Eco-Anarchism NazTrot gang

Why aren't you guys AnPrim NazTrot gang yet?
Benefits of Eco-Anarchist National Trotskyism;
Seriously Zig Forums, what books have you guys been reading? You obviously aren't learning from them.

Attached: anarcho-ecosystemism national trotskyism.png (640x427, 40.18K)

Already an eco-Stalinist

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Shit taste.

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Technology detected. Gotta sacrifice you to the cave god.

I swear we are at a fucking all-time high in low quality posting. It hasn't been this bad since the annihilist invasion.

What is your problem with Eco socialism??

Attached: Check em.jpg (273x175, 24.08K)

Annils were best ans.

Your solutions are inadequate to address the threats that humanity faces.

Attached: EcoStalinism.png (1244x524, 316.45K)


still gay

no u

Ur mom have big gay tbh


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Tankie detected

Unironically a good idea.

pic related

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Quality thread

Why sage a quality thread tbh

so this?

Attached: vargbolprimitivist.jpg (275x183, 10.54K)

Yes but without stalin

Nah fam I'm anprim egoist marxist-liberal decolonialist with xenofeminist 4pt characteristics, like get on my level you pleb

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If you find one let me know


I wouldn't be surprised if the left, say some 20 years from now, unironically endorses something like this, it's something that is in the air already.

Attached: DbTyB5tX0AcmDLX.jpg (1200x758, 164.01K)


no u

"Collapse cult" perfectly describes these kinds of people. I love how transhumanism is on one side and posthumanism is on the other despite them being effectively having the same end goal.

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Fite me irl

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