It's pretty clear at this point that the MAGApede/alt-right Kekistan shit is another slowly-failing LARP movement like...

It's pretty clear at this point that the MAGApede/alt-right Kekistan shit is another slowly-failing LARP movement like Anonymous and OWS. When the Trump fad is over, what will be next? What new movement will his disillusioned fanbase jump onto once they ultimately realize that nothing changed and he's finished his term(s) as President?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mike Pence obviously, no one else has the energy or connections to Donald Trump Thought, and Pence has the discipline and intelligence to carry out Donald Trump Thought to its ultimate ends.

Bannon hopefully. He seemingly wants to be the figurehead of the broader American nationalist movement and parlay that to being a kingmaker for the American right.

Bannon's lost all his prestige and credibility. The anti-war movement among the right has suffered a penectomy in addition to being spayed.

It was never a real movement to begin with. It was just a Zig Forums joke that people ended up taking seriously, much like fascism, because it tweaks groups who make a lot of noise when they hate something, like the mainstream media and hypersensitive identitarians. When there's something else these groups hate, they'll make another "movement" out of that.

Trump fad?
around 60 million americans voted for him, i bet most of them dont even care about them or your opinions

Eh, Trump has been relatively restrained in Syria compared to what Clinton or another Republican would be likely be doing (no fly zone, tens of thousands of troops, etc). His domestic policy seems to still be somewhat tempered by anti-war sentiments.
Actually, I think anti-war is an incorrect label, anti-interventionist would be more accurate. American conservatives are more horrified by the fiscal cost of foreign interventions than mere moral considerations :)

That Alabama senate race was a big step backwards for Bannon, but I think he might be able to recover before 2018. Breitbart is still getting readership levels rivaling the Washington Post.

What the fuck is all this about?

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when the romans are visiting, do as the romans do

Boomers got the wrong shipping all along.

Which one is the roman?

macron, he's on a state visit to DC

heritage innit

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Anonymous was good at one point, though.

They'd vote for anything with an (R) next to it, and then half didn't even stay on the train. Get your head out of your ass. If anything, Trump's rise is all the more indicative of American superstitious voting habits. There hasn't been a three-time consecutive party winner since the 60s.

Out of those 60 million, half of them are having buyers remorse. This is a provable fact given the GOP's string of lackluster elections.

he was fired from his position and is blacked out of the press. there's no way he's coming back. his power was entirely based on the rich donor class to accept him and once he stopped being useful they pulled the plug on him and chased him out of public life.

It's superstition that's breaking. Trump is driving a wedge between educated conservatives and right-wing rednecks. The rural voters love Trump but the suburbanites hate his guts.

LMAO. probably a troll but I love when Zig Forumstards try to sound like they're versed in policy making

reagan-reagan-bush I

Too soon to tell, what I have noticed is that the European New Right came relatively unscathed from Trumpism and may, in the coming years, continue to provide a flair of intellectual sophistication that is lacking on its American cousin. But I doubt we will see a new kekistan, it was a perfect storm of Pepes and a meme president coming together at the right time on the right place.

It's also up to debate whether the alt-right failed, insofar as it normalized discussions of autism levels and races I would say they partially succeeded. So I would say what we must be wary of is the new (post)liberalism epitomized by people like Peterson. A liberalism that waxes beautifully about equality of opportunity while continuing to defend entrenched white supremacy.

Pretty much. Half of them are probably just in it because the memes told them to. I think a decent chunk of them are just impressionable kids who don't have the capacity for critical thinking and will do anything a cartoon frog tells them to do. Pic related.

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you left out my smiley face desu, I was being somewhat facetious

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that's the guy who took off his kekistan/pepe shirt cause he realized it was like a target on his chest?


I think he was wearing a white polo shirt, but it could have been a pepe/kek shirt. He was being approached by some protestors, he pissed his pants (metaphorically) and took off the shirt going "I'm not really a white power man, I just came here for the fun".

Love your name mate.
I've been reading Raffaello Carboni's account on it just recently.

They'll go back to rotting in the fox comments, sending chain mails about george soros hillary oboma lizard people, and prepping for doomsday

It isn't failing, you don't know how Trump works. He's a promoter so he knows people only give a shit about events maybe a month if not a week before they happen, if you notice all his policies are aligned to have major decisions come through this September and October. In particular, Sept/Oct is when any potential negotiations with China would end either positively (with China backing down) or with protectionism, things he'll be able to easily rally his base around. It's also the same time he'll be able to point to all the new gun control and claim Democrats want to take your guns.

inb4 4D chess, it isn't. He's applying wrestling concepts onto elections, treating American democracy like a PPV. Since American society has been trained by the capitalist class to buy PPVs, it'll work and his movement will self-perpetuate. If anything the kekistan shit will go mainstream now that actual stormfaggots are being purged from t_d and similar over Trump's Jerusalem policy.

Cheers, mate. :)

this this this this this

The amount of violence in US society has been steadily ramping up throughout these events. Spree killing has become a regular occurrence. The inability of Trump to enact change will point to the defectiveness of the American political system itself. Weev is already instructing his follower to take up arms.

Hes still the best thing to happen to the left since forever. Hes an absolute clown and media all over the world making fun of him.

Stupid hicks who watch wrestling don't win elections, bro.

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This. Imagine if Hillary got in instead.

It does though. Just watch as it all comes together in October. Trump knows how to promote and will use the organs of the state for that purpose.

As someone who lives in suburban Texas this is horseshit. Just about everyone who votes republican around here has found a way to twist their head around his presidency: either outright supporting him, calling him a useful idiot for the party, or horrible but still better than Hillary. There are plenty of people with $50k pick up trucks with Trump and "No-bama" bumper stickers parked in half million dollar homes just outside of Fort Worth and Dallas. They love getting tax cuts, they love sticking it to the librulz, they making life worse for the lazy poor, they love the idea of America getting into another flashy war to show our dick off to ragheads in the middle east. They were born and raised to be assholes and Trump is their avatar.

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He has given more power to rightwing establishment and he also against environment protection and wealth inequality……….
Just because he acts like buffoon and liberals make dumb tweets about does not make him good for leftists and working class………….

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And then it was ruined by that fucking tranny.

big upvote

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uninformed person here, what tranny?

Next elections will be landslide victory for democrats. In my country nationalist party won the elections but now their support is below 8%. Populists talk and promise big things but when they get power people will see how incompetent retards they are.

NRx will get really big, shifting the discourse and eventual leftist lashback towards economics and governance and away from social issues. the wave loses its credibility as western nations start actually implementing their ideas, curtailing democracy in favor of more explicitly authoritarian capitalism. the edgyness factor of being against the liberal democratic status quo is lost as open authoritarianism and abandonment of liberalism becomes the status quo and people dont let having the government step on their necks without hiding it behind a pretty pretense. the materialist left rises in response, culiminating finally in revolution across the western world and the rise of what will become a globe spanning cybernetically mediated decentralized confederacy of socialist states
/future althist fantasy

Yes but many people get hurt in the process, many working class people and also environmental policies and we are so far in terms of global warming that we can't tolerate political landscape being clouded by misconception about global warming……………
At least many liberals are waking up, just hope they join our side and not fascists……….

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No, the first world will not revolt before the third world, thus this is impossible.

They'll go back to being liberals with attitude.

This has already happened. Neoliberal capitalism rejects the rule of law and replaces it with "market forces". That's why today's right wingers are hysterical retards, they got what they want and don't like it so they blame immigrants.

North and South korea now just reunited, they'll use this as the main talking point to reelect him in 2020

Nobody gives a fuck about the Koreas. NK is largely considered to be a joke and not a serious threat nowadays. He'll probably try to do it, but nobody will give a shit whenever he gets us into Iran War 2.0 and helm the responsibility of the stock market crashing in the eyes of the plebeian.
Despite the fact that he does absolutely nothing but shit his diapers and flail his arms about like a spastic retard.

You just described my city in VA. These idiots are everywhere. Doesn't help that we have the fuckin Gadsden flag available as a custom auto plate. Every day I see extremely expensive customized trucks/hummers covered in Trump and NRA stickers flying the confederate flag. Some of them actually pile a few dudes in the back of their truck and then just cruise through downtown for hours on weekends, to "trigger the liberals". They actively try to hit/scare pedestrians and run red lights, jump on the sidewalk, etc. The cops never ever touch them.
These people are not the working poor, they are useful idiots for the rich.

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Heeey, I see that kind of shit all the time around here too.
You live in the valley? Or near le tiki torch land?

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You know those guys are partly responsible for the Democratic takeover of your state government, right?

Yeah I said "useful idiots for the rich", it's right there.

how is trump going to be able to claim credit for korea?

In the end this only weakens the US with respect to China so it's all good. I don't really care who gets "credit." Trump has been pretty good for the western left all things considered.

Moon once again wants to have it both ways, trying to placate both NK and the US.

NRx isn't populist, it lacks mass appeal, as such it cannot go mainstream. At best it will continue to appeal to 2edgy4u >muh Singapore neets with Julius Evola avatars (I know that makes no sense, but for NRxers it does)

As said, actually existing neliberalism is already quite a lot like NRx.

His influence on NRx and the alt-right is consistently overstated.

They don't actually read him, that's for sure, if they did they would realize Trump embodies all the worst qualities of the third state

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This. Wealthy Americans were actually more likely to vote for Trump. It wasn't a "white working class" or "hillbilly trash" vote at all, it was just a reactionary vote.

this is pretty disingenuous

Tell the folks at Turning Point and Koch Industries hi for me fellow leftyanons

I should add that many of these guys now work under the table for the police. They get hired to harass people and even attack them. Shit that the cops can't do because of the new body cams. And no one is doing anything about it.

You ever go to a chinese buffet called uno china?

Can i get some sauce on that?

i'll pass that along at the next koch funded event I attend

Unironic neoliberalism will be the next meme movement

The 90's called. They want their memes back.

which country?

I think Kanye West will become the next president or maybe someone who is similar to Trump but less bad.

you speak as if orange man doesn't have a shot at two terms
americans are pussies and will always prefer total garbage over something new

Kanye already burned that bridge by staying on the Trump train.

Personally, I think Trump is so bad he'll end "celebrity" candidates for good. I can't imagine anyone voting for an entertainer after this shit show.

People said the same thing about Reagan.

I am 90% positive that Trump will get a second term. The Democrats are completely incompetent, and haven't updated their optics in 20 years, impotently obsessing over "decorum" and Trump's bad manners at the expense of real issues. In addition, Trump's billionaire allies (such as the Peter Thiel and the Mercer family) still maintain a massive and sophisticated propaganda/astroturfing operation that is somewhat dormant now, but will awaken in late 2019 with a fresh coat of paint and an arsenal of fresh memes that will be rammed down everyone's throats.

Only way Trump loses is if the economy completely shits the bed like in 2008, which I guess could happen, but I wouldn't bet the farm on it.

Someone is still assblasted about Hilldog.

I think he could win re-election and my predictions are usually wrong, but my gut feeling tells me he'll lose, and that he's something like a Jimmy Carter figure but for the right.

I kinda buy the Mark Blyth theory that the American economy is divided into two post-war periods: (1) the 40s-70s economy of rising wages, low inequality and low debt that blew up in inflation and (2) the neoliberal economy of the 80s-10s with stagnant wages, high inequality and high debt that is about to face a different kind of aggregate demand problem.

Carter came in during the late 70s at the end of the first era, and ran against his own party as as proto-neoliberal "conservative" who wanted to apply a weird populist-technocratic approach to government of the smartest / best people. Looking back he sounded a lot like Trump who goes on about making "great deals" and everyone around him being amazing brain-geniuses. Anyways Carter eked out a victory and was then whipped around on all sides by the contradictions of his peculiar presidency (despite there being a unified Democratic government) which eventually resolved itself in the realignment of 1980 as Reagan kicked in the door to let in neoliberalism.

Trump is kind of post-neoliberal in that his campaign broke with some elements of it, though he's been unable to realign the political system. Whoever comes after him might, though I don't know how. Anyways I'm going to roll the dice and say we're going to get some left-right fusion American Peronist like Tulsi Gabbard or something. Wild card, bitches!

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Are you saying that the dems aren't incompetent?

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The MAGA/Kek thing seems like a weird, substanceless kind of cultural politics that primarily exists online. I guess the alt-right is more serious but they have to know Trump won't be around forever, and the Democrats will come back into power once the pendulum swings back in the other direction as the American pendulum is wont to do.

There's this resentment online about purple-haired soy androgynes (from alt-righters who listen to 80s cyberpunk retrowave??? Huh???) but those types seem to have proliferated even more lately. And it's not like gays went anywhere. I guess the whole thing is so odd because you have this alt-traditionalist thing but most people are zoning out on Twitch streams and if you want to be a pansexual glitterqueer there's nobody stopping you – and actually there seems to be a growing audience for it.

There's white identity politics which is having a moment, and then the Black Panther movie beat Titanic's records (or came close to doing it) at the box office.

I'm just trying to observe this as objectively as I can and I just find our whole cultural moment remarkable and bizarre.

Same and this is true but I've noticed a kind of vaguely "progressive" backlash brewing in the same suburbs among affluent Texan women. In my district's House race, the Dem party activists and regular Dem voters lined up behind a lawyer-from-central-casting type, but failed to get him nominated because all these suburban ladies showed up out of fucking nowhere and voted for a Berniecrat lady who also works for a hedge fund (!). And the areas she was strongest were not the precincts that normally vote for Democrats here in general elections but the Tarrant County suburbs that once powered the Tea Party.

This isn't Tea Party types switching parties, but it's the same class of people, and they have a lot of spare time to spend canvassing and so on. I also live in a fairly affluent and Republican-leaning suburb and the Beto signs are spreading like a yard fungus. The Dem is probably going to lose in this area as it's very Republican. Anyways, I don't have any illusions about this, but it's a real thing.

It's just strange.

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