This party is Actually Existing NazBol

That's legitimately the best flag I've seen of any political ideology, it ought to be one of the choices on this board tbh

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How can they be nazbol if it says they're anticommunist and corporatist?


every time

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It's NazBol
we don't have to make sense
Nazbol will save leftism from insignificance

Private property isn't inherently anti-socialist, just anti-marxist

Zig Forums shill thread confirmed, report and sage.

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NazBol is corporatist, just like all crypto-fascist meme ideologies.

Dreadful, learn how to symbolize.

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Seen tanks on leftybook shill the fuck out of these guys and calling them socialist but never actually say how they are.

t. yet another exotic fascist party that's so chauvinistic, they won't even admit that they're just a regional variant on the blackshirts

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IdPol is so unpopular these days, I think NazBol is the only way to gain traction among NEETs and 12 year olds.

>Hitler: We're nationa.l socialists
Nazbols: We're national bolsheviks
NazMarxGang: We're national marxists
NatComs: We're national communists

the whole history of socialism is about abolishing private property

I understand it's a meme and all and nobody takes it seriously, but I thought nazbol was supposed to be just very nationalist and antisemitic socialism.

It's the other way around.

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Nice try, Zig Forums.

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It's not, be it only because socialism is incompatible with nationalism and antisemitism. National-Bolshevism and similar meme ideologies (like National-Anarchism) were part of a rebranding effort initiated by snowflake fascists after WWII in the hope that rebellious imagery that co-opted the leftist imaginary would help rebuild a militant base.

he's right though

No, it started with Niekisch and Asser as part of the Conservative Revolution and off-shoot/rebellion against the Not Socialist movement in the 30s. The later Limonov Russia NazBol stuff is a meme though.

Again, that's Marxists. The Volkish concept of private property is different from the Semitic concept of private property.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

Take a hacksaw to your neck.

Do you faggots ever get tired of regurgitating this garbage?

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ok cuck. Karl Marx hated jews.

Niekisch was a god among men, too bad nobody in the west really knows about him

so is your mother

You fuckers love strawmanning communism with nationalist tendencies, don't you? It's always smear words such as "they're fascist", "they're corporautists", "they love private property", "they're spooked" with you. Let me tell you all something crazy; an idea has nothing to do with the movement that claims to follow it. I cannot claim to own internationalist anarchism because i follow the ideology. That's some intellectual property shit. It's like banning people for using swastika imagery. Nazis don't own the swastika, the people do. National bolshevism can mean anything. It is not generally the same as ba'athism. National bolshevism can just mean "comrades who love russia". It can mean "bolsheviks who love their socialist country too much". It can mean "somebody that seeks to use imperialist means to spread marxism-lemonism worldwide". It can mean "any old marxist who holds nationalist tendencies instead of calling for a simultaneous worldwide revolution". None of that shit even involves private property. Despook yourselves of ideological copyright comrades, max stirner was nazbol too. He killed 60 gorillion jewish capitalists.

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Those obscure, purely theoretical authors are indeed precursors to contemporary National-Bolshevism, but it is a fact that the (relative) popularization and multiplication of NazBol-like movements is mainly a post-war phenomenon. NazBol militants pretty much didn't exist before the '60s.

Reminder that neo-fascists are just right-wing postmodern relativists.