This is the perfect Europe. Prove me wrong

This is the perfect Europe. Prove me wrong.

Protip: You can't.

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Prepare to face the wrath of the Dane

What the fuck why did you do that to France?

Why tho? Just for aesthetic reasons? Out of all these I can only understand Poland-Lithunania because of Winged Hussars, but then I don't know why you want Krautland to take over Austria like that considering that the late Habsburg empire was relatively comfy.


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Reduced to its size that it had before Phillip II.

Funny thing: Because of Germany annexing that bit of Denmark, they gave the Danes living there privileges which remain today. In German politics, you need at least 5% to get into the parliament, except if you are the Danish Minority Party (Südschlesischer Wählerverbund, SSW) which was a result of a contract between the German Empire and Denmark that's still valid today.

I dont want in

Jesus christ bruv this is terrible even by nazi standards

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That's the Ottoman Empire alright

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[Breaking of chains intensifies]

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bro mind if I nab those sudentenlands

Ha that is pretty funny. Another fun fact; our nationalist party means to press the danish claim on those provinces

now we are talking!

Reminder that Marx and Engels were supporters of Polish independence.
Here are all the speaches and letters supporting polish cause

sweden+suomi look like benis


With the current reactionairy state of poland I am sure they oppose it.
We should have just made Israel in east prussia instead of moving all of the germans out and litterally moving all of poland west .


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I don't think i need to do this but i will

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Dafuq is this map?

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Why tho?

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Occitània should be unified and joined with Catalonia.

Sápmi should be independent.

Al-Andalus should serve as an Islamic socialist republic for Europe's Muslims.

Russia should annex all Slavic-speaking nations as well as Hungary and Romania.

fuck, you beat me, I don't agree with the amount of soviets though. Had a uni class that halted me.
some of my keys doesn't work

Attached: world_socialist_republic_with_soviets.png (2988x2187, 400.23K)

Simply the greatest timeline.

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I'd say a good number is 2-3 million soviets.

Kaiserreich has the best map tbh

All or nothing, mate.

for the world that is.

There it is.

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Albania isn't the least bit slavic

Oh, you're right. I just checked. Thanks for correcting me.

[Muffled screeching heard inside bunker]

lol. Yeah, nah I take it back. I know better now. :)

Central Europe is comically overpowered. Germany, ALL of Benelux, Austria, Northern Switzerland, Czechia Western Poland.

This is ridiculous. As if that were not enough, you split France in half, like the country itself wasn't already a joke in terms of economy.

You're misinformed OP.

over my dead fucking body, you scum

now you're getting ridiculous



best maps

Back to the curzon line you filthy thief

Fucking hate Galicia on the map

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Nothing wrong with recreating austrian empire into austrian republic with excluding hungary tbh


Byzantines don't share sweetie

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stay mad, Brit.

oh looks like J Posadas fanclub shat up the thread. quick, make a new one.

nice wordfiltering there. got a problem?

As a German I'm very fascinated with the Dutch. They speak so funny, they're all really tall, handsome and so wonderfully blond.

Calm down Adolf

Dutch people are very beautiful!!

fix'd :^)

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You already failed miserably

Its pure shit. European Soviet Union or nothing.

Seems like internationalism to me.

Sorry for failing. This time we make sure it' ll work out. We love Slavs now and there will no war between us. We'll make heaven on Earth real. :)

Look, I love National Sewcialism and all that, but if Hitler won, he wouldn't've made put all countries (even in Europe) under the banner of the Not Socialist German Worker's Party; the other Axis countries had their own flags and would use those if they'd won.

That's because user doesn't understand National Sewcialism.

Whom do you think you are

For a while, yes. But longterm "Thousand Year Reich" terms speaking, no. An Empire doesn't just stop expanding and serving its in own interests. Have you never placed strategy games or looked into history? Europe would be just vassals slowly getting colonized and absorbed. Nazism=World Domination Conquest isn't some stupid meme, you can't deny the necessity to serve your kind above all.

sorry for all the typos

cant even delete my post, stupid fucking 8ch

make second and report wrong one as "duplicate, delete it pls based vol".

stop pls

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shit tier map.

epic gross germaniums its just like in my map painting simulators :^)

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Also I am dumb and missed the part which was supposed to be Alsace-Lorraine. It goes to France of course.

Why is every country divided by racial groups? I thought this board was against Nationalism?

I think this is what’s called Syndicalism.


Why is Yugoslavia united, but Britain Spain Italy and Germany aren't??
Where is this map from???

Because Tito was bretty cool but ((Anglos)) aren't. Mosley posting is still the greatest leftist invention tho'

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Borders help define class and separate people therefore a perfect map would be all one color with no boundaries at all, everyone equal, like a few others have already pointed out. So why does it seem that there are more user suggesting artificial demarcations along racial lines than not? This entire thread seems very nationalistic with underlying tones of racism and I am not sure if that is because there is some underlying truth to the benefit of people living among their own tribes or if it's because there are just some ideas so burnt into modern minds via propaganda they can't be easily shaken off.

How many languages do you speak? You can include dialects to inflate the number

Being equal would necessitate everyone speaking the same language, your Nationalism is showing.

Languages are cool though.

anglo which can not comprehend difference between word for "two equal numbers in mathematics" and "two equal persons"

t. Nationalist

What if the language you manage speak fluently determines your """race"""?

this might come as a shocker but the words that come out of your mouth do not determine your genetic heritage. this is how blacks of the new world can still identify with one another as blacks while speaking different languages.

More like every child should be taught to understand other people around them. It's just pragmatism.

The eternal anglo strikes again. 'But how is it my nationalism if the liberal monoculture just happens to conform to mine, Continental?'

Doe je tripcode uit buiten de nederdraad maat

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Unite ireland and it’s perfect

Meh i made it long ago, i should remove Israhell

Wait. Noticing problems. Noticing a lot of problems. Oh god the “half way” shit (case for Sapmi) makes things ten times worse. Not even going to bring up the Middle East.