How to we make communism cute in popular culture so we can get around the bourgeois propaganda imagery of ☭TANKIE☭s, starvation, bureaucrats, Ladas, espionage, edgy college students, and in such a way that it isn't subverted by lewd fascist perverts?
By making people read lol
Modernist design is best desing and
Ladas themselves aren't that shit but bourgeois car manufacturers' marketing has made them seem so.
I don't want fascists on our side. Even if they renounce fascism. You will always be a brainlet if you fell for fascist memes than became an un-ironic fascist.
Do you really want low lQ easily manipulated ex-fashy retards in our ranks? (who will most likely be manipulated again) We can only use them as useful idiots, but never trust them.
This brings to mind one of the hard pills that we'll have to get people to swallow though, and that's that our current production is not sustainable. What that means is that we'll all be taking a private hit in luxury. So if people are owning cars in a communist future they'll probably be more like a Lada out of necessity, a no-frills transportation device that lasts for 30 years, rather than the momentarily satisfying but unsustainable cars we have now.
It's a better future in the long run, for everyone involved, even the super rich bourgeoisie. But the idea of "public good", beautiful and enjoyable urban design, efficient and free public transit and healthcare, etc. It might be hard to get across why a minimization of private consumption is more than worth these trade-offs, especially here in the states, and I don't really know how to do it. It looks like much of the "benefits" of capitalism are starting to fall out beneath our feet though, what with most millennials going broke on healthcare costs and the idea of traditional home ownership, with all the suburban isolation and the infrastructure that requires, being seen as a lost pipe-dream rather than anything attainable. It's possible that it will be easier to submit the communist alternative in the future, I sure hope so.
The vast majority of citizens are idiots who will be loyal to whoever gets in power. Obviously ☭TANKIE☭s will do it all because the rest of the left are a bunch of Jewish owned morons. ☭TANKIE☭s have the best chance to possibly get into any position of real power.
bruh good luck accomplishing anything without low Autism Level people in your movement
Like I said, they are useful idiots. Not comrades.
Free cannon fodder?
Kinda I guess.
Remember Evalion? Fascist girl turned Communist. She is a good example of a useful idiot. Shes on our side, but no real communist would defend or back her up.
I see you are a recent convert still blaming the Jews for everything.
However you are correct about ☭TANKIE☭s. Marxism-Leninism is the immortal science of proper leftist praxis
Yikes no. This bitch is mental. Sad the right didn't keep her.
I'm pretty sure this thread is bait because the premise you set up his retarded to begin with. If you want cute communist content or whatever the fuck that means, make it yourself.
I think propaganda is important but who the fuck is going to get won over by a goddamn drawing of an anime girl with a hammer and sickle emblem on her? The culture War isn't won or lost on an anime battlefield you autistic fuck.
I'm not an artist.
Also, the premise is that by making communism cute it appears harmless, allowing it to become mainstream and in the popular consciousness. If cuteness wasn't useful why was Alunya created?
Become when you fucking retard. If this communism cultural Catgirl bullshit is so important to you, put in the effort to learn a skill and create it otherwise stop making threads about fucking nothing.
This board used to have its own culture and was actually less serious.
What happened?
real life, and board raids.
That image makes me long for something that is now gone from leftypol
Funny thing is, it really wasn't that long ago.
Seeing cute things is not going to make people overthrow the bourgeois. We need to make it clear that it is in the people's interest AND that it is just, right, etc…
This exactly.
And stop being edgy talking about how people will be used as cannon fodder. It's lame.
You can't be serious.
Correct, we also shouldn't allow anyone who's fallen for capitalism before either, no brainlets allowed
We don't need more leaders. We don't need "thinkers." We already have enough fucking theorists and other worthless people involved in the movement as it is.
BO became a typical twitter ☭TANKIE☭ and started sperging out about R0java and banning people for disagreeing with him.
IIRC there was also something about how he wanted to turn the board into a sort of "propaganda outlet" or something which backfired spectacularly considering they pissed off a bunch of the people who actually made OC. I've said it before, but its exactly like what happened to 4/tg/ years ago when heavy-handed moderation drove off a good portion of the user base.
I even miss Gorillaposter, there was actually some decent discussion in those threads
M8 most Zig Forumsyps are either senile boomers or stupid teens who don't even understand what fascism entails and only support such views because they think they're rebelling against the establishment. Teens do stupid shit, it's nothing new
In part, reddit happened.
I was on the right and became left wing eventually, the right tends to drive people away by itself
I mean, i think kraut and tea might come out as left wing at some point given how he was piled on even though he raised good points
Love and kindess. Communism doesn't work with psychopathic traits.
Can you tell what drove you away from the right?
By posting generic pictures of cute nazbol anime girls.
I was pro-nazi only for the aesthetics. Nordicism, the swastika, the art, the order. People like me aren't attracted to communist aesthetics. The hammer and sickle looks stupid as fuck (=no timeless symbols), but the red star sure is beautiful. My parents grew up in the Soviet Union and I always hated how the ethnicities weren't separated and how they worshipped Marx and Lenin like Christians worship their god. It's so laughable and grotesque.
Why not hijack and adapt nazi aesthetics for leftist purposes? Take their swastikas (=eternal symbol), runes (=aesthetic magical), etc out of spite. idk
tl;dr nazism has a huge aesthetic appeal striving for perfection, order, nobility, beauty. communism in comparison is peasantry. fix that image.
the right: the autism, the gradual descent from any sort of principles to simply reactionary lash outs
The right hates fun yet shills for people like this:
The right attempts to hide their genocidal tendencies beneath a "freedums" glove, and they also shat up so many imageboards: Zig Forums is practically boomer central these days, where they continue to leak cancer accross to the other boards
simple put the right shat up all the fun online, i've had it with their bullshit
anyone not in denial will recognise nazism killed more europeans than communism ever did, and would have killed more if it had it's way
Hey guys, we were so busy eating the rich, did anyone think about just loving them? Let's just show Zuckerburg and the other oligarks some kindness :)
To the wall with you
Make more prawn, also try subverting r9k not 4pol thats as retarded as communism. Like trying to make a jew muslim
Better a fascist then a neolib tbh. Fascism can only ever be a tool of capital, liberal capitalism was always the final boss. You can turn a tool against its creator then reform it into a plow when you're done.
Reddit, Zig Forums raids, and the Democrat Cops of America movement shilling here watered it down
Cringe. I can agree with this if we include liberals too.
accelerationism will end capitalism in the same way a bullet to the head ends cancer.
I dont want the future to be ruled the an inhuman intelligence evolved out of capital with a post-sentient cyborg hivemind where humans used to be, nick.
To bully
Delete this, spurdo.
Catgirls must not be objectified.
Also BO is a tranny porky.
The development of capital to the point of insustainibility is the only way to ensure the end of capitalism.
Reaction itself is acceleration, it's unsustainable growth taken to an extreme, a last ditch effort of the petty bougie to defend itself. Either way liberal capital is still the ultimate end boss.
I'm not sure if that's true. People are stupid, arrogant and tend to repeat the mistakes of the past. To ensure the end of capitalism, you would have to ensure that people from the future and not spooked enough to allow it to return.
Aesthetics as politics is fascism. The left will not be "borrowing" that shit.
No, we don't need more "thinkers", but we don't need drooling retards either.
I was an unironic Zig Forumsack 4 years ago. I hadn't read a single page of any kind of political theory. Once I started doing so I started moving leftwards at an alarming pace.
People change, and a lot of Zig Forumsacks can be saved. Especially cause they're impressionable young men.
Says the Volunteer trying to suck up to the BO
Not love and kindness to the rich, love and kindness to your fellow workingman
This tbh
Sure, sure, make a communist utopia with the ashes of the nuclear winter
Well it depends if it's actual political theory or just propaganda, I've seen plenty of pdf of pure ideology, specially rightwing
I wouldn't underestimate the appeal of this but the politics = aesthetics thing is also what gets the far right into trouble. Too much focus on presenting the right "optics." Impossible and curiously homoerotic beauty standards.
It's also why fascists' understanding of politics leads to these disastrous torch rallies like in Virginia. "If a Nazi torch march happens and no one livestreams it, did it really happen?" The far-right doxxed the fuck out of itself by streaming everything. Fascists need "mass" and they need these mass, theatrical (and aesthetic) rallies because fascism is about "order" (i.e. power and domination). The rallies are a form of symbolic domination of space and territory.
this is a start
yeah when i saw suburban republican moms holding Zig Forums signs at protests i was like, woah holy shit what the fuck happened. that was bizarre.
i'm the socialist agitprop goon screaming at leftypol to turn this girl into a meme or a star or something. she's a natural! certainly beats a trigglypuff or a group of sour middle-aged trotskyists selling cheap newspapers. Zig Forums won't know what hit 'em.
also attached a sweet comic.
There are Potemkin memes to come from this.
She seems like a socialist-lite, supporting mainly Bernie, "free healthcare", and "wealth redistribution", but I see promise. In the article she mentions how she's read Marx and acknowledges "that capitalism is evil and responsible for many of our social ills". Some of the hardcore folks over here might consider that petty reformist moralism, but she publicly underlines that there's a distinct difference between a liberal and a leftist, stating that she's an "democratic socialist" whatever that fuckin' phrase currently means in Yankeeland and in her mind, I do not know.
She's actor and based on her self-certain attitude to this whole thing she has quite a bit of charisma, too.
My only concern is that she'll come across as the "airheaded latte socialist who likes, uhm, free shit and stuff lol" but maybe she can own it.
Infowars deleted the video too. They realized they had screwed up.
My attitude is Always Be Memeing.
reynir is my husbando.
seriously propaganda barely converts people to Socialism, reading, public speeches, debates(if you have the capacity for it), and the material conditions are what lead people to socialism
Not some random loli you put on a mayday poster
I mean, we must be realistic and in tune with the people, but morale should still be taken into consideration
I think this isn't just in art though, songs work pretty well too:
I thought this was about using propaganda to increase the likelihood of revolution?
That's very true, but the people you put on a poster can certainly turn people off from socialism.
Yeah that's the goal. To get people comfortable with it. We don't need more armchair revolutionaries anyways. Just supporters.
you get supports by diseminating marxist texts for christ sake
not everyone who reads socialist theory is automatically an armchair
it's not increasing it by a huge amount, but what it does is show the true face and goal of socialism, people think of famines and starvation but don't realise the benefits socialism brought to countries like China and the republics under the USSR.
Why not both though
memes and anime and other assorted fun(the word filter just helps in this case) make the movement look much less serious
It's never one or the other, but a synthesis. The Bolsheviks used "chastushki" – humorous songs to advance their ideology. Lenin was known as being a humorous speaker.
Chastushki seems to be a result of fedual culture tbh.
We need more blacked, lolis commies being fucked by massive latinos and blacks!
Why does Zig Forums revolve around sex so much
it's like kids from Ghana discussing food.
shit forgot about the flag
Just watched the video with her in it. She couldn't really articulate any point beyond "I like it". Literally no indication that she has any grasp on theory, historical knowledge, or even just keeping up with current events.
Who the fuck cares. She's not a goddamn theorist. I don't really give a shit if people choose to have some weird infatuation with this person but the majority of any political movement is "I like it".
She will never even know your name you fag.
Haha wait holy shit that's Dasha, most famous for fucking this bug.
I think cute propaganda is a bad idea because it seems a little too close to the 'soy/cuck/reddit/etc' meme. We need to take the advice of the alt-right and embrace masculinity in the form of gun rights and fitness (something they haven't even really properly adopted given the amount of overweight kekistani queers). This is good from a purely subconscious point of view (people trust strong men and women because they're seen as leaders and protection for society) and it helps our movement get prepared for potential military action should that ever come to be.
kill yourself
Who is he
Adam Friedland, comedian who co-hosts Cum Town. Adjacent to the Chapo boys.
What's his name again?