— C.L.R. James (1960)
Bourgeois Antiracism Destroyed Forever
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Zig Forums we all know you're raiding because America fell flat on its ass and not only hasn't gained anything they haven't lost for such a long period of time (January 26th - today, almost May), and every once in a while it gets dragged down even further (see March) and it struggles to recover from even that. Now the last two days of last week, all losses.
Today you lost over 3%, 2% of which was lost in an hour. Leaving you at a loss of about 1,000 points and futures are still negative. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that it's all a coincedence you came at a certain time the president you root for who is the single most zionist president America has ever had has lost his claim to many Americans that he's actually really good at business and very smart at stocks
I'll give you that all may be a coincidence and you all just happened to be retarded when America's stocks are dropping like flies who fed off too many half eaten American cheese burgers. And you are a very smart people, full of very intelligent white men and women who single handidly do everything with no thanks in the world blah blah blah
Hey, let's even entertain "But that's not us white folk! Dem Jews!" which somewhat invalidates your argument in this social darwanist world you live in where only the mighty succeed somehow whites can't run the stocks while jews can, let's just entertain all these ridiculous notions
What does any of that have to do with this thread? It's about CLR James and bourgeois antiracism efforts that ignore class.
The only class I'm ignoring is the one America is currently getting schooled in you dumb Zig Forumsyp bitch
Quote more esoteric archaic black men at us Zig Forums. You got from facebook, it must be funny.
Be real with yourself, no jew, no white, no black, and no asian, will successfully outmaneuver America's inevitable bubble bursting during Trump's administration and most of your board will never escape from the crash despite shilling him so hard
Your board is dumber than the dumbest man from Uganda and you will suffer for it. Everyone will remember you as that one time the useless board after Zig Forumsharbor decided if they said kek enough the president they liked would get elected and do everything they want, only to quickly crash their economy and become the biggest Zionist America's executive branch ever had. Will probably go to war with Syria or Iran and betray his anti war promises as well. And you still defended him to get to this point, because you refuse to acknowledge you're ever wrong.
Good luck with your future outlook dipshit
You are a walking Greek tragedy
The only reason there isn't a global Nazi masturbation fantasy is because of the bourgeoisie and capitalism. When capitalism finally collapses all the baboon peoples will finally be wiped out. :)
How the fuck did you come to the conclusion that the C.L.R. James quote was even remotely compatible with the Zig Forumstard worldview? If you weren't an uneducated sperglord you'd know that author is one of the major figures of Trotskyism.
The mighty white race of men so poor they got poorer gambling away their money for cheeseburgers who's crying on the street because he can't eat any more cheese burgers will grab a gun to kill the blacks who did this to him and end up shooting his testicles into viscera
Because if there wasn't around 5 to 7 race threads today specifically during a day where America's stock lost billions and billions of dollars under an administration said board sucks the cock out of, it woudn't look pathetic.
As it stands, it looks pathetic. Know when to hold em, maybe America's stock market will learn the rest of the lyrics some time.
It's called chicken mcnugget trigger discipline
That still doesn't explain what your ranting has to do with the OP
Whoa I said right there you're a retard shill boy who's future is in a homeless shelter, who knew
CLR James isn't esoteric or archaic. He's one of the better known Trotskyists, and the quote in the OP is antithetical to Zig Forums. I'm starting to become convinced you're a Zig Forumsyp who goes around derailing on-topic threads by accusing others of being from Zig Forums. Why would anyone on the left think CLR James is so archaic he isn't worth discussing?
You're as subtle as your stock market you cheap fuck
I don't know whether to tell you to go back to Zig Forums or r/socialism.
Are you talking about the corporate debt bubble that is going to burst soon
If you want a thread about the stock market, use the one that already exists rather than derailing this one. The only problem with this thread so far hasn't been Zig Forums race-baiting but your autistic screeching about the stock market.
No one talks like you on this board
Listen, if you want your PlaySkool organized cult of personality to make 5 or 7 threads about race every time the stock drops, that's perfectly fine.
Be aware that I will be posting shit from your discord however.
Remember when you retards fell for "Christopher Cantwell's" weeping ass who happened to be a fed
What is it with Zig Forums both lying constantly while at the same time being fooled by obvious feds
Why do they call themselves tradworkers when none of them have jobs
Because posting isn't just a fucking hobby, it's a profession and an art ok,.
I fucking hate the humanities, they get degrees for doing nothing
Considering I don't use Discord at all, post as much as you like. Just find a more on-topic thread or, better yet, make your own about your stock market hobbyhorse. For someone who cares so much about it, I don't know why you're spamming this thread and not posting in the existing thread or creating a new one if you think it's so significant. I'd be surprised if you weren't from Zig Forums at this point.
It's nice to know by the way, that even Zig Forums can argue about Hitler's tactical retardation, but you're still primarily filled with retards.
Anyways nobody is buying your shit and the next post I start posting their kids
"You" already did that in a previous thread. As far as I can tell, this is just copy-pasta, probably of that other guy's work.
You literally talk about fucking in a bathroom stall with women you call sluts despite the fact you yourself are fucking in a bathroom stall.
The moral arbiters of the white race really aren't that effective are they
And you already proved you have no idea what the word bourgeois even means besides an epithet, we can all assume why this is. You haven't given much proof the assumption is false.
Mad_MAX_Wolf got high enough T to rape a dog watch out
Go back to r/socialism
Oh please, we get these threads every single fucking time there's a stock market meltdown in America, don't act like these people are honest.
You can't seriously be that naive
true, but you simply can't deny that there aren't people on this board who use economic reducionism (anti-idpol) to hide their proto-facism.
i'm not saying it is the case in this thread, but it could be.
This is good shot posting or you are hilariously deranged. I'm a fed, but I can promise there is no federal mission to cover up the stock market with anti-racism. Zig Forums isn't one guy, it's a lot of almost intelligent guys, they can split their attention.
What the fuck kind of a structured sentence is this. Where did I imply "leftypol was one person" I very much know it is, my point was that every single time the stock market crashes rapidly in America there is an observable increase in threads about race, this is not my stance on idpol as it is OP's, because I do not actually believe he's genuine
Zig Forums does this dumb shit all the time they aren't obvious about it
What the fuck is happening to this board???
How is he being dishonest though, even if he was a Zig Forumsyp? The position being spouted is one we hold, are we to spaz out because of the person stating it? I could understand if he was posting race statistics or Jew inforgraphics and stating leftists are btfo, but he's literally quoting a socialist and saying bourgeoisie liberals are btfo on their methods of "combating" racism through cultural change.
This makes no sense. If your economically reductionist, in what way can you be a proto-fascist? Reducing things to class would in fact yield the opposite result.
God do I have to explain to you why inciting 7 race threads in a row instead of focusing on material interests happening right now is a fucking dumb idea
Just shut up;
What they mean is that Zig Forumsyps can cloak their spookys about minorities by pretending to only care about economics, however for them it isn't the case.
Of course, we can't generalize, but in some cases of "economic reductionism" can be so hamfisted and fishy that it can make you wonder the real intention behind the post
EPIK POL TROLLING>serious discussion
The point wasn't the discussion retard, it's the fact of the spontaneous emergence of it at the same time as it happened last time.
Jesus christ why are you so offended someone called someone Zig Forums for doing the same thing on time. Get a grip, stop being offended on everyone's behalf
Take your meds, man.
Nobody was inciting a race thread except maybe you. The subject was entirely anti-idpol and anti-racist. If Zig Forumsyps did show up, then maybe you'd have an argument and call them out, but I see nothing like that here.
I mean, if you only car about economics it matters very little what the personal spookies you hide from everyone are. With the abolishment of capitalism goes too the system of economic enforcement that allows people to enforce their spooky opinions on others. At worst those opinions simply become an audible nuisance, one which you can respond to in kind.
Stop avatarfagging now and perhaps
not suspicious
< avatarfagging
What did he mean by this?
hahaha who the fuck said I was offended? No seriously take 's advice, seriously. This Zig Forums shenanigans you're talking about is tinfoil tier, and even if it was Zig Forums so long as their discussion is in good faith they can post it, and on top of that, if this was Zig Forums they must be fucking stupid because the quote goes against their retarded narrative to begin with because it puts anti-capitalism before race issues.
The reason they'd do it is by locking down any conversation about minorities they can effectively let their propaganda about their spooks go unchallenged, shifting the overton window to the right implicitly
Not suspicious
I guess I could see that, but I would say the answer would be to keep the discussion class based rather then falling into the trappings of a race based discussion because in the end that is what they want the dialogue to be focused on. Zig Forumsyps have no class based arguments, which is why they relentlessly try to shift the discussion towards topics like race and culture so they can use pseudo-scientific and subjectively based arguments instead. Then again, maybe I'm just being overly optimistic on the use of class rhetoric and ignorant of what spooks people care more about. I don't pretend to be perfect on these kind of things.