Why aren't you guys AnPrim NazTrot gang yet?
Benefits of Eco-Anarchist National Trotskyism;
Seriously Zig Forums, what books have you guys been reading? You obviously aren't learning from them.
Eco-Anarchism NazTrot gang
Already an eco-Stalinist
Shit taste.
Technology detected. Gotta sacrifice you to the cave god.
I swear we are at a fucking all-time high in low quality posting. It hasn't been this bad since the annihilist invasion.
What is your problem with Eco socialism??
Annils were best ans.
Your solutions are inadequate to address the threats that humanity faces.
still gay
no u
Ur mom have big gay tbh
Tankie detected
Unironically a good idea.
pic related
Quality thread
Why sage a quality thread tbh
so this?
Yes but without stalin
Nah fam I'm anprim egoist marxist-liberal decolonialist with xenofeminist 4pt characteristics, like get on my level you pleb
If you find one let me know
I wouldn't be surprised if the left, say some 20 years from now, unironically endorses something like this, it's something that is in the air already.
no u
"Collapse cult" perfectly describes these kinds of people. I love how transhumanism is on one side and posthumanism is on the other despite them being effectively having the same end goal.
Fite me irl