
I've been distancing myself from this terminology for some time now and just referring to myself as a communist or nothing at all when people talk politics.

I'm noticing the #woke intersection "left" wholly embraces this kind of vague terminology that places their views firmly on a boundary line between "edgy liberalism" and "class struggle."

This is nothing new I'm saying but I've certainly noticed a lot of feminists and #BLM types that hitch on to Marxism and are really good at LARP'ing as revolutionaries. For me, I guess I stopped using "left" because I don't give a fuck about these single issue movements.

As I've aged, I feel like anti-racism, feminism, gay rights, etc., these are all worthless if they don't put class first and I could give a shit less. I've noticed if you identity as a "leftist" they automatically lump you in with these asshats that say and do the dumbest things: anti-gun, vegan, pacifist, irreverent white guilt, etc.

Pretty much none of that describes me and I feel like none of that stuff has anything to do with communism.

What say you? How do you feel about the term "leftist" and do you see it as an amenable label?

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I call myself stalinist in front of people who ask my position. Obviously in front of other leftist I explain that I'm an ML and stalinism is a Trotskyite meme, but irl to avoid the "bernie supporter" "jewish puppet" "liberal" "faggot trans lover" "crusty fucker" I always call myself stalinist, this way I also show my extremism without too many explainations.

I tend to just say socialist, in the UK it means a Corbyn supporter instead of gulturil marksisgm stuff. I find 'RedLeft' a useful term to, distinguishes demsoc and socdem from liberalism.

you're fucking dumb even the people whomst you're pointing your finger at wouldn't call themselves leftists if you asked them. youre just embarrassed by the anti-left propaganda coming from the right

you got memed on

no man, i didn't get memed on at all, lmao.

are you serious? go out to a protest, these people are definitely real, stop burying your fucking head in the sand dude. it is comical that people like you claim these types don't exist, but every 'anti racism' event, they are out there in full force willing to shout down class struggle types as 'brocialist' and 'manarchist'.

i literally did not take your reply seriously because it's just so obviously false.

even more so – consider that shit like 'soyboy' wouldn't be a meme if it weren't so common.

the average leftist in America/ first world is edgy red liberal college vegans, not steel workers in factories, not auto workers, not garbage men, not military/militia men…
stop burying your head in the sand

They do, and that's a problem.

Worse yet, many of those anti-communist, radlib hilldog voters dare call themselves socialists. This is why we need purges.

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did you say purge? i'm in

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- says the not embarrassed guy

face it retard you're just internalizing all the shit you see on Zig Forums about leftists. your OP image could literally just be a Zig Forums meme with out the "neo-leftist starter pack" shit

You wouldn't give a single fuck about the left as a label if you didn't take these dumb anti-left memes so seriously. Everything about the people you see at protest doesn't mean shit, you didn't say anything about that in the OP, you only said the "left" umbrella is embarrassing to you.

This is Zig Forums 101 tbh, but that pic you posted is trash made by some classcuck
any sensible communist distances themselves from broader "leftism"

Let's not give reactionaries too much credit, self-identified "leftists" do enough damage to communism by themselves. We should reject leftism as it means seeing ourselves in the same boat as socdems, liberals and left-wing capitalists of all stripes.

I unironically believe liberals are our #1 threat and deserve purging

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Ah I see are you ready to enter an alliance with Monarchists and Fascists to kick them out ? :^)

It's the liberals who would be first in line to form an alliance with monarchists and fascists. This is why they deserve purging.

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they don't exist in any meaningful way, the few of them that do exist would be co-opted by liberals for use as a weapon against communism

It's true really, even outside of the power structure that they control, their push to brand everything as "leftist" is a measure to undermine the chances of successful socialist/communist organization

Are you talking about the new left or the "libertarian"

Both are cancer the new left is CIA and libertarian left is spineless

Yes but which one are you talking about being the "co-opters".

If anything the ones that stand close to ideological purity would have their own attempt at making their own faction, I don't see any from that kind of group enjoying keynesian central planning or a strong gov ( the libertarian part ) and their fetishism for fascist figures needs to stop holy fuck I don't want to be related with those guys.

New left are the coopters.
I don't know what are the fascistic figures are you talking about

For how Ironic it might be the "ones who stand alone", not some Evola tier esoteric bullshit , not a group of American wannabe NutSacs.

Just the plain men that is idealistic in nature , it is important to stress that this can only happen in Europe and each fascist would probably look after the historical examples and attempts of their own parties to better solve and cooperate.

Of course for this to happen we require not only the death of the new right and a new rise of the true marxist left can trigger this event.

They are. They always have been. Fascists are the most belligerent, more hateful, and killing them much more cathartic, but they are a symptom, Liberals are the cause.

The turret claims another.

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Fascism has always been a symptom from failed liberalism.

From demoliberalism to neo-liberalism you will always see it rise.

This response will never happen. There will never be a global revolution, with a mass conversion. This isn't defeatism, it's just the truth.

Do you clean the lint trap out after you do your laundry? Had many roommates who were 'woke', but couldn't be fucked to clear the lint.

Incisive analysis

We have these every day, comrades.

Stalin would never have called himself Stalinist, he was true Marxist-Leninist.

You do realize the CIA murdered figures of the New Left, right? Like Fred Hampton.

The new left was coopted by the cia. Fred Hampton wasn't new left. The new left existed to "fix" what they percived as problems of the old left. Hampton was pretty old school

The New Left's growth and solidification as idpol garbage was forcibly guided by the alphabets to make American left wing politics safe for the status quo. Postmodernists and people obsessed with wedge issues were harmless, class-concerned left wing movements like the BPP were not.

Yet yes I clean the lint trap alongside my r- Wait a fucking minute this smells like Jordan Peterson kinda rhetoric

Citation needed.
Of course he was. The Black Panthers were one the major orgs that made up what we call the New Left.
Which was perfectly legitimate, though admittedly sometimes misguided.
Many New Leftists were hardline MLs.


I'm not making a Sargon-tier non-argument, pomos coming to prominence in academia and pop culture was absolutely the work of the feds.

bruh cleaning the lint trap is the best thing about doing laundry who tf doesn't clean the lint trap

I usually call myself a "Vanilla Marxist" and then usually explain that I want a "post-capitalist society where workers own the means of production". I have some ideas about how to achieve it but I keep it vague and mainly play defensive because if I start trying to put out answers, usually the conversation turns into them trying to just poke holes in anything I say. I try to keep it Socratic, people seem more receptive when they can come to (obvious) conclusions themselves instead of being lectured to. But there is absolutely no way to avoid being straw-manned if whoever your talking to is dead set on doing it. If someone doesn't want to hear you out there's nothing you can do about it, pic related. You can talk until you're blue in the face, but if they think that leftist = SJW Soyboy cuck then I'd just give up immediately.

As for the larpers there's really nothing you can do but try to embarrass them with their own lack of knowledge. If they call themselves a marxist ask how many work's of Marx they've read. If they say none then call them out on it and tell them to fuck off and read.

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I always considered being woke more of a spiritual movement that co-oped into politics

wishy washy new age beliefs are becoming increasingly common amongst both 'woke' liberals and the conspiracist right.

Reported for cop apologia.

Note how many people shit on that dude that got elected in Virginia because he was in the army like ten years ago.

This is exactly the sort of selfish mentality that keeps people trapped in consumerism and selfishness. I found litter all around my apartment complex, next to fancy cars. The same 'anti-liberal leftist' people I know treat their environment like trash, and take zero responsibility for any problems. Had another friend who talked about us having to help the poor, yet he spends no time at charities, and spent $800 on a VR headset.

By constantly referencing 'revolution', all you do is create an endless cycle of procrastination. Things suck now? Don't worry, one of these days everything will magically change! I can't even fucking respect my roommates, but one of these days, we'll all be class consciousness and rise up!


Very much agree. Feminism, anti-racism, LGBT rights are issues all revolutionaries should promote and agree on, but separating them from the liberation of humanity leads to worthless liberal activism that accomplishes nothing.

Good. He'd only be propping up an unjust system that the charity industry is used to address in order to make it seem like the capitalists who donate money to them are generous people, in addition to the mystifying effect that the religious organizations who often run charities exert upon those they "serve."

These days I just myself a socialist or leftist despite that meaning you're automatically lumped into one group or another. I used to be full of white guilt when I was younger but now I realise it's okay to be white. I find all the "whites must atone for the sins of their ancestors" stuff pretty fucking racist, and talk about being "woke" just bloody stupid. I don't need to be a self-righteous zealot or obnoxious SJW cunt to prove to the public I'm not an arsehole, but I doubt that's really what it's all about at all but rather control and ego when people carry on like that.

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you're an idiot

Well your a christcom so youre already irrational in your own right.

Fuck off reactionary, with you fuckin anti-sjw Facebook memes