Parental Responsibilities

How do you react?

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I tell her to read Marx, Engels and Lenin.
I could have just lent her money.

I stop being an edgy internet loser

Tell her that liberals get the bullet and she's not an expection. Lend her my copies of marx, lenin, stalin and grover furr.
Beat the shit out of her, shoot her friends and drug dealer, shoot the porn producers and the family of the porn producers. She will never leave my house until she gets clean and becomes at least similar to me. Lend her money if she needs.

I don't think she can become a virgin after she's done porn user

Really funny. I meant sober tho. No drugs and no booze. There would be no need for this if she'd be educated good at young age.

Holy shit you sound pathetic.

Ehy, parent of the year. Explain what would be your reaction.

If she's doing heroin and making porn to fuel her addiction, then killing her friends and threatening to kill her is probably not going to get her to say "sure dad, I'll come live with you and let you beat me up untill I'm a good girl again"
I can't fathom how you can be this far removed from reality. I just hope you stay a virgin forever. Please don't breed, you sick fuck.

Remember that time this girl beat the shit out of Mathew "Richard Spencer" Parrot?

Good times

Consider rehabilitation, both in politics and addiction

If she's doing heroin I would have already failed hard as a parent don't you think? The fact that she's literally also selling herself is not something I could get over really easily. I don't think pulling a brevik at this point would be so crazy. Still bad, but that would be my honest reaction in the face of such failure. I would fucking lash out. Also who started her with drugs? Who sells her that shit? Who would accept to use a drug addict as tool? Are her fellow activist aware of this? They accept money from a drug addict prostitute? What did do wrong with her?
I'm honest, I would fucking go crazy.

Wouldn't really bother me too much honestly. Being a progressive can be really depressing at times. Everyone has their own addictions to escape from the shitty reality we live in how are heroin or activism any worse than internet addiction or whatever? Everyone also has to do something to finance their escapism and doing porn is far more fulfilling than being some Walmart peon. I'd be really proud of her actually, sounds like an alright life.

How naive can you be?
Jesus christ


Yes you failed. So you want to murder a bunch of innocent people to cope with your failure. I think Zig Forums might be more your thing.

The guy who punched spencer was a random dude on the streets. This girl is famous for getting punched and being an example of what first wordist activism makes you become. Tbh, the question in op is stupid, my answer was pretty stupid too. If she wants to become an activist I'd probably take her the right direction an make her go feed the homeless, help third world groups. Jee, there is so much stuff I could make her do and do with her. She could become journalist, a doctor ecc. I'd gladly pay for that stuff, but see her humiliating herself and frequenting this kind of people would be such a waste.

An heroine addict prostitute is something good? How the fuck can you be so insufferable?

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Forgot to sage, and also ignore the boomer tier captions


Innocents? You are telling me drug dealers, pimps and fake friends are innocent people?


Why would you sage?
This is about as real as it gets.

Pretty sure that the tweet was a Photoshop

Double post, shit thread, OP is just trying to bait us and probably taking screens to post on /mutt/ to show of "MUH DEGEN.ARATE LEFT JEW SOROS". Stupid thread

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You still haven't explained how a heroin addict prostitute is actually bad. I did my job explaining why it isn't as bad as many people claim it is. Sounds to me like you're the naive one honestly. Being a wageslave is no better than prostitution no matter how much porky wants you to believe you're better off. Prostitutes tend to have a lot more freedom than wageslaves in how they work and their quality of life is often much better for a lot of reasons. I can tell you watch too much tv and don't get out much.

If you care about that what are you doing here? Fuck off back to Zig Forums liberal.

This. We shouldn't be afraid of voicing our opinions just because sub 80 eyequeue Zig Forumstards are listening.

Tell us about your crack addicted sister bruv

Literal bourgeoisie moralism. I don't want someone I love treated as meathole by old grumpy fucks, I don't want her to od, stay sick, being a slave to drugs. Name a man or a revolutionary that reasons like you. Drop this progressive liberal facade. There is nothing bad in not wanting your daughter or yourself in shit. Following your reasoning we should all take heroin and kill ourself

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Read Cockshott brainlet.

I remember when posting this picture would net you a ban.

Those were better times.

Oh wow I'm glad we agree on so much. I wouldn't want my daughter to be treated as a meathole by old grumpy fucks either. That's why I'd be proud of her for doing what she wants to do instead of doing what an old grumpy fuck like her father would want. That's why I'd be proud of her owning her means of production instead of being treated as a meathole by an employer, often an old grumpy fuck, where she's at risk of losing her bread every day if she so much as speaks out of turn. I don't want her to need to escape with an addiction either, I'd rather live in a world not raped by capitalism but we're doing the best we can and I don't blame her. We do what we must to make it through the next day and if heroin does it for her that's okay to me, at least she's fighting. You lost me on the killing yourself part, are you projecting or something?

Are you a feminist, niggerkraut-kun?

I can confirm, It was me who posted that shit first and got banned. That said it was an anarchist mod, I got away in appeal. I did nothing wrong, that pic is fantastic

I always thought it was bannable for being genuinely obnoxious.

It triggers the twitter leftist tho.

OP here. I don't think doing heroin or porn qualifies as "fighting". More like giving up.
Most people who do hard drugs do it because they never learned to cope with reality in a healthy way and turn to drugs or act out with risky sex/behaviour.
Believe it or not you can actually be a ____(insert political offiliation) without being a degernate waist of oxygen.
Pic Related:

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The funniest thing is that lenin, stalin, fidel ecc. All loved sane, healthy, respectable people. When Lenin talked about young revolutionaries he wanted young, healthy, smart, respectful and disciplined people and that was what he wished for the futures of the young too. Now street philosophers such as certain characters itt and on the internet are saying that "drugs and prostitution are not bad". Look, I don't understand. If you don't reconize these things as the aspects of capitalism but as coping mechanism why are you even a communist? Is pretty obvious that you are not interested and you don't consider this problems, just side effects of capitalism.

I know, it was my idea.

do not discourage her, but subtly nudge her towards becoming more radicalized by giving her books to read and dropping dank ☭TANKIE☭ redpills

I would probably offer her help with getting a different job but under capitalism there is ultimately no difference between selling your body to a porn director or selling your body to a factory owner. as long as she is reasonably happy with it I'd accept it.

definitely intervene, get her on rehab.

but fuck off Zig Forums, we all know what game you're trying to play here

All Capitalism aside.
I guess the difference, that I see at least, is self respect.
I have no problem with people using their body as a means to barter with.
I just inherently have more respect for a McDonalds drive through operator than a cock gobbler.
Taking the hard road will always garner more respect than taking the easy way out.
Would you marry an ex/current porn star?
Introduce her to your mother with your head held high?

This but I would get to know the economic relationships of her friends and give her books that are more relatable to her and a bit less ML. Turn her into a actual anti-idpol feminist so she will find the errors in her ways.
Nice bait op. Remember to spoiler that crap and fuck off and die.

prostitution is bad because of exploitative commodification of sex, not because people bump uglies. drugs are bad precisely because they are used as a coping mechanism that leads to addiction and not as harmless recreation, not because they are d.egenerate.

there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. there is no work that is not exploitative under capitalism. the moral fault lies always with the ruling classes and not people who get caught in the capitalist cat-and-mouse.

you Zig Forums types think exclusively in aesthetics and that the solution to the horrors of capitalism is to shame and mindfuck people into becoming perfect little choir boys from 50s ads. it isn't.

No i wouldn't. I don't even fucking hide from it. You and I are gonna get called Zig Forums from every enlightened egotist right now, but I agree with you. I want a strong woman by my side, I want a women who would never do this to herself. Plus think of the fucking kids "hehe your moma sucks cocks" think of looks when people recognize her. They would see her as a piece of meat. Disrespecting her and disriprecting me at the same time. And if her response to this would be "Who gives a fuck I have money" it would he even worse. Really my worst fucking nightmare. Call me spooked or whatever but It's like this.

Never said that. But don't agree with you. Yes it's bad for that but also read cockshott
Drugs kill. Nothing else to say

labor is not noble by itself. guess you are going to pull out some spicy vulgar workerism next. I see no difference whatsoever between a woman selling her body to get fucked and a man selling his body to flip burgers. from a materialistic point of view, they are equally wretched. everything else is moralism.

For the second time, read cockshott instead of calling people Zig Forums.

i agree with cockshott on prostitution and i never said i support it. it is not good, and it will be eliminated under socialism. but you are not making a cockshottian argument, just some normie tier "what if ur daughter sucked cocks???" moralizing bullshit.