"The flesh of the German is different from that of the Frechman. […] I have described as fetid bromidosis of the German race the distinctive stench imposed to the olfactory system when in presence of Germans."
— Dr Edgar Bérillon, Characteristics of Nations (1920)
The German Stench
that's what i keep telling them when shitposting under false flag pretending to be an oldschool nazi shitting on their idea of a "white race"
you don't even have to go past Hitler to confront them with this
but it's then that they again show how little they care about their "ideology"
All Krauts in schnitzel factories, bye bye Krauts!
I support Kraut posting
I fucking hate the white race. And by white race I mean what's north of the Alps and the Pyrenees, west of the Oder.
Bérillon is based. Germans stink
>>>Zig Forums
I hate how much of anti-fascism is nothing more than poorly masked American propaganda.
All antifascists aren't antigermans. They pretty much only exist in Germany, though some people in the anglo "left" are basically antigerman without realizing it.
What is your point? That race is a fucking spook that doesnt exist?
>>>Zig Forums
Old timey racism used to be like that. It wasnt "white people" are superior. It was more like "anglo" people are superior
The idea that all caucasian people qualify as "white" (and therefore are deserving of special privileges) is, like most vile things, an American invention. However I'm pretty sure that "white" was originally reserved for anglos and was just steadily expanded over time.
Anti-Germans are a tiny, irrelevant cult; the overwhelming majority of Antifas are anti-Zionists.
correct, you can finding works by the founding fathers in burgerland expressing concern over the amount of subhuman Germans in the country
and even western history to this day is an Anglocentric affair
Please kys
Stop using the word "philosemite" in such context, it doesn't actually mean what you think it means. Only antisemites use it the way you do.
I wonder when that "white" identity emerged. Like, did 19th-century European farmers identify with a supposed white race?
Baboonposting about Germans made me think of this.
very recently, probably less than a century. And even now it's confined to muttistan
I'm fairly sure most white Europeans see themselves as white, though they're not obsessed with it as much as Americans.
yeah they deemed only anglosaxons and maybe scandinavians white
they saw fucking russians as some kind of non-white
Daily reminder that this is why an ethno-state is destined to fail, even in the United States where the meme is somewhat stronger. There will never be a "let's put differences aside and band together as white people" moment because all you have to do is look at the history of fucking Europe.
"Oh but they were all more homogeneous back then!" Yeah and that sure as hell didn't stop them from killing each other for literally thousands of years.
White people have been killing each other for centuries over which rich arsehole owned which bit of land or which cunt's interpretation of Christianity was right. The 30 years war, English civil war (and the English genocide of the Irish that followed), the Napoleonic wars, the War of the Roses, various wars waged by Rome vs. the barbarians, etc.
I remember watching a Neil Oliver doco (History of Scotland, I think it was) and he was talking about how the Vikings invaded and committed "ethnic cleansing", as he put it, in the Orkneys and the Shetlands. Not to mention that the Vikings pretty much hated the other ones from the next tribe over.
The people of the Balkans are all ethnically/genetically the same, yet they have waged some of the most brutal campaigns of genocide against each other.
And they still drew the kraut with red hair.
Even back then, they couldn't fully spite the aryans.
That third one is pretty dumb. Turkic tribes didn't get out of central Asia until after the Viking Age was already done and over with.
Yeah but nah things were great until the fucking NIGGERS showed up
Yeah, and the vikings traded with them as they traveled through central asia
the vikings were saling up and down the Volga, trading with turks, iranians and arabs around the caspian see. That's a fact. Archeologists have found bracelets with fucking Quaran quotes in viking tombs (granted, they probably had no fucking clue what it said, but it's proof that they traded with muslims).
This is true to this day, I'd argue everything east of Germany is officially considered by current powers not truly part of "civilization"
um what
For the record, Russians don't really care about 'whiteness', since the concept has never been useful to them. For starters, Russians are acutely aware of the difference between slav and non slavic groups: why on earth would you put an ethnic russian in the same group as a Mordivian or an Ingrian: heck the word for german (немецкий) comes from the verb 'unable to speak', as in they don't speak Russian. Why on earth would a Russian see them as any way related to themselves. Also how can a nation that was literally raped by the mongols, intergrated tartaris and uralic peoples then mixed around for 2 centuries really fit into some arbitrary racial catagory? Нет, товарищ. Also this mixing is actually celebrated by a lot of Russian philosophers of the Eurasiangroup: who see their aisiatic heritage as something thaat sets them apart from The West.
Didn't General Patton say that the Russians are Asiatic?
Found the quote.
Нет, товарищ
Patton is by far one the most retarded persons I've ever had the displeasure to read. He's the epitome of burger autism.
he kinda looks like Trump without the retarded hair and cheetos spraytan
Nice rebuttal, ty.
Holy shit, you're right!
holy fuck you just found the reason for his true appeal to cucks and perma virgin autists on Zig Forums
He's also hilariously overrated as a military commander
Didn't Patton at some point during the war deliver a speech calling for deserters to be shot?
Lol, this 'Russians are Eurasians' meme needs to stop. Russian society has always been multicultural and diverse since the Russian Expansion, but its ethnic groups haven't engaged in miscegenation en masse.
Russians don't give a fuck about the Wester concepts "whiteness" because they follow their own concept of "whiteness". These things are probably completely foreign to non-Russians. They barely even mix among their own subracial phenotypes.
This is the most confused post I've read in a while. You might want to take those pills one at a time.
"mis" fucking nothing Zig Forumsyp
If anything it has a better chance to succeed in the US than anywhere else; all of the European immigrants have been so thoroughly deracinated that they no longer have their historical baggage.
Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels
Ostara (magazine)
The rumor is that Ostara featured images of white women copulating with dark men.
stop getting your information from cherrypicked pictures of cute girls on /int/ and remove kebab memes
t. russo-belarusian-ossetian-siberian goblino
Gee, it’s almost like “whiteness” is an abstract concept that isn’t based in the material, and is arbitrary bullshit, call me crazy.
Slavic Aryan Vedas (Ynglism) states that Perun is an alien that arrived to earth on a UFO. Serious Ridnovirs do not take this movement seriously. I have read all of their books and they are quite embarassing.
As for the Slavic-Vedic connection, I absolutely agree that they are closer than most westerners think. For example in Ukraine we call pagan priests Vrahmani or Rahmani, parallel with vedic Brahmanism. Then there are close similarities in the names of the Gods. For example Svarog the god of the heavens, in Sanskrit heaven is called Svarga. Then there is Perun and his vedic parallel Parjana (Indra's epithet). Veles and his vedic parallel Vala (Vritra's epithet). This is just touching the surface. Sadly since little has survived of our pagan culture, we cannot fully draw the parallels.
Slavs are the living descendants of the ancient Aryans according to genetics and linguistics, comparative mythology and archeology. If the information we have from those fields is not enough for some to understand their racial and spiritual origin that is unfortuanate. It shouldn't validate wild unrealistic fantasies, fabricated deities and foreign religious practices incorporated into supposed native faith practices. The Aryans originated on the steppes of modern day Russia and Ukraine not the North Pole and migrated to a variety of places surrounding. Aryan Vedas were transmitted orally until Aryans found themselves living and intermingling with foreign cultures and found their way of life under threat. Literacy is not Indo-European in nature and all Indo-European alphabets show strong foreign influence. Slavs were illiterate and known as Sarmatians, Scythians etc.etc. They became Slovani when an alphabet was created and their language codified.
It's a degenerate version of Aryanism.
I displayed the typical look of Russians (=fair complexion) who have good desirable genetics. Every nation has its quirky phenotypes that don't look beautiful. Russia even more so.
I like the soviet propaganda about Germans tbqhyf. At least they admit that the German people is simply misguided.
t. the us government
Go on, bring those significant drawbacks then.