The left can't meme

The problem of the left is inability to appeal to the prole. Zig Forumss success comes from using short but edgy burst of parody and mockery without getting bogged down in ideological details, even tho you can find not that many points where neetsocs, MAGAtards and libertarians fully agree. The left should start constructing memes used to demoralize and cripple the right wing.

Socialism/comunism/anarchism gets too tied up in high concept uniersity tier discussions which are pretty much impossible to understand for the average people you want to attract. Stop trying to force theories, dialectics, muh justice, muh equality. Try to forcefuly attack the right wing concepts and remember that right wingers ARE dumber, remember of their pitifuly short attention span. Don't try to appeal to peoples conscience or sense of justice. Hit them in their lowest emotions, appeal to their greed, hate and sense of selfworth.

When they go low we must go lower since going high is the losing strategy. If you want a revolution you can't play by the rules and try to appeal to peoples good hearts.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Who are you talking to? There are dozens of short form YouTube and Facebook groups that make plenty of good leftist memes.

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fuck off retard

And how has pol brought about progress or positive change?
This is false, one may simply say "Fuck the boss I don't want to be a slave to the company!" and there we go.
The problem is that no one is ballsy enough to say it or they may loose pay/their job etc etc.

Attached: 17.jpg (992x880, 157.09K)

Not surprised at all.

Also, a mass right wing movement is less dangerous to the capitalists than a left wing one. Thus, left wing movements are more likely to get targeted if they make any real progress.

they control the internet, right wing memes are much more popular with kids, left wingers keep gunning either for some contrived marxist/leninist ideological disputes or trannies both things are hard to swallow for the average person

9ish gigs of discord screens related to the TWP and Zig Forums for ten months since April. Proves Zig Forums discords have had association with Atomwaffen "out of respect".

Includes photographs of their tripfags, posters etc. As well as Doxx, their job, And their phone number, and their addresses, what schools they go to, and really the ability to get them both fired and expelled

Part 1: 2.0GB

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Do you really want to risk your fellow Zig Forumsyp's Wendy's janitorial jobs? Think of the stolen burgers they will be missing. Truly the next Holodomor

If he makes another post I'm going to start posting what's in the .zip files that are quite embarassing to Zig Forums/

I know you use our discord nobody really actually uses to put us in one big corral.

But Zig Forums, these discord screens show you have at least 12 trans women inside and outside of the now defunct TWP

And it only gets worse.

Is this really what you want to do to your board man

Attached: 3666c8cab526f87bcf0a6009cbbc60bdca5241ff0b3b3ff3070ed4cf325347ab.jpg (1024x558, 126.72K)

One more time btich, don't tell me I didn't warn you

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post everything you got son, go ahead!

ok, eat dick :-)

post your best memes buster, then we can judge

My pleasure. Gimmie about a couple minutes to search through this grime of whining about women and other assorted cat fights

I don't want to ban you. I want to humiliate you.

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Hasn't answered my question. Once again, how has Zig Forums brought about progress or positive change?

I think the biggest thing I can think of is thinking you elected a president to get rid of the jews and own the libs by repeating kek only to elect the most Zionist president in post war American history.

You fucking orb shaped pigs are something else

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oh come on, that ruins the surprise.

Well I'll give one thing away

A gigantic portion of Zig Forums discord's are under the age of fucking 16
If they aren't they fall into a rapid decline of mental derangement because they've ruined their lives posting racist shit on facebook in front of their families and demand state issued wives

there are also trans women

I mean, I would be ashamed, but then again, /poll/ having shame must be such an alien concept to them. If I confused you, I sincerely apologize

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where did I imply that………?

problem with this meme is…. not many of actual Zig Forumstards are hardcore nazis. You should be trying to undermine the conservative/libertarian basic bitch majority of the right, instead you waste your time trying to humiliate the absolute bottom of the bin whining about nazism

Half of them are underage, half of them are adults.

It sounds like another perfectly normal day in America

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maybe 8pol I'll give you that, but 4pol is vastly bigger and vastly different,

What I'm trying to say is if their may mays are so good, why aint they done anything?
They aint helped anyone or really changed society. It's just a bunch of edgelords on the internet.

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you keep fixating on the meme that all right wingers are NAZIS. This is why you are wasting time.






well… they helped elected trump, without the blitzkrieg on the internet the orange boomer would surely lose. I'm not saying this is good, but they have success spreading captivating

But its also on 4chan which attracts millions of visitors, whereas we're on a dying site called Zig Forums that normies can't even google. If there was a Zig Forums on a large site like 4chan than it would be a different story, it was proposed but the majority of users here and there didn't really want it.

Being a naive trumpsucker is even more embarrassing. Say what you want about the tenants of Nazional Socialism, at least it's an ethos.

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much bigger than 8pol, 8pol is an echochamber that scares the normies away. Only thing that normie trump supporters care about 8pol is the conspiracy/pizzagayte stuff

Hey bud. Last chance before I drop

The Motherload

Attached: the day pol stood still.png (540x540 219.97 KB, 45.75K)


I think you don't understand. Drop it, I seriously don't care. I'm not from Zig Forums but please continue, I could use some free bumps and elevating the post number to attract more lurkers. Go full spead, dude

and since then it's only backfired on them.
When they do stuff, it's either shit or self harming.
We should worry about spreading ideas, not fishing for kids using memes. Doing so will cause them to not have the understanding required for being a good commie and will end u with them either leaving or doing something stupid.

I'm sure you'll attract many thousands to blindly trusting a soft-brained boomer real estate gangster.

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Well you're certainly doing us all a favor by encouraging me to humiliate one of the largest anti communist presences on the internet next to whatever fucking eldritch boomer shit is out there. Very soon it will all be extracted.

10 months of Zig Forums's bullshit from ending this April

You're our comrade, and I thank you for allowing me the pleasure

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oh boy

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not really, he campaigned on being a conservative and he keeps his promise of being a republican, they won anyway

stupid take, really

whatever, fag, you are probably a tranny, but continue nonetheless, do it you faggot, don't keep me waiting

I'll give you one more chance before I blow the cover of every single one of your discord accounts lol

I am being Jesus levels of gracious to you right now, and you still post!

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 16008.png (228x552, 44.99K)

I'm not a right winger. Stop bluffing and post it you AIDS dripping tranny faggot

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If you're not a right winger, certainly then, you are my comrade for making me do this

Just getting it out of the way who were the admins, users yada yada

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 160402.png (233x691 17.47 KB, 54.03K)

He's campaigned to make America great again.
It ain't happening, it's a laughingstock of a country.
This is false. I want to convert people and give them a solid understanding of the theory behind the movement. I don't want people that are connected to socialism purely through memes. They must have some level of understanding beyond "Stalin memes are funny XD". I'm shouldn't say not to use memes, what I should be saying is that you shouldn't rely on memes.

because CNN said so? They are still the biggest military in the world raining destruction on all of those who disagree with them. I'm a european who hates americans, but you can't deny the fact they are still the most powerful country on earth and trump is a good goy keeping it in line. Also his trade war with china is seriously hindering their ability to take over the west.


do it you homo, then you will turn finaly into a girl, deal?

can't you make a separate thread? i saw you spam this in another thread too. when you post it randomly like this you come off as a deranged sperg kek

Sorry sorry I took so long, I wanted to post his infant before I posted his address

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 07967.png (1212x755 324.65 KB, 318.48K)

The discord has no breaks bitch I'm going in

Fuck off Mossad.

nobody said that you illiterate nigger. Zig Forums IS filled with nazis and reactionaries. Exceptions exist to every rule, I really don't give a fuck about your special snowflake "classical liberlaist socially conse*rvative economically liberal but still hate brown people* ideology, it won't change the fact that Zig Forums IS a baord for nazis reactionaries and shitty internet boomers.

Does Zig Forums hate the boomers as well?

pol is successful?

Did you mean Zig Forums? They're the zionists now.

Anyways I gotta take a big fat shit. It probably has a better future than the runt. Knowing who his father is, my guess is high school suicide

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 07970.png (1212x755 199.71 KB, 196.67K)

Take ya bets everyone. Who kills themselves first, the Zig Forumsyps son or the Zig Forumsyp

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The number #1 thing to do to your newborn child as a responsible parent is to show it to a bunch of nazis on discord. Wonderful parental skills, this is a family with a future

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I bet it'll succumb to SIDS before the end of year.

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what kind of woman would mate with these fucks

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it's impossible to hate an entire generation of people.
most people here just hate the toilet paper USA, Jesus take the wheel bumper sticker conservative boomers because they're as cancerous as their lungs for internet political discussion

There is a certain kind of insolence that you see in the boomer who bought his property before the boom and now gets to live off the sweat of his children who have to compete with more immigrants for work and housing while this worthless boomer tells them how lazy they are for not having children.

And here's Zig Forums being afraid of being outnumbered by a violent swarm of the public

Circa October 28th 2017. Remember how tough they put themselves up to be. Literally scared by like 200 people. If you want to do a nazi protest, how the fuck do you not expect a counter.

These people are cowards who literally shiver over the idea 200 people are going to beat them up like this is their worst high school nightmare come true

One of them, absolute idiot who is using his real name Chris Liguria (sounds hardly white, but that's usual for Zig Forums), was even speculating the US government is trying to intimidate them.

However hard they beat their chest, it's common knowledge their afraid, but all these discord records prove it

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Cowardly you may say Antifa are, somehow the right is even more willing to stampede to the nearest police station autistically screaming for help

Here we see the wild Zig Forumsyp, in the most rare of behaviors.

Contemplating the necessity of reading

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This Rafiq post sometimes occasionally comes up during these discussions, and agree with it in the main, from my own perspective. Absolute irony requires an uncaring attitude and the ability to dissociate oneself from the thing one's mocking. The right can do this quite easily because it relies on something else to "prop up" their sense of reality, while the left cannot be so absolute in its dissociation because we rely on ideas that aren't simply taken for granted when we do "step back" from things.

We have to ground this place we're moving to for the ironic joke in order for that irony to make sense to others, and this isn't as simple as grounding the ironic movement in what people assume (or can assume) to be true based on the various cultural mores and ideologies contemporary capitalism has produced for mass consumption. This need to ground leads to hard-to-digest "bad" memes.

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Unfortunately, they could not keep the attention span, and listened together to an Audiobook of Seige.

One of them asking "tmw to start"

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 14766.png (1212x733, 211.54K)

he wrote like 20 paragraphs on fucking memes
Rafiq was a God.

being a bit devils advocate here but

Acclaimed literary critic Kombat-Unit who has read the only book they ever read before (a great feat considering they all just want to listen to the audiobook), strongly recommends it.

Master of the literary arts

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 14767 2.png (675x98, 14.56K)

Any way to send these to his wife or something? Showing her child being posted on nazi communities.

Unless his wife is a nazi as well, which would probably make it pointless…

They're accelerating towards slipping on a hard wood floor and breaking their neck in front of their new born child

I believe she is. He said in another screen "My wife and I are so proud we're doing our part to fight back the spics" or some other such nonsense.

Anyways that kid is fucked

Do you guys believe in immigration and diversity? How can communism work when there are so many people sponging off you?

Breaking. White Nationalists upset that other white nationalists made them popular. Al he wanted to do was reread the Turner Diaries

Intelectual Heavy Weight Jason, Blood Eagle, and Kombat-Unit strongly recommend Iron Gates, it might make you look less like a freak (it does not make you look less like a freak)

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 14769 2.png (968x267, 58.18K)

We're anti immigration in the sense we want to deport all of you to summer camp

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I agree with you completely. Communism can't work with so many capitalists sponging off workers.


That's a bit mean!

The workers and the capitalists both provide a service. It's the bankers that do the sponging.
Your theory is missing an entire class.

By having a sub 90 Autism Level. For all I know the man with the infant caused its miserable existence by tripping on his untied shoelaces he still doesn't know how to tie. Same thing with his death

they're not all american
although yank autism drives nearly everyone away

Go do consumer activism about Pappa Johns pizza like the good American fascist you are

(there are 40 pages devoted to fucking Zig Forumsyps raging about liberals not only attacking our civil rights, but also, more importantly they are attacking our papa johns

This is why we want them gone. None of us are fooled by their fake machismo, they spend hours seriously talking about how papa johns pizza is under attack

I have no idea if this is a lie or not but this guy here says Papa John of Papa Johns pizza, at that time of November 22nd 2017, was a member of the Traditionalist Worker's Party lead by Matt "Night of Wrong Wives" Heimbach

Huge if true

Attached: tradworker - tradworker - 14723 2.png (1195x219, 58.14K)

is that really what you're mad about?

signal boost. Matthew Heimbach was in an orgy with Papa John

Is this really what you're mad about? This is hilarious. These people are absolute retards

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The banks are serving the dictates of the capitalists who own them, based on market conditions. Bankers don't form a class in themselves; categorically, it would be a sloppy formation as it can include groups with varying relations to the means of production.

No I meant is that sort of civic nationalist/liberalist activism really whats getting your goat?

Brilliant woman wisdom from xX✝️ Major Williams✝️ xX [KY]

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Why don't you just go ahead and scream "le jooosss!!11" because it's painfully obvious you're just dying to get it out. You're not fooling anyone with this embarassing "44D chess XD" you're trying to pull.

I'd say the Rothschilds are in a class above the rest tbh
being rich isnt even on the cards for them anymore
they're so rich and powerful the next step is becoming cyber-autocrat gods that rule over society form the shadows

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dude needs to shave, ditch the backpack, open his smug eyes and wear a proper shirt tbh

That's because you have the Autism Level of a small frog and don't understand the big picture and what motivates other people. It leads you to protest on behalf of Papa John's pizza like a lunatic, or try to argue with people who know more about the sociological impact of capitalism with people who are read on the subject.

You cannot change the system by blaming a particularly rich set of bankers. Someone will take their place. You get rid of all bankers and establish a system that can hopefully fix the very material problems we will face in the future.

Which is exactly the problem with the right, they pick and choose which material issues are bad, and which are good. They have such cognitive dissonance they think capitalism can go on forever with a big fat American flag on top.

It won't.

A crash will come and prove once again, Capitalism is not only an imperfect system, but one that actively kills its citizens. America is a glass house pelted by stones, so is NATO and the EU and Britain

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I don't think it's the Jews. Not entirely anyway. Convergent evolution suggests that if there were no Jews then another race would break off and evolve to fill their niche.

I agree
don't think it actively kills its citizens unlike say Mao or Pol Pot
think it causes them to suffer as the byproduct of the inequality in society which is entirely natural in my opinion
Fuck papa chodes wtf do I care about a yank pizza store

Here are the problems with left memes
Everything ITT is repeating old mistakes.

Industrial capitalists don't "provide service" anymore than banking capitalists, unless you consider social control and paper-pushing a service.

Attached: fatdoggo.jpg (317x275, 15.1K)

Problem is that Zig Forumsyps unironically think that the system would be fine if it weren't for their boogieman du jour, whether its Jews or Mexicans or Muslims or "cultural Marxists" or whoever. They think the solution to society's problems is to simply change who's running the system, they're no different from the insufferable "end of history" libs who demand more minority CEOs and such
Just look at how even when their beloved "god emperor" does shit they don't want such as the recent attack on Syria, they always make excuses about how "the Jews made him do it" etc.

Why don't you open a factory then?

thanks for making me spit my bourbon all over my fucking screen asshole

How fucking stupid are you to use the term convergent evolution in this situation you're describing. That's not what it means at all

200,000 people have died since 2010 because America has increasingly deregulated its air supply, as industry takes advantage.

The number of preventable deaths per year due to privatized medicine is astronomical. People are beginning to die younger, the climb towards a higher life we heard in the 90's is now rapidly dropping. People can go bankrupt without food, become infected with parasites even, and they won't know it. Can't go to the doctor for it, because it's simply too expensive. An ambulance costs you thousands of dollars.

If you think capitalism doesn't kill people, you're not only naive but a fool

This goes into the military industrial complex itself. The military industrial complex began in the age of World War I, capitalism of course needs weapon manufacturers. Unfortunately World War II came around, and the manufacture of weapons went ten told and beyond. That war ended, but there was still a market left for war. And there was a convenient neighbor to keep the coffers of the Pentagon full.

Lenin predicted this, and its happened before in one way or another. The invention of weaponry in a capitalist system necessitates a constant enemy. Why else do you fucking think we're geopolitically engineering the middle east to be in a state of war. BECAUSE WE NEED IT.

If the military industrial complex at this size, just fucking poof, vanished, what would happen. Then and now? Market crash.

In capitalism blood is real estate and health must be profitable. Insurance companies now are towing the line that making cures for diseases isn't profitable so they're more focused on "easing" suffering rather than stopping it; so they can make more and more money.

We have reached a point in capitalism where enough is clearly enough

I'm comparing you to these idiots because you can't see the forest for the trees

Here's a nice meme, nobody gives a fuck about memes you reddit fuck.

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