Zero Books turns liberal

Where were you when another leftcom started drinking the warhawk koolaid? What? Didn't you know that if you oppose the US intervention in the region you are a kremlin-puppet? Didn't you know that if you challenge the Western portrayal of the white helmets you are a conspiracy theorist?

Well, Doug knew this all along, so you better keep up with the pace, you Assad apologist.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Seriously tho. Doug is Muke tier. I'm glad I never bought a Zero Books book, although I was going to buy the one on maoism as soon as I got home tonight. Thanks for saving my time, money ecc.


Only kremlin-puppets don't buy Zero books books, you asshole. Go back to russia whence you came from'th.

Shoot out of hand.

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I cba to listen to this. Does Doug actually say that shit, or is it the interviewee who does?

Well, he gives him a platform, that's one thing. The second is that he doesn't challenge him on any of his points, that's another. The third is that he agrees with the "le bad dictator gassing his own people" narrative, openly calls those challenging the Western narrative conspiracy theorists…

Well I'm gonna listen to it because I don't wanna take Anal Water's word for it.

Be my guest.

Doug is shit at interviews. That interview with the Jordan Peterson fangirl was also terrible.
Yikes, literally CNN-tier.

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It's for free on the Internet. Don't spend money on Leftcom Neocons.

What the fuck I love Trots now

Left Review isn't Anal Water. His channel is called "Left of Wreckage"

The absolute state of twitter leftist.
Also Doug at minute 13:50 calls Assad worse than Mao and Stalin after OZ says that there are death camps in syria.
The interviewer is the commentator that goes by name O Katerji, you can see his comment in the pic here.

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I love how Muke style centrism like "Yes, US intervention is bad, BUT…" evolved to full-on Hilldawg style interventionism.

How does this abolish commodity production?


Anyway, I'm 30 minutes in now and Doug hasn't said more than a handful of short sentences, not disputing anything. He's just letting this moron go on and on. Gonna turn it off now. Not worth listening to at all.

he does have a tendency to let his guests go on and on

Also you can see how he plays the "WHITE LEFTIST" card. He's not white, but he always lived in london. Fucking disgusting

Did you listen the part were he said "It's worst than what happened under Mao and Stalin"?
Doug would rather slander Mao and Stalin while he got true examples of death camps around the world.

but that's true tho, most 'world leaders' are worse than mao and stalin

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Worse than that: Doug brings up Mao and Stalin in the context of "justified interventions!"

Of course Assad is worse than Mao and Stalin, because Mao and Stalin were communists. Doug uses that argument because he thought Mao and Stalin killed millions of people, but they didn't use gas so Assad is worse.

That makes me 100% sure that he supports intervention in the DPRK.

Yeah, but what he mean is that Mao and Stalin had death camps/were genocidal maniacs. Assad has none of these things, but he's so full of american propaganda that he thinks that assad is even worse than the version of Stalin and Mao depicted in Anti communist propaganda

A small step on the path of redemption I guess

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As an Anarchist, I never quite understood the whole Assad defending but now looking at the comments section I finally understand. These people are neoliberal shills who want more imperialism because they have some personal vendetta against Assad. That dusty48 guy in the comments is horrendous and this attached comment is also stupid. "A person who lives outside an area can't know more than the people living there" is a completely baseless argument. There are Europeans everyday who tell Americans how their system works because the Americans don't know shit about it.
I know all of you are getting mad at this video, but I for one am glad it exists. It exposes the bloodthirst of the "good guy" imperialists who want the region to be even more destabilized than it already is.

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Holy moly. What a fucking piece of shit. This interview was peak Twitter leftism: From the interviewed saying that you shouldn't trust white leftist (although Middle eastern this guy growed up in london) to the interviewed spouting this neocon bullshit.

This is your brain of left "communism"

Such faith he must have in his own people when he prefers the US bombing them over the population solving their problems internally.

i'm being facetious lads

What's especially odd is that the attached comment seems to think that Assad has zero actual Syrian supporters, even among the Alawites.

Look at the fucking profile picture and you know it all. I've been working with Syrian refugees and the majority of them were pro-Assad.

He retweeted this, so I don't know.

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To be fair, I hate Muke with every nerve in my body, and that Solar Anus guy is hardcore Leftcom, but this picture was supposed to be ironic.

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I hate solar anus much more than muke

I don't get what is Muke's deal with hugging and socializing someone like Sargon. It just seems so counter productive.

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I mean doug does open the video saying its not a call to intervention


Why is it so common for liberals to describe the media's bad guy of the day as a "lunatic," "crazy" or a "madman"? It's as if they refuse to understand the dynamics behind something and chalk everything they hate about the world up to the insanity of a few people in power.

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*strawman intensifies*

I put this down to having a shitty guest.

Because if they're "crazy" they don't have to justify their behavior. Why would Assad resort to chemical attacks in a war he's clearly winning? He's a mad tyrant! Why is Kim Jong Un pushing ahead in nuclear and missile tests? He's a lunatic!

It's an easy way to bypass anything like rational thought or inquiry into what is happening and why. It's the liberal version of the "Jew" meme. Why is everything fucked? The Jews! It's a thought-ending cliche designed to stop people from actually examining what they're being told.

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Not challenging him on the most ridiculous points, agreeing with him on many others, calling those who criticize the white helmets conspiracy theorists is criminal.

I like Doug but his instincts for geopolitics are abysmal.

Everyone is worst than Stalin.


Damn, I kinda liked him. Oh well. Another one for the razor.

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I actually think is way worse than that. These people are against critical support for assad, because they don't want to support the M-L position. Truth is that M-L are the most liberal free position on the left. With the exception of Reddit/Twitter ☭TANKIE☭s that are just fucking retarded sociopaths who want to castrate people that are trans exclusionary in dates, M-L is the more grounded and present group irl. They are getting strawmanned hard latley for some reason. I'm not saying that there is an anti M-L cospiracy, but when you think about it reddit/twitter is dominated by trannies that discredit the name, the ones such as roo and finbol get smeared at every chance going as far as blackmailing with finbol, a lot of ideologies (exception made for anarchism) seem to exist just to not defend past revolutions, M-L are also the one that calls out people for fake leftism… This shit stinks tbh. These people are so petty and so fake that they would wear whatever flavor of ideology it's fashionable at the moment, and at the moment ML is the least fashionable thing ever, but also the more grounded and tested. It seems like they are not even conscious of the fact that acting with these petty concerns ecc. Makes them pentagon puttets as of now. Also most tranny ML are also third worldist.
This proves that there is something in the hair and for OG M-L is getting real bad

And then gives platform for one hour to a guy who wants intervention. And than makes USSR and Mao china explamples of where intervetion was needed.
Remeber tho, combat fascism by trashing nerds in college. Being critical/against antifa is fascism.

Sucking contra's dick is on par in my opinion.


Why you have to always assume this bullshit centrist postition? Jesus dude


pic related from the interviewees youtube account. Also, he has a horrible taste in music.
because children

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How can you like doug? He ammited to not even finishing the first volume of capital and said that people should read Solzhenitsyn

where did he admit that?

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In his first video about Peterson he said that every leftist should read Solzhenitsyn

no, about not finishing capital

If my criteria for who I like rested on if they've finished Capital I'd be a lonely fella. And I think people should read Solzhenitsyn while keeping in mind the Gulag Archipelago is a literary work and not a historically accurate exploration of the Gulag system. But to answer your question I like Doug because he seems like a generally amicable guy who eschews much of the toxic puritanical moralizing rife in the Western left without going too far in the other direction and he puts out a lot of interesting interviews whether I explicitly agree with the guest or not.

This interview of his is just this: "can't you see the dead children? Can't you see all the good work the white helmets are doing? Can't you hear the cries of Syrians? Why wouldn't we intervene when millions die?" etc.

This is just absolute laziness. DO NOT have an open hillaryfag and an open warhawk on your channel if you can't be bothered to research the global picture and challenge him in times of war, for fucks sake.

even fucking chapo got this right. 0 excuse

Checked the interviewed twitted, of course he's a blairite zionist

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ZeroBooks needs to stop having crypto-Zios on his channel.

Does this mean that Tom O'Brien is finally /ourguy/ again?

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Doug is a philosemite himself. Postone was a fucking hasbara troll disguised as an anti-capitalist professor.

there's a fine line between philosemitism and conceiled zionism

read that as a hasbro troll

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That's not really what I'm referring to but I'm not hearing Doug do a whole lot of that in the interview. The interviewee certainly is.

Ehh I wouldn't do it if it was my podcast but I think it's a little hyperbolic to think that a podcast that gets like ~3k listens is actually having a meaningful impact on foreign policy opinions in the West. You see the same shit across ☭TANKIE☭ twitter. It kind of comes off as a delusional attempt to feign relevance.

What's funny is that the Palestinian refugee camp in Yarmouk is almost entirely depopulated and Palestinian militias are currently operating with the SAA to reclaim it from ISIS.

There is none. Philosemitism is the biggest form of racism in the world today.

It's still harmful. Being a little tool or a big tool is still being a tool.
What does it say about him? IMO, at best:

There's a lot to jewish culture one can be appreciative of while hating other aspects.

There is no "Jewish culture". Read Shlomo Sand.

fug of

Your philosemitism is showing.

Israelis are just jewish europeans

Almost 60% of Israel is Mizrahi/Arab Jews.

I find it fascinating how this sentiment can exist at all without anyone who thinks it immediately realizing its absurdity - if the cure for Assad's brutality is hostility and foreign intervention, why is the cure for Israel's brutality to stay allied with them and not even mention it?

"Jewish Europeans" have had egalitarian courts and enlightened communities with great focus on learning parallel to the medieval structures of enforced ignorance and barbarity. In the early 20th century communism was the 'secular religion' for European Jews not found in such proportion in any other ethnicity or culture.

Historical facts are showing.

Stop derailing the thread or I'll start reporting this shit.

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Keep suckin that dick

Nah, now you're just being an antisemite. If only because most of Jewish history does not involve any kind of Zionism, and many Jewish people and sects are not today Zionist.

The idea of a "Jewish people" is inherently Zionist.

user you should really be reporting this sort of junk on sight

Maybe, but the idea of Jewish people without the "a" isn't. Jewish people have histories and cultures that contain plenty to admire if one so chooses.

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Oh yeah this is the guy who called Natalie Portman a hamas sympathiser for that awards ceremony boycott.

I'm mostly mad that this guy reads his @s when he's out with friends.

Wrong, Jewish communities prior to the enlightenment were dominated by far more totalitarian and conservative than even medieval Christian communities.


wait holy shit did he really?



Will anti-Stalinism ever stop being a red flag for liberalism and pseudo-leftism?

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Call me a conspiracy theorist but IMO there's cointel ops going on against different ideologies at different points. Anarchy is pretty thoroughly inundated with liberals whose primary concern is idpol. Succdems and demsocs barely exist anymore. The ML position is probably the biggest threat to the establishment from the left right now, so it makes sense that they'd try to strawman it with shit like reddit which is pretty openly run for the benefit of corporations by way of doing market research. People getting dissatisfied with capitalism are looking for alternatives, and commie memes are on the rise (mostly focusing on ML states), so it's strategically relevant to smear MLism as a bunch of liberals a la CPUSA. The whole thing smells of a psyop for real.

What a clown.

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Accusation of "conspiracy" being used as an Ad Hominem as a way to discredit what you say is not acceptable here. Feel free to dismiss/call anyone that does it a moron.

What you suggested is actually very tame. Also, definitely happening.

Yes, read Žižek.


who made that image