Thoughts on this goofy eyed goyim?

I just read Existentialism is a Humanism, loved it. I already have Being and Nothingness, what am in for?

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Other urls found in this thread:, Jean-Paul - Literary and Philosophical Essays (Collier, 1962)#page/n233/mode/2up

His Reflections on the Jewish Question are actually quite enlightening. It tells you a lot about the Zig Forumstard mentality.

Sartre is really a bad interpretation of Heidegger's philosophy, and the latter distanced himself from Sartre.

Heidegger's philosophy also amounts to neo-pagan Not Socialism but the tepid neo-liberal academics refuse to admit this glaringly obvious fact.

Anyway, don't read either.

goyim is the plural of goy, user

You should read "You Gentiles" by Maurice Samuel as a counterargument. He sees antisemitism as a natural consequence of Jews and gentiles living together, caused by two fundamentally different outlooks on life. The gap is unbridgeable

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It's really polite of you to let people know not to waste their time on that trash.

What are those "different outlooks on life" he's talking about?

Read everything, just prioritize.

tl;dr: muh aryan jewryan genes

How can they lose something that they never had


Being and Nothingness is fucking sick. There's going to be a few parts that will contort your brain a little bit, like when I first read the sections on the "origin of negation" I was losing it. But once you grasp it you really get that "a-ha!" moment and it becomes fascinating. It's a great introduction to the metaphysical views of existentialists. Some of it might not seem like a huge deal but this is because it was so influential and several of the ideas are commonplace even in Anglo countries (for example the now basic premise that without a god we must create our own narrative.) The way its written is beautiful in itself too, very enjoyable read.

Its the book that really got me into philosophy. I read Sartre, loved it, found out he was a Marxist, bought an intro to Marx and I've been building from that ever since.

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TIL I am a Jew, pic related

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He should have read Benjamin, then he'd know Jewish culture is integral to (and in many aspect intermingled with and indistinguishable from) European heritage.

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Stop pushing occult Judaism on people Chaya.

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Fuck Heidegger, his thought is the definition of bourgeois philosophy. Fuck that unapologetic nazi and the stupid French obscurantists that followed.

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He was a Nazi and obscurantist but you're a trog

"Goyim" is plural. "Goy" is singular.

physics immediately comes to mind. this nigga dumb af

The curse of posting images more interesting than the post.

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Agamben builds upon Heidegger, would you say he's an obscurantist too?

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Sartre is great, "Existentialism is a Humanism" was one of the first philosophical texts I read and I loved it too. Also recommend "Materialism and Revolution" from this compilation:, Jean-Paul - Literary and Philosophical Essays (Collier, 1962)#page/n233/mode/2up (probably the rest of the book is good too, I just haven't read it). In this text he argues among other things that science and dialectics are opposed because science looks at the world as one vast totality and nothing radically new can be created, while dialectical thinking holds the view that entirely new models arise from the component parts. Hence in a strictly/dogmatically materialist view, the revolution can never be seen as something radically new. This is not a plea for idealism, but against an overly dogmatic materialism, which in Sartre's view will stifle the revolutionary impulse. The solution is to conceive of materialism as a working hypothesis (which would be what the positivists such as Comte have always done), not an "objective" metaphysical position. Sartre also talks about this in Transcendence of the Ego which i intend to read soon.
Never read Being and Nothingness but I heard it's fairly readable, much more so than Heidegger's Being and Time.

he misinterpreted Heidegger but that doesn't make his philosophy invaluable in its own right

holy fucking shit d*wkins is even more autistic than I imagined possible

I'm not familiar with the thinker you mentioned, but looking through his wiki article I found that: "[Agamben] called Benjamin's thought "the antidote that allowed me to survive Heidegger""
I'm not saying that Heidegger's thought and philosophy is useless, it's just very bourgeois and helped influence one of the worst trends in philosophy ever seen.
Also, as an individual, he's a piece of human garbage.

You mean existentialism/post-structuralism or something like that? Don't see why you'd hate those that badly
true, also I guess we can all agree Heidegger's writing style is obscure as fuck

I gave up my support for Chaya when it was revealed that he was a boy (penis) and not a girl (vagina). I was very upset.

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Hannah Arendt must have seen something good on him

top ten philosophy ships

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What has always blown my mind is the sheer amount of Jewish philosophers from (from Arendt to Derrida) who idolized Heidegger, when his philosophy was basically centered around turning them into soap.

Heidegger fugging Arendt is the '20s equivalent of alt-rightists succumbing to yellow fever.

I'm not a heidegger fan but in what way does this statement make sense? Actually I always thought it was surprising he was a Nazi considering all his referring to "authenticity", comparing the destruction of nature through technology to concentration camps (similar to adorno tbh), etc.

Am I the only one who thinks they look cute together?

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I mean obscurantism, I thought it was clear in my previous post.
Post-structuralism is great, I love Foucault. Derrida is a cunt though.
I hope this clears things up.

Arednt is a fugging bitch tho, On Revolution is misleading horseshit.

Why are you using Zig Forums terms?
Unless you are a nazbol, in that case its fine.

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Antisemitism is at the core of Heidegger's ontological project. Marx's demeaning remarks towards Jews (for instance) weren't that much of a deal because they were anecdotal digressions that didn't shape his worldview — it's different with Heidegger. Antisemitism was a cornerstone of his reasoning, and pretty much all of the concepts he came up with were connected to his antisemitism in one way or another.

Also, criticism of environmental destruction is not at all incompatible with nationalist ideology. And his post-war use of concentration camps analogies were transparently insincere attempts at rebuilding his notoriety.

Ah i see, thx.
Can't argue with that

Can you give examples? I'm definitely not saying his philosophy is "incompatible" with nazism but I also fail to see the direct connection. The only way I can see this would be that you think criticism of technology is inherently reactionary.

He's very relevant to the times we're living

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I like Sarte.

If you had true faith in your ideology, you wouldn't need to prevent people from consuming contradictory texts.

"Eureka" is the word you're looking for.

I just find his writings to be fodder for "faux edgy dudes who live on the edge" you don't know the meaning of that word stop using it.