What is your opinion on pic related?
The socialist regime of east germany after the post war period until its end.
What is your opinion on pic related?
The socialist regime of east germany after the post war period until its end.
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Best ☭TANKIE☭ nation, USSR shouldn't have asked for reparations, it could have easily rivalled or surpassed the west.
Needs less revisionism.
how bad were/how much were the reparations tho
Pretty fucking bad: entire factories were shipped to the USSR.
thats pretty crazy,i always felt that east germany had a lot of potential(also the fact that germans are pretty good eficient workers doesnt hurt either),shame.
Best socialist state imo
Well the territory of East Germany outside Saxony and Berlin was also pretty poor, a lot of wealth came from Silesia and Ostprußen which were annexed into Poland (and Königsburg into the RSFSR). As such you have a lot of refugees from the east (most or whom had left before the Red Army's arrival but the rest were driven off by the NKVD and the Polish militias) in an area already fucked by bombing and street-to-street fighting, which then had resources and equipment extracted from it. The GDR had a shit life from the start.
One of the greatest achievements of humanity
Reparations were taken from Germany because of the immediate needs of soviet society in risk of the large scale famine occurring and further consumer goods shortages. They were not taken after 1954 (before that allies were actively destroying FRG economy in an effort to neuter it, comparing to which reparations from GDR were relatively light). Instead USSR helped GDR to rapidly reindustrialize (10.1% gdp growth in 1954; credit from ussr of 485 million soviet rubles, 33 factories were transferred in 1954 alone, total worth of 2.7 billion ostmarks). Industry output growth in 1950-1958 240%, FRG - 210%. Starting conditions in 1950: GDR - 110.6% of 1936 gdp, FRG - 110.9%.
Thats a very hot take, care to provide numbers.
Well the figure, once adjusted for inflation to 1953 prices, was $26bn from 1946-53 (it should be noted this was ALL reparations, not just soviet). Now expendature in 1952 was $32bn, so you can see how that figure, although over 7 years, is almost a year's budget. Add to that it was factories taken away as the payment, not cash, and you get yourself a pretty fucking bad situation.
This said though, the loss of Posen and Silesia was still more damaging than the reparations to the GDR's economic growth.
Best communist country ever.
Great nation.
whats up with the socialist reich party in the 1949s-50s
Cash was not to be taken as payment for German reparations (according to Yalta), most of it (86%) was taken from the current industrial and agricultural production, some was taken as a relocated industry (after 1947 industry relocation stopped, industry relocated was mostly military). According to Potsdam, USSR was supposed to take 56% of that from GDR (some of which was to be taken from FRG but never delivered from Allies). So if we take the figure of $26bn it is 14.5bn taken from Germany by the USSR, 85% of which was taken from GDR. That makes it 1.760bn per year or 5.5% of the GDR's lowest budget (in 1952). Is that considered heavy for easing post-war consumer good and food shortages in USSR?
as someone who currently lives there I kinda like the GDR, but in comparison to the USSR it always was very conservative. That maybe because it's a very German thing.
Also Ulbricht > Honnecker
Euer Dienst ist die Aufklärung
conservative how?
Best Germany hands down
the stasi was dystopian af
Socially, obviously.
my uncle was talking to me about east germany the other day. he was there when the wall fell. says it was a shit hole and the economy was stagnant and when the wall fell everyone tried to come to the west. he says there was only a couple brands of shoes and they were amazed to find the different kinds of clothing in the west. can someone give me links to refute it being a shit hole?
Here is a link my friend
Why is every expat from socialist nations so damn insufferable? It's always the same shit with them. "Woe is me, my country was a nightmare! We couldn't buy Levis, Nikes, or bananas produced with slave labor like in the west. Never mind the fact that we had low cost for education, child care, and rent. Forget there being low unemployment. None of that matters so long as we can't buy fucking blue jeans!"
That's why I love countries like Sweden which have the best of both worlds. You need an equal mix of socialism and capitalism in order to create the best society.
god damnit
Probably because expats got to leave and distract themselves with buying bullshit. While the people who stayed had to actually deal with the restoration of capitalism and can only experience the decline.
At the time, not even people in the west really questioned the success of East Germany and such a thing was simply accepted as just fact. I find it funny how the whole rhetoric changed after its collapse nytimes.com
Under Ulbricht it was a great project, but do not fool yourself: Honecker was a revisionist of insane proportions who financed his "consumer socialism" with Western and IMF loans.
>One thing we must never give up -the fundamental achievements of socialism, Mr. Kuczynski concluded. And one of those is the absolute assurance of a living standard that puts no one in need.
I hope the restorers of capitalism rot in hell.
Their EU project is more or less melting down and completely flying apart, look at all the effort and negative interest rates required to simply maintain the system in an okaish economy. When the next recession happens, it's going to crash and burn.
and due to all the migrants, capitalists will have successfully caused capitalism to be associated with rape, truck attacks and murder
but that wasn't the case
DDR was far more 'progressive' socially than the USSR
Was not too nice.
My father always had to be very secretive of where he works and what he
does, as he was working in a "western" company.
My mother couldn't study what she wanted due to her not wanting to
join the SED, she knew shit was up, even back then.
But, in general, even my mother says it wasn't all bad.
However, the supply of goods was utter shit.
My father did electronics, and instead of asking "do you have part X or Y"
it was more often than not "What part are you not in lack of".
I come from Zig Forums, and I geuss this is as good a thread as any to ask this,
but I chose this one beecause I could contribute a little, what is it that makes you guys tick?
In all seriousness, I am seeing the damage these lefty-marxists base-ideas have
caused every day. At least once. I was once a lefty, and even into the last quarter
of 2015, but the whole idea of egalitarianism and "everybody by their need" is utterly exploitable.
GDR was at least not as degenerate as BRD, but still, the seeds that would
later grow into this multicultural clusterfuck came from there?
Why do you support it?
Just because some Zig Forumsack called you a cuck and to gas yourself?
Why do you reject race and the detrimental effect that even "qualified" non-Europeans would
bring after a few generations (and such a scenario is extrmely unlikely).
I do not reallly flow along with the GTRWN memes, it's an amplified strawman,
probably just like that video of the supposed BO here.
So I would like to inquire, what you actually think about some issues.
seeing leftists irl, it seems that they usually do support the shittigration,
yes, for some reason they never realize the disparity between the situation
of "being a refugee" and "being integrated permanently".
Is it just more contrarianism?
Is that a block of explosive filled with steel balls?
you wot
yes, surrounded by fuel too
maximize damage against soft targets
I'm gonna answer to everything you said, but you have to give the defenition of communism
Such as?
Because I'm not a fucking retard
He thinks we support merkel
A cost effective way of multiplying the destructive effects of explosives is packing metal around it, like nails or ball bearings, which is what those huge spheres look to be.
Then he's even more retarded than I thought
It's common symptom of neoliberalism/liberalism=leftism=commies
That or he's high off the "gultural marxism"
What a bomb filled with steel bearing from a bike shop does with humans,
this bomb does with an entire building.
Divörsity is great!
Divörsity is good!
Divörsity is what makes the middle east so peaceful!
You're right. Hopefully the arabs kick out all the snow niggers causing trouble in the ME and they can finally start recovering from all the damage the Americans and Europeans have caused.
Diversity is a noble goal, but unfortunately white people prove it's impossible every single time it's tried.
This an.ti white shit posting is really useful. He's an idiot, you don't have to he one too to prove your point.
Meant useless
I'm serious tho. Mugabeism is cancer
Read a book
First of all; thanks for your reply, user.
Such as "Workers of the world unite…→Races of the world unite"
It has been a clear trend that this kind of trend has been able to catch on within that sphere.
I mean, heck, even MLK was cooperating with communists.
(Though there might be some sort of "explanation" as to why that was some sort of "trick"…)
Do you honestly think that I support capitalism in the unlimited form that it is practiced in today?
No, I don't either, but I don't support the "seizing of the means of production" either.
Well, you see, that is already a question of how we thinkk of the world in general.
It you think capitalism is at fault, then fine, of course you are going to be capitalistic then.
But if one sees, for example like the average Zig Forumsack some sort of genocidal ploy, then other "measures" arise.
To be completely fait and honest; I am not sure what to do against it other than arguing that the negatives of immigration
outweigh the positives by far.
In fact, politicians do do stupid things, but I refuse to believe that they actually thought that dindud from north africa would
somehow help prop up this technologized nation. So perhaps I should ask "Why are you not arguing for cronyists to be expunged?"
But in fairness; I haven't made up my mind, and arguing with many twitter/irl leftists seems like talking to a wall.
BKA stats; nothing
Crime stats; nothing
Welfare status; nothing
Employment stats; nothing
Perhaps I just have to stop caring unironically and kick back and relax and watch it all crumble… sigh.
Yes, of course I do know that you don't support "S"PD or "CD"U, maybe Die Linke or MLPD I guess?
Basically """Nazis""" minus talking about ovens and Jews?
I just wanted to inquire why so much of leftism seems to revolve around this kind of self-flagellation.
Anons like:
are what I want to understand. No explanation, not even an ironic attempt at it.
Just an ad-hominem, that's it.
Wtf, I'm leftypol now.
Kek, yeah, they do seem to exxagerate a lot, but shit's gonna be fucked if we don't make it onn to genetic engineering and
actual post-racialism by living a lie now.
Well, you know that saying with malice and stupidity?
Yeah, I always try calm down and assume the person is acting on good intentions.
So perhaps they simply legitimately believe that NS/other systems you don't agree with are actually the final solution.
What also has to be taken into account is that it is very well possible that quite some of it is neonazi shilling; and those are usually
the kinds of people that will resort to all kinds of measures to get their "correct system" started.
Ahh, so it is actually just a random (and pretty disgusting; I didn't manage to watch it completely) video and it was claimed
"HEY, THAT'S LEFTYPOL'S BO xDDDD!!!1!1!", like that?
Would be even funnier that it was taken seriously then tbh.
Why the heck do we not just tuck away the fists and cooperate to defeat/inform them instead of fighting from Zig Forums to lefty/pol/?
Kek, you're the stereotypical Zig Forums, just literally reversed.
Are you a sandperson?
I know there is fuckery going on that is causing the debacle over there.
Especially from western countries; but don't honestly claim that a Commie state wouldn't do the same if they were in that position.
And no, you won't unite the world until only one single person is left alive on it.
Also, the Divörsity can go two ways; as we see that Israel has its geopolitical interst there too, and goes largely unchallanged.
The more I read the more I think that Zig Forums and lefty/pol/ are less different from each other than from the mainstream.
Great, so it was a shitpost…
Please be patient, I have autisms.
And don't you be an able-ist shitlord now :^)
Unless it was sarcastis in which case it would have made sense.
But that I would also only have noticed in that exact context we just had here.
clearly the digits give him the authority; read a book!
Okay, I don't get it anymore.
Haven't lurked here enough for that.
I think that no matter the ideology, no matter how extreme, the fundamental element that pervades the schools
of thought, is the idea that the lives of (some of (^: …heh) humanity is supposed to be improved.
(Or it's just a cynical bait to shift power into the hands of another [[[entity]]] or 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧entity🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧, so it's sometimes pretty disheartening.)
What I want to get at is the (and correct me if I'm wrong; I already didn't get it exact with the def. of socialism) ways and
mechanism by which the original communists wanted to revolutionize and improve society ended up being an inclusive, slippery slope
on towards what we see today.
Or were the ideologues that were driving the Institure for Social Politics (Frankfurt School) not descendants of the "original" communists?
I mean to say that one idea can often lead to the next, which is why these ideas of "racialism" and even something neutral like the
darwinian theory of evolution have the potential to turn murderous.
This potential to turn murderous has to be assessed; how quickly does the ideoogy degenerate, what does human nature do with it after some time?
At this point I would say that Communism/Socialism is, in theory, actually a nice idea, but in the end usually gets fucked up by human nature
and power-grabs (which are present in capitalism of course too, but the mutual rivalry of systems to make money seem to be
something that prevents total domination and thus cruelty and arbitrariness).
What is the grain of truth within this meme, enlighten me!
the perfidious, beady-eyed 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Eternal Anglo🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
A-a-are you going to hide me in your attic…?
I-I-I don't want to be groud in the blood refineries…-
Don't tell me you fucks were the origin of Angloposting!
If that is true it'd make my day, holy shit.
Nope. Modern day society is everything communist wanted to avoid. At it's most Marxism is about changing the mode of production and about analyzing the relationship between the current modes of production and society.
You could make an argument that this attemps always develop in something authoritarian (USSR, North Korea, Cuba ecc.) I personally don't agree with it but I could understand where one would come from, but modern day liberalism and society are not derived by marxism in anyway possible.
Those guys didn't have nothing to do with it either. Adorno, the most famous one, was ruined by the proto SJW of it's time. What adorno did was basically criticize capitalist culture (or cultural capitalism). Basically adorno took marxist material and dialectial analysis outside the realm of history and economics and used it to criticize culture, society and socil relationships. Problem is when a bunch of french philosophers took these concept and created memes such as the "blank slate theory". SJW bastardized the concept of these french philosophers and now you get blue haired pansexuals.
But keep in mind that these philosophers and the frankfurt school was banned in most, if not all, socialist countries. You have stop thinking about SJW when you think of socialism and start thinking about Lenin, Stalin, GDR, Eastern Block, Fidel Castro ecc.
If capitalism is human nature, then everything before capitalism was unnatural? Nope, truth is that if we think in a capitalist mind set it's natural, if we think in another mindset is not. If all the ex socialist state lasted until capitalism was slowly brought back, then this means that capitalism is the destructive force
Is that a disposable plastic knife on the second from the left?
IIRC wasn't also part of Adorno's argument that capitalism ultimately destroys cultures by turning them into commodities to sell?
yeah, BO is actually just a dude and not trans
Saudi Arabia supports them with toys they buy from the americans.
🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Anglos🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 are not to be trusted.
I wish, but it's just something we picked up. Nazbol memeing is all us though.
Yes, exactly.
What are even trying to get at with this?
We live in a capitalist world with nearly all major political groups dedicated to preserving and expanding it
Ach komm loufe du vochel
Ah okay, I guess Marxism (and not what most of Zig Forums, me included, thinks it is) will see a rebirth with automation.
Shit's gonna be cahoitic.
Or just plain genocidal, actually, looking into the future it is pretty black-pilling to be honest:
(This one is adapted to assimilate on Zig Forums, just a warning)
Convince me otherwise, but I think caring to any degree is absolutely pointless. So what if I didn't fight, even many of those pathetic kikes that think
they are somehow helping their "country" (while infesting the USA of course), will probably just be another piece of cattle in the machine later on. Just think about it, "humanity" will continue on and on, """huwhite""""-""""race""""
or not. What's even more depressing is that you idiots, while being right in many respects about racial differences, fail to realize how the dynamis will change with increasing levels of technologized society. In fact, at some point
even the top one percent of the precious """huwhites""" will not be able to compete. The power falls to those in charge of the machines; a happy little technocracy, yay. And even those machine-owners are going to be obsolete, and, with
more or less of a holdout be eliminated as well.
(It won't make complete sense, but you'll probably understand what I'm trying to say)
Add into this that I believe the only reason populations have EVER been treated "well"
is due to there being a co-dependence of ruler and ruled, then it's gonna get pretty holodomor-y tbh.
What do oyu think?
Okay, if true than woe is them, but why is it I never see these "failed" ""atempts"" with the other ideologies?
Even the Nazis were at least honest that they'd be getting rid of "the Jews".
Or was it not proper Nazism after its theoretical definition?
Other than that it could of course be that they are used simply to have a simple explanation of who is "responsible" without needing much detail.
Heck, that worked by calling the rich "bourgeousie" in the communist revolutions too, and with the NutSacs in a similar fashion as well.
Stalin doesn't fill me with confidence either.
I mean, he said "I have more people than Hitler has bullets" if I remember correctly, not much of a caretaker of the workers…?
And why did the eastern block spiral down so much?
I mean, culturally they banned religion, and there was even talks about """abolishing""" family in the eastern block,
which I find, to be quite honest, completely disgusting. Especially after falling sick and seeing the support and love a family can generate for each other.
Now it it's just a misunderstood quote, I can understand that, but I still am weary of an ideology that implies this even just in a figurative sense.
Well, and on GDR; the guilloutines that the NS used in… Dresden I think (dsoesn't really matter where) were promptly re-instated in the GDR.
Now, they had a much "softer" form of dictatorship, but it was fucked up as well.
That's the thing.
It may be "stupid and materialistic", but my mother for example, as a young lady, would stand in line for hours to get a jeans that had the wrong size.
Packages coming from the west were something likened to christmas; Bananas! Oranges! Chocloate!
You see what I am trying to get at?
Even if it has fundamental flaws, for these people in the then-GDR it was seen as an improvement of life to have that system there instead.
Not to forget Stasi, IM, the border to keep people *IN* and all that.
It didn't help, people were not free to speak and they wanted to be able to.
Of course there was geopolitics, but that can also be argued for the toppling of gadhaffi, the creation of ISIS, the destruction of NS Germany etc.
Yeah, here I am on your side.
I wish huans were less materialistic, but I catch myself with that too.
Heck, my bike chain tore apart recently, and I was excited when the new one arrived today, even though it probably has
quite some amount of "blood lubricating its links" if you know what I mean.
Hahaha, a memepocalypse of shitposting and people start taking it unironically.
Kek, it's much like /s4s/ niceposting tbh.
So I guess it is the Americans that are to blame for providing and being opressive to muslims?
Hehehe, why is it though, that Israel never gets mentioned, even if they didn't "create" them, there
have been mentions of their geopolitical interest in keeping them around (certain places)…
So I guess it were the autists from Brit/pol/, and it managed to prolifferate significantly in banter with Germans that got triggered/amused by it on Kraut/pol/ over at 4.
Combine this with "Gott strafe England" and "Bomben auf England" and a beautiful symbiosis of shitposts is coalesced.
Pic related; beautiful!
Yeah, this is what pisses me off too, but I can't fathom that communism/ lefty-auth will work either after all those "f
Haha, ach user, ich war eigentlich nie für mehr als 10 posts auf KC bevor es dieses Jahr inshallah (pbuh) krepierte.
Ich wusste noch nicht einmal, dass die Reclam Dinger KC waren.
Hab's auf 4 gesehen und witzig gefunden.
Aber, generell verstehe ich nicht die Wut auf KC.
Sie sind vielleicht autistische Kanzerogenit#t, aber das hielt sie nicht
davon ab trotzded auch Unterhaltsames auszukotzen.
Vielleicht bin ich nur 'n autistischer Edgelord, aber es it witzig tbh.
Selbst wenn Breivik nun nicht /unser/ oder /euer/ war..
Und generell die ganzen Deutsch-Sprech Ideen wie:
"Kopierpasteten" oder "relatiert"
fand' ich witzig als ich da mal reinschaute.
Bist du zurzeit wohnhaft in ost-Deutschland?
50000 Meter Süd-Süd-Östlich von München.
Eltern waren aber Ossis.
Yeah, it will be pretty bad. I'm not denying it. Every revolution is bloody as hell
Marx wrote a book about jew. Don't think we are zionist or such. Lenin said that the ruling class jew is our enemy, but the proletarian jew is not. First you have to understand that Jews were made rich by capitalism ecc. Second even if they are the 40% of the 1% there is still a 60% to take care of that is composed by whites, black, asians or whatever. Don't think that capitalism for whites only will work (see hitler and how he threw gladly under the bus his fellow whites) nor it will work for black only (see mugabe) nor for arabs ecc. Money is the religion of the bourgeoisie, money for the bourgeoisie is the only thing that matters. If you are so concentrated on the jew bourgeoisie you will miss all the others doing awful shit.
But this reasoning works only if you thinks jews are the only bourgeoisie, I'll bite. You yourself admitted that with automation ecc. Communism will make a comeback, if you are not communist you can't fite the automation menace. Stop for a second thinking in race and start thinking on class levels. Do you african blacks have something in common with obama? Do you think the average german have something in common with merkel? With the exception of race, no. People of your colour would throw you under a bus for money, people of your class (fellow workers) will not. The ussr was full of different races and the still managed to construct homogenous communities. When we say solidarity we don't mean you should let them in your home or whatever, we mean that you have to reconize that you have more in common with say a nigger than a white billionare.
This has nothing to do with mass immigration, obviously mass immigration is a problem. Die linke, Corbyn in england and other communist parties are again mass immigration btw because mass immigration is no good for the workers.
My point here is that you shouldn't be angry at niggers but people who let niggers in to use them as cheap labour.
Stop right there. They failed on a theorical level more than anyone else.
Fascism and Nazism are derive from an anti capitalist doctrine, obviously both were staunchly capitalist as soon as they took power.
Also fascism and nazism are not economic theories or analisis, they are an aesthetic doctrine so there can't be really a misinterpretation or bastardization.
Literally untrue, everything you said is propaganda. Stalin never said that, Stalin was never anti family (and you should know that most communist revolutionaries and countries were actually quite conservative), stalin didn't kill that many people.
Especially that anti family bullshit
Here is a file debunking all the propaganda bullshit with sources, videos ecc.
Keep in mind that people miss the socialist system in most countries were it was applied, even the shitty one like romania
Yes consumer goods distribution was shit, especially in the GDR. I can't deny this
Just keep in mind that the GDR was constructed after a war that destroyed a lot of the country and was isolated from the west. Yes it wasn't good, but that happend for the geo polical situation in that moment, this ain't gonna happen again. Maybe something else will happen, i don't know. But i doubt that consumer good will lack again
Man, don't worry. Marx was a hoarder (bet you didn't know this). Again, don't worry that much about consumer good. At the time it was like that for the situation at the time, in the future will be different.
Pic related. these 3 countries are all the same coin, making apologia for them on this board will get you banned. Zionism is basically nazism for jews, we hate that and hope that that they will be destroyed (did you know know that North Korea personally finances and give weapons to Hezbolla? Did you know that north korea is the only non arab country that doesn't recognize Isreal? The left is anti zionist, if you are a zionist and call yourself left you are gonna get the wall)
so i'm not familiarised with life in the gdr, i haven't gotten to those books yet, why is it one of the best?, what did it accomplish that the ussr didn't?
Okay, didn't want to put op a hard-to read text-wall here:
Also; I have to get outside a litte.
I'll check back later!
Not naiming it:
Kek, couldn't resist, showing myself out for today.
I wish more of Zig Forums would talk to you guys,
until now I actually thought you were just a little
more ideologically (communism/socialism) etc. driven prote-SJWs..
I bet there could even be cooperation or collaboration if we just got past the
autistic shitflining.
Kek, maybe I can get some people to thinkabout it on 4, oor just share the plans
I have for industrialized shitposting here too and not just Zig Forums.
At any rate and generally:
I think we should both (at least beyond shitposting with people whom we know to be /ourguys/)
drop any kind of symbolism (and maybe take on a new symbol)
Sieg Heil and all that, kek.
Gonna fix up my bike now, that chain has to be installed after all!
An deiner Argumentation hat man gesehen das du ein dekadenter wohlstandswessi bist ;) (nicht bös gemeint)
Hat dich Murat oft verprügel?t;)
Ich hab keinen Grund den B(A)KA zu rufen. Das einzigste was du vllt. ETWAS falsch gemacht hast ist, dass du Merkels gRapefugeschtis beleudigt hast
Deutscher Gruss, Genosse🙋
Interessant. Bin aber noch etwas skeptisch was die Mauer angeht.
es gibt noch weitere texte, die derzeit bei der KPD nicht aufrufbar sind, hier allerdings einen den ich zum thema DDR noch finden konnte
Were the Stasi really that bad or is that just a meme?
It wasn't that they were bad, they were efficient as fuck and probably the best spies ever
complete meme
a meme
modern western intelligence agencies are far more intrusive and worse
>and due to all the migrants, capitalists will have successfully caused capitalism to be associated with rape, truck attacks and murder
They are successfully chalking it up to """socialism"""
You mean legitimate government?
are there any general books on the ddr?
Social conservatism protected the workers from neoliberalism and free markets. The US was busy targeting any marxists in the same time period.
Without social conservatism to safeguard the Soviet way of life we saw how quickly Russia was looted by neoliberals after the USSR fell
1st picture to the left…
How 'dis happen gomrade :DDD?
Quick reminder that there is a """Marxist-Leninist""" Party that celebrates the fall of the GDR and shit on it relentlessly
socialism is the peak of human development
The Germany we needed and deserved, too bad the capitalists pigs destroyed it
Meme perpetuated by the victors. If the USA fell apart instead of the DDR reunifying, you'd see popular East German literature about how evil the CIA was.
Which parties do that?