I've come to the conclusion that civilization (particularly the idea of the family unit) is the ultimate cause of oppression in society, and in order to get a truly communist society we must abolish civilization as a whole. Is it possible to dig deeper than this? I kinda want to go further down this rabbit hole.
Tfw you have bitten the prim com pill hard
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what has gotten you thinking this way. Have you read Perlman's Against His-story, Against Leviathan? Pretty good historical essay.
There's also Clastres' "Society Against the State" which I've not read but was much talked about. I don't think it's possible to go much 'deeper' than anti/post civ. The only thing is, I've foregone the possibility of this end result being peaceful or stable. The deepest hole imo is nearly horseshoe-like where you come out talking like Hitler about life as life of struggle. Or as others have put it, 'calamity always alternates with prosperity'. It was a very strange trick of Hegel's that the dialectic, something possessed with inner motion, could culminate in a finality. Recently poring over Marx's manuscripts I found a short sentence that makes me rethink his acceptance of this finality….here it is at the very bottom of this link marxists.catbull.com
"Communism is the position as the negation of the negation, and is hence the actual phase necessary for the next stage of historical development in the process of human emancipation and rehabilitation. Communism is the necessary form and the dynamic principle of the immediate future, but communism as such is not the goal of human development, the form of human society."
Communism is NOT a GOAL, but a DYNAMIC PRINCIPLE
You're close, but it is the city, civitas, that is the root of civilisation that we must overcome in communism, not the family.
Cities were the solution to problems with earlier agrarian societies. Enormous amounts of human knowledge is predicated on allowing those who practice it economic specialization. Reversion to those older forms society mean simply trading one set of problems for another set which includes potential devastating crop failure.
Stop using politics to go down a deeper rabbit hole and just jump straight to the bottom and kill yourself.
Radical anti-natalist nihilism. Full annihilation of humanity.
Transhumanism > primitivism
There can't be oppression if everyone's dead
Ansophist, the most anprim you can get.
its a word i came up with since it would be fundamentally contradictory to wrte about it, but i would describe my super edgy late highschool thinking as ansophist, anti knowledge. that the use of knowledge, giving word-forms to things is inherently the cause of of all alienation. i came up with it after reading some traditional american naturalist literature, as well as a detailed history of the united states. fundamentally, human beings cant accurately describe the nature of the world, and that doing so is a violent action, a cutting of the world and ourselves. This becomes The problem when we try to act on the world based on what we think we know, Especially in the valuation structures we create, which will always lead to more violence than a wild animal could ever be capable of. things like justice, equality, and truth are just fucking memes that we convince ourselves of being legit justifications for beating each other to a pulp.
interestingly, i believed this before i had even heard of Saint Max Stirner or Nietzsche. which is telling on my phsyche, because i was still pretty Humanistcucked (ie post-christian morals), and wasnt willing to indulge in my own ego as an acceptable entity, and so i was pretty depressed. seriously considered killing my petit borgoise dad, burning stuff down and going full alexander supertramp.
seriously folks, its important to distinguish your reaction to trauma and family abuse from your political leanings. i still hold 'radical' views, but having cut out the abusive, manipulative element, i no longer want to cleanse my original sin by making all of us incapable of abstract thought.
also, read Bruno Latours 'We Have Never Been Modern' which did a lot to help me defrag postmodern hangups, and actually think about the future wihtout wanting to die
You wish
gets me every time
you are both pathetic
This whole thread is why we need the bookchinites back btw
that's use of technology, better kill yourself fam
Read this.
honestly user i went all the way down this 'rabbit hole' and eventually just came back out of it a normal commie that is pro state. i realized after a while these people who think you can get rid of oppression entirely are mentally ill and living in a liberal fantasy.
there will always be some shitkicker that needs to be put in his/her place imo, it definitely seems to be 'human nature.' sometimes the shitkickers are good and making a decent point, but a lot of the time they're just fucking stupid
You should read Kaczynski's essay. He shits on primitivism harder than just about anyone and it's thoroughly cited throughout.
Google Bookchin
He still considers himself an anarcho-primitivist. He's mostly shitting on other anarcho-primitivists like John Zerzan.
I'm surprised you came up with this on your own, and on high school no less, since it is Zerzan position as well.
Want my super hot take? Humans cannot do without the symbolic, this is what brands us as post-lapsarian creatures, we're essentially a tragic species. I've come to this conclusion after engaging with both the anprims on one hand and Freud and Lacan on the other.
Yeah, but he still dunks on AnPrims pretty damn hard and they deserve all of it and more. The amount of primitivists - especially AnPrims - who subscribe to the view that living hand to mouth in the wilderness is like living in the Shire is ridiculous. There's no gold at the end of that rainbow, just a Hobbesian existence dictated by the vagaries of the natural world.
This too. Symbolic thought is part and parcel of higher forms of cognition, and has even been recorded in animals. Anyone who thinks that humans can shed symbolic thinking doesn't know enough about symbols. Joseph Campbell goes into this in a number of topics, especially in the first volume of Masks of God.