I'd like some good answers on why exactly the state can't just be used as a tool of the working class to protect themselves from wrong-doers and as a means of collaberating with other working class people on a large scale. Why abolish it instead of morphing it into some more decentralized and with a more horizontal power structure? Shouldn't leaders lead and followers follow? This is my main problem with many leftist ideologies. No smashies itt please thank
Why abolish the state?
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Exactly, there's no reason to abolish the state. Socialism is when the government controls stuff and the more stuff it controls the more socialist it is.
stfu anarkiddie
ussr brought us to space
wtf did anarkiddie squatopia statelessness ever accomplish?
Because it's not the state when there are no classes becauae the state is the tool of one class to dominate another, the good things you're describing are administration
You're talking about administration m8.
How can there be a state when there are no classes to use the state to dominate the other?
What's wrong with classes, provided there'a no economic difference between classes, and every class collectively owns the means of production? Administration should have job security too, you know. It's hard to govern when your constantly worried about getting removed from office and replaced with a right-wing liberal.
The state should not be abolished, but it will lose its political (oppressive) nature once capitalism is abolished. This is what we call 'withering. It is essentially a withering of the ideological power of the state structure, to the point where anyone can be part of the state by simply performing a function related to the state. It will ultimately just be a network of people that can be called upon when large scale organization is needed.
10/10 reference
It must be abolished after the revolution and the decentralization that's actually what Bakunin use to say. After some time the government will lose so much power that it will vanish that can happen in 10 to 50 years depending on the organization.
What do you think of De Leonism?
That's exactly our goal. Eventually the state would get so horizontal that it would wither away.
if there's no economic difference between classes, there's no classes. it's in the definition of class in a marxist sense.
in a more broad british-y sense the problem with class is that you then get severe class anxiety/anger dealing with other people outside your class, combined with the fact that once you remove economic well-being from that class-system there isn't really much left.
The USSR also brought State Capitalism.
What does state capitalism mean?
An-Coms are retarded lol
That meme is only ironically funny.
Only stemlords struggle with big words
ancoms are statist scum in denial
wouldn't someone with a liberal arts degree be more likely than average to know what an oxymoron is though
It's not a STEM vs non-stem thing. It's an american thing.
It's not about knowing what an oxymoron is, it's about knowing that the concept of anarchocommunism is an oxymoron
maybe if the person who made the image had done an English degree they could've written it in a way that made sense then
Maybe if you had any reading comprehension you could have understood what was being said.
This is what someone with an English degree looks like
Yes, and if you pay attention to dogs long enough you'll figure out what different tones of barking mean. Personally I've got better things to do then try and soothsay from the incoherence of the illiterate.
never change leftypol
actually i'm persona non grata on Zig Forums because i like elections and roses but i personally murdered a woman in january 1919 and threw her body in a canal so that makes me a social fascist
Wait, where did anyone get btfo?
the absolute state of trannypol
I see.. Guess we got btfo.
Why we should abolish the state is talked about quite extensively in the communist manifesto. I suggest you read that book.
When the proletariat sizes power it wouldn't just be administration the bourgeoisie would still exist and a state would be required to prevent them organising a counterrevolution
dat's why the bourgeoisie class will cease to exist after enough time and state will dissolve
Dirty dumb peasant poster.
Can someone spoonfeed me on the idea behind abolishing the state? Even with communism in full swing, and majority support, there's still plenty against it, or at the very best neutral to it while favoring something else. What's to stop North Dakota from deciding they're gonna go keep being capitalist as Canada's newest province?
As long as capitalist countries and their military/intelligence establishments exist, there must be a socialist state to protect the working class from sabotage and subversion. Utopian dreamers go home.
The means of production are owned and controlled by the state. Wage labor and commodity production are still a thing.
This comic makes more sense when you realize "totalitarian" is a buzzword for "any system of government a lolbert disapproves of".
How does one deal with liberals seeking to compete and rise above their fellow man, instead of collaborating?
Every system of governance is totalitarian.
You say "owned and controlled" as if they were seperate, so can you explain how the state "owned" the MOP?
Even if we accept this as truth, what does that have to do with "statism"? Does mutualism not also have wage labour and commodity production?
Marx said not to abolish the state you anarchist retard. That was literally his response to Paris.
Khrushchevite USSR, yes
the state exists to enforce private property law