a fuckin computer voice & text chat client. p-people arent allowed to enjoy things after a certain age because they told me im not supposed to and i dont want others to have fun!!!

sounds comfy, I'm in

which is why I don't organize with imageboards

Here's the thing about any kind of arguments against le CIA
No matter what platform you use, the moment one single member joins in even one time with an unsecured connection, or hell, the wrong piece of software, having let on what they're up to in some other chat 4 years ago, the entire thing is blown. They don't even need to honeypot you when nearly every OS and piece of hardware in most people's computers are loaded with backdoors to allow either total access or monitoring by government agencies if they really want to see what's going on.

It's not an argument against one specific platform, it's just pointing out that online organization is incredibly unsecure and dangerous.


Basically this but at the same time this company is notorious with this kinda shit. Yes if the CIA really wants to infiltrate you they will but that doesn't mean you should organize or call for any seriously illegal activity using this platform or even online in general

Attached: IM FINE discord.png (601x508, 123.78K)

Thought this was a shitpost at first but then I remembered a week or two ago somebody mentioned on here that Cockshott was actually using Discord

I'm not saying to use discord or to let yourself get zucced by being incredibly lazy, i'm just pointing out that any kind of illegal discussion online is asking for trouble in the first place.

Plus people IRL are far more subject to retribution if they turn out to be cops.

What makes you think they moniter everything you post? I thought they just moniter server descriptions and look into when one is reported.
Do you have a source on that?

No it's a different person. The Number is different between the two

Discord is absolute fucking cancer when it comes to politics. It's filled with liberalists, rational sceptics, radical centrists and all the other stuff you expected to only see in fucking youtube comments. Even "leftist" discords are filled with liberals and centrists. It really is just cancerous. They also mine your data.

Nope, Discord monitors it all, the whole "Unless it's reported" shit is false, they datamine you no matter what, same with every other site, including pm's.

that's the reason it's ad-free and still a free app. They make money by selling your data.

nailed it

its been confirmed with paul on facebook

Attached: capture20180421162231717.png (285x342, 25.38K)

Jesus Christ.

I miss MSN messenger more every day.

I'm not a fan of it acting as spyware but everything does these days

Probably not true.

aim forever faggot

Discord has to monitor everything for the sake of being a chat client, but the info on them selling data (while self -evident through its business model) I'm having trouble substantiating through evidence.
There's no way that they're keeping investors through its incredibly shallow stated business model

You guys think the next young hegellians are hanging out on a discord server?

Attached: engels-caricature-of-the-free-the-berlin-group-of-young-hegelians-words-in-the-drawing-ruge-buhl-nauwerck-bauer-wigand-edgar-bauer-stirner-meyen-stranger-koppen-the-lieu.jpg (1317x1052, 389.84K)

Datamining aside, the culture of discord servers is cancer. Leftist discords is mostly porn and petty drama.

Is it at all surprising though?
The left has had every imaginable theoretical disagreement explored by countless theorists for well over a century. Leftists have nothing to do together meaningfully apart from generic socialising, ie drama and porn.
Unless there's genuine new lenins, luxemburgs and goldmans out there exploring new ground what is there for leftists in any online group to do?

Who else /paranoid/ here?

Just pls don't use discord for politics

Nothing online is a good "organizing platform". 99% of you will never do anything beyond going to some shitty antifa rally where you know you will be protected by the cops and your mob outnumbering the nazis 8 to 1.

nice joke user

Jabber, brainlets.