It is with a heavy heart that I must share the heart-wrenching news.

This is the end of line, fellas. We are to leave and never return.

I shall hope for everyone's well-being and safety. Farewell, comrades.

Attached: 29570680_1624228260959217_9141272656933773636_n.png (800x800, 693.75K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's a made up quote.

It's not made up, it's right there on you filthy commie.

Attached: aXm7420xjU.jpg (650x650, 57.5K)

Oh! I had no idea it was backed by such an august periodical. I should really do some research next time before shooting my mouth off.

Attached: a dream is a dream.png (1204x564, 730.14K)

I though capitalism rewarded hard work.

Attached: 05be0435ab3d5573954800a2fef8374fb16de55cc755c51cb4ccc3483ed0b1e2.jpg (600x409, 31.37K)

Only the JIDF pays decent rates.
I guess he does it for free.

reactionaries put the boredom in bedroom

Every time. Taking bets on how long until TPUSA starts quoting the 14 words and blaming jews for everything.

you could easily just type some other made up shit around it turning it into a marxist critique of capitalism
if they then try to debunk you they have to expose their own fake

Attached: jej.jpg (750x722, 53.46K)

Attached: totallyreal.png (567x350, 125.99K)

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Karl Marx never actually said that.

he probably never said the quote posted in OP either

SHHH! that's the point

Ebin. Hope BO scum lets the image be uploaded.

Attached: HitlerSocialist-1024x535.jpg (1024x535, 67.69K)

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This is the most transparent comment about capitalism's indifference to how government is run as long as they're free to exploit the proletariat I've ever read.

Attached: 9eadd3fd50ec893eda2d15e91c2a24004900f0d9c6fbbe53b4510e4a200be21f.jpg (413x395, 27.66K)

that was the point, unless you're agreeing with the spirit of the post in which case I'm retarded

Attached: e85a0d75883c16504c13e89e159559094df582d8ddbe55acf8e4be46b6bbf489.jpg (1039x1231, 117.99K)

I actually think it's a good quote for entryism if you use this one.

Attached: I.V Dzhugashvili.jpg (753x527, 57.56K)

But I mean is this wrong? It is easier to persuade someone of Marx's philosophy if they aren't clinging to spooks about heritage and nation, no?

Yes it is but that isn't the point. The point is that they're fabricating shit to make marx look even worse in the eyes of the nationalists etc.

I'd like to know what European or "white" nation had their heritage taken away by Marxism? Plenty of others (in Africa and Asia in addition to Europe) had in the name of imperialism and colonialism.

If anything, it got the people of Yugoslavia to embrace their shared heritage and love each other.

Rod prastari svi smo, a Goti mi nismo,
Slavenstva smo drevnoga čest.

none of them did really, if anything it's capitalism that strips away heritage and culture in an effort to commodity, package and sell it as it does within the US

are tpusa going full white nationalist now

This is actually very cleverly designed.
It only makes the implication that Marx said that, but it's constructed for maximum deniability if anyone points out that it's bullshit.