Avengers Infinity War - More Fascist Propaganda From Hollywood

So "Avengers Infinity Wars" is an object argument from Hollywood for a Malthusian genocide.
A heavy-is-the-head-that-wears-the-crown supervillain is trying to kill 50% of the universe to bring cosmic life within Malthusian limits. All of the superheroes try to defeat him, but not one raises a single argument why he's wrong. At the end of the film he wins and does it.
It suggests that Hollywood is coaching its audience towards rationalizing genocide in advance of the great crunch.
the ambition of what they are doing with ideology in these marvel things is astonishing
guardian picks up and well-y'know-agrees with the genocidal malthusian argument that definitely 100% absolutely isn't in the avengers just-a-movie
-t. twitter.com/gbelljnr/status/990003158461157377

Also, what the fuck is up with these "soyboy" (I know that's the Zig Forums term, but there's clearly something wrong with these people) consumerist dweebs like third pic related? What is wrong with these people, they react like wide-eyed toddlers to this gaudy capeshit trash. Are Americans just programmed from a very young age to respond to this kind of stimulus? Is the idea to get nerds making that :O face while they engineer smart missiles and shit to kill third worlders?

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Side note, hearing how fucking terrible and fascist Infinity War is makes me appreciate Gurren Lagann even more. It's basically the opposite of this Malthusian trash, the humans progressively (and dialectically) break every barrier to progress and overthrow reactionaries while refuting reactionary ideology in a simple way– that human beings can be trusted to deal with the challenges of progress if they work together in a comradely manner and trust each other.

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Phil Greaves please leave.
Why would you care this much about capeshit? It was made as a cahsgrab, nothing more nothing less. Also, do you really think they'd just kill half of the universe (including "family favourites" like Groot) just like that when there are still prequesl to reap? Hell nah mate. In the next movie they'll just do some cynical goodguy turn with Thanos and revert the whole thing. The movie ended like this so you'll pay money to see the next one.
because these superheroes are fucking stupid, they're not supposed to reason, they're supposed to beat up CGI monsters.

These dudes would be incels if they didn't have some consumerist identity to latch onto. They throw themselves at this trash because they're very alienated and feel like their lives have no meaning.

I dunno dude something that draws this much attention has a pretty big impact on culture.


Capeshit is one of the USA's #1 propaganda tools. It's brainwashing an entire generation.

Totally irrelevant to the actual message of the movie, brainlet.

So then why does the villain reason, huh? Fucking retard.

trust me, next year when "Infinitier war" or whatever comes out, they're gonna revert the whole thing. They're not gonna let the villian "be right". To me it was pretty fucking obvious they only did this to 1: actually have something unique in the movie (because other than the ending, and Thanos himself, the movie was nothing new) and 2: to make sure you watch the sequel, because you wouldn't want the characters to stay dead.

Again Just like what they did with black panther.
They made a villain with a stupid plan and don't tell him why he is wrong, He is only defeated because he is the villain and in the end the retarded plan stays out as plausible.


This was a problem at least as far back as Captain America. The Red Skull is bad because he's the villain, and he loses because Captain America punches him into the space cube.

Now that I think about it, "all the good guys come back to life" will make it even worse. Not only is genocide irrefutable, but it's trivial and reversible! Maybe in Infinity War 2 the victims of Thanos's genocide can start a colony in a distant universe with lots of space fuel, justified by their martyrdom!

So the heroes are baffled and paralyzed by the status quo collapsing around them, but can't understand why and have no response other than violence? Liberals confirmed for knuckle dragging thugs.

I haven't seen it, but if it's even nearly as openly reactionary as Spiderman: Homecoming I'd be surprised. The villain there is a literal construction worker who got fired from his job because of alphabet soup shenanigans, and then decided to steal technology kept from the people from a corporate billionaire who the hero works for in an unpaid internship.

All capeshit is shit, but at least DC sometimes comes with a lukewarm liberal message, Marvel is pretty crypto-fash. Also, stop shitting on Phil Greaves, he's pure.

Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds user. Never forget.

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It's kind of funny how far Marvel has wandered from Iron Man, which was about how arms dealers inevitably promote war so they can make a profit, and the important victory is less stopping Obadiah Stane and more the fact that Tony Stark stops Stark Industries from manufacturing weapons. Still pretty shit about the whole good guy billionaire thing though.

lmao when was that? the fascist batman movies? muh ubermensch Superman series?

What's the argument against a Malthusian?

Superman is one of the few superheroes that isn't inherently reactionary which is of course why Moore hates him so much. At worst he can be a liberal but at best he can be a one man army for socialism. Liberal writers understand this which is why they try so hard to vilify him.

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Consumption of resources would be reduced more by implementing socialism (getting rid of capitalist waste) than by killing half the population. Capitalism requires constant consumption, over and above what is necessary to meet needs. So it turns out shitty products that must be replaced or that only partially meet needs and must be supplemented.

Labor produces more sustenance for society. Therefore as population increases so to does its ability to provide for itself. Starvation and general need are logistics problems.

lmao Superman is fascist, shut up liberal.

That it's fucking bullshit, there's no overpopulation, only capitalist wastefulness and poor planning.

Alan Moore? But he wrote some of the best supes stories!

Superman is literally a fucking ubermensch whose power is self-justifying and whose authority/morality is not only not questioned but is supposed to be immune to questioning. Even the idea that a naive but well-intentioned superman could inadvertently do great harm is usually ignored. Hell, the idea that his powers should make him responsible for averting all sorts of problems is usually ignored. And the question of what he could do to right structural wrongs with the world is never ever brought up. He always serves the status quo that produces villains for him to fight.

So there's no such thing as limited resources? It seems so logical when I look at that malthus chart.

There are limited resources, but when consumption of resources balloons past what it needs to be for a given population (say for example it's 5x what is necessary to meet the same needs, due to inefficiency) you hit the threshold much faster.


There is nothing inherently wrong with this though. Superman functions best as a messiah like character who struggles with his humanity. It's only when writers try make him a human who struggles with god powers that his stories truly fucking suck.
I do think it is somewhat weird how in the stories in which he does stuff like that he is portrayed as a villain.
OK now you are just mixing him up with Batman.

Superman is actually a product of the popular front era:
This is why super-man is the only superhero that gets a Soviet crossover because his pathos and essential mission are transferable Captain America can also be semi-leftist due to his WWII but can easily be conscripted for reactionary purposes like in the Cold War, some posters have posted some excellent comics where Cap questions capitalism and the American order

pls put this in /leftytrash/
Also only 14 years olds care about this shit

leftytrash has been a gay rp thread for weeks.

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He's wrong because it's self-evident that he's wrong. He's fucking crazy.

If you think this is weird rather than thinking it makes total sense it really shows what an absolute moron you are.

Name one adult who watches this on his on accord

Define adult.

You seriously must not have any friends man. I know a lot of 18-45 year old working guys and they all made plans to see it over the weekend or are going to see it later.

First of all, socialism has proven to be a totally sustainable model for society, Cuba and the DPRK are to this day two of the most sustainable societies on earth, all while providing comprehensive human services to their people. As they further adopt renewable technology, they'll become even better in this regard. The vast majority of resources we need can be renewed and recycled.
Second, socialism is advanced enough to invest in projects that don't return immediate profits or war goals. With socialism, we really will be able to go into space for minerals and such.

Weird then if you go watch it in the theater and listen to what everyone else says, the message isn't lost on the viewers. "He had a point you know…" And then go check out the Zig Forums or 4/tv/ reaction where they're celebrating the fact that Thanos is spreading their message unhindered.

You are really out of touch if you think these Hollywood productions don't make an impact on people's minds. Most of the audience for these capeshit movies are adults now, and even IF it was just for kids and teens, it wouldn't make it trivial– the indoctrination of the young in fascist ideology is a serious matter.

Super hero movies have been propaganda since the nolan batman days. Think about it, the entier american populace has been trained to only watch these cape shit movies. As a movie fan i hate it. I actually used to collect comics back when that was an actual nerd hobby to do and i fucking despise comic book movies and what they have done to the art of film.
Anyways, So yeah, think about it, just herds of people watching these shitty movies. Of course they are going to put political subtexts. The first nolan batman movie is an allegory about the war on terror. Batman is George bush and the joker is terrorism.
The second batman movies is about occupy wall street. Batman is capitalism and bane is the 99%

People like you are a cancer on the Left, you discourage learning and source criticism simply because you think if someone posts a source you don't like people will be influenced. Most sources of information are not written by communists ya know

Someone over the age of 24

do they have children?

Like the realities of capitalism couldn't prevent that?
The OP probably saw the movie which means he is a fourteen year old.

What about the Raimi Spiderman movies? Been a while since I saw them. They're certainly on a higher artistic level than the current bunch of capeshit, but is there porkaganda in them?

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fuck forgot flag

Shut up, brainlet.

I don't care, I don't read fiction in general

Batman's "victory" in the second movie is shown to be illusory and is easily undone by Bane in the third movie. In fact I would say that Nolan's batman is probably one of the better incarnations since bats is shown to be some kind of projection of Bruce Wayne's damaged psyche that he has to abandon in order to grow as a person. It's way less fascist than comic batman. Also I think using Bane as a villain backfired on them so they introduced Talia (and the whole bomb thing) in order to make him seem more evil. I mean seriously what kind of person wouldn't want to join Bane's band?

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Oh god, you absolute infants never stop do you?
WE ARE ANALYZING THE MESSAGES OF THE MOVIE, not the totally made-up and inconsequential events and "world building facts" of the movie.

I always forget batman begins exists too.

This is why I gave up shitting on hollywood schlock a decade ago. Its a losing battle. Easier to just stop going to the theatre.

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Soooooo what exactly are you saying then?

Read a book.

No one's defending capeshit. I don't think anyone would disagree with the notion that the Dark Knight is fascist. That's a pretty elementary take though so you shouldn't really be proud of yourself for it. It was fairly common even back when the movie came out.

I mean the story in the first one was about a poor kid struggling to get along in life who eventually goes up against a corporate businessowner driven to insanity by his investors…

This is the actual problem with american comics. All the super heros are capitalists and all the villains are proles.

The joker is a prole. Read the killing joke by alan moore. Its his origin story. He is some down on his luck dude who quits his job and tries to make it as a comedian and goes broke. His wife kills herself, and he has to rob a place to make money and falls into an acid pit and becomes the joker.

The joker is legit a fucking poor person who had one bad day and batman is a psychotic rich asshole who goes around beating up people

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Holy shit lol

anarkiddie theory everyone

Go back to left twitter.

Communally used resources and recycling.
Overpopulation is a fucking scam where they intentionally ignore that there is no reason for most people to own an individual, personal copy of a lot of the things they have.

It's like screaming about how we can't have books anymore because how can everyone own their own copy of every book in a library.

He's a villain. They are supposed to do bad things. Why didn't they try to argue with him? Probably because they wanted more scenes with things exploding.

The only problem is that they make the villain into someone who proposes a change of the status quo and gives his reasoning, and they never address that. It turns it into "Punch people you don't like even if they're right"

Either way the studios will use this to further leverage all of their ideals through movie format. People (left and right) are fucking drones for hollywood garbage – they wont admit the messages in the movies are used to destroy the world. Hollywood is Thanos, but keep blaming white people for the world status quo.

Ultimately the message of all these movies is "the status quo is good and must be upheld at all costs." This makes them inherently reactionary. Even if they did address the whole Malthusian question it would still be reactionary because all these people have immense power and are not using it to create an egalitarian society.

The red skull is a nazi. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

It's a joke about Poland.

i think it can be both, it can be a cashgrab with no thought put into it, and it also can be the embodiment of right wing ideology, it's just that the last part doesn't manifest on purpose, it's the context the movie is made in that shapes it as propaganda, you know the medium is the message

I've noticed the ramping up of ideology in movies too.

Like Black Panther, under the guise of "woke" politics because it features an almost all-black caste in an African setting and at least pays lipservice to the plight of blacks across the world, it attacks "isolationism" as ignoring the worlds problems (suggesting that it's the role of advanced and powerful nation to try to "fix" the world's problems) and denounces popular revolution as a way to solve said problems, instead presenting the "right" way as paternalistic humanitarian missions orchestrated by technocrats (and anyone who's familiar with modern imperialism knows that it garbs itself in the cloak of humanitarianism).

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This. In most cases, capeshit is fundamentally retarded from a leftist perspective, like how the villain in The Incredibles had completely fair and sympathetic motives, but the audience was just expected to hate him.

Yeah Black Panther reminded me a lot of TDKR. It's villain is the only character that actually addresses real life problems but in such a way that you have to dislike them. In the end nothing changes and you are supposed to be content with that.

The villain having a shit ideology isn't the point. Not addressing why the villain is bad is the problem.

The fact that population growth isn't exponential. It's logistic.

the whole arguement of malthusianism is that food production grows linearly, and population exponentially, these are both false, and if there is enough food for everyone, then every other non renewable resource can be replaced by a renewable one

It doesn't have to be this way.

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Is this the best capeshit can come up with?

Look. I understand what you are saying but prole=/=good guy. This noble savage bullshit must end irl and in media analysis. Joker is a fucking psychotic who raped and shot that girl, irl I wouldn't justify someone doing this kind of shit because he is prole.

Pretty much. Reminds me of the time Superman saved a bunch of immigrants from a mob of racists. Then later when that same mob decides to attack a porky he also comes in and stops them because violence is wrong even though that porky really is the true cause of their problems. Liberalism is inescapable in American mass media.

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Proletariat are not necessarily "good" nor are they even particularly "right".

I thought he was meant to be a sympathetic character gone too far.
Syndrome was fundamentally right in what he was doing, the problem was he was fighting a war after it was over and couldn't move on.

It could be construed that way, but the overall narrative of the film ended up as a sort of Randian allegory in defense of special snowflakes.

America is the most liberal country in the world tbh not even Trump can change that t.Burger

Especially in the media were they are caricatures more often then not. Bane wasn't a hero, he was Robespierre in the mind of a liberal, which makes him a murderous psychopath without a clear objective (he wanted to make gotham explode? He wanted to avenge his mentor? What was his plan beside blowing up shit?) also he didn't help the poors neither. With really few exceptions villians in capeshit are "Violence without virtue".

Also I can't fucking belive how in a thread about capeshit the capeshit to end it all and the one that questioned the whole vigilanteism, noble lie, tool of the status quo, liberal idealism and others inerenth flaws of capeshits wasn't posted yet.

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I'm not actually doubting that. The whole thing is definitely deeply set in Randian theory, but by that same measure it falls short because it's exposing its own flaws. Syndrome didn't get punished for destroying the city, he was being punished for predating upon the other snowflakes.

convince me to watch this crap
pro tip: you cant

honestly if you even have time for this shit you should be beaten up

Moore has already been mentioned:

I don't want to be contrarian for the sake of it but was Watchmen really that good? It deserves credit for criticizing the status quo that super heros defend but it can only so through blatant parody (e.g. Nixon is a five term president; The Comedian kills JFK).

Although Rorschach was designed to be the ultimate foil of superheros by Moore as the Randroid zealot he unintentionally became a fan favorite. And I have to say, some of it was Moore's fault for humanizing Rorschach and having him expose the truth the Watchmen covered up to the world.

I think the Watchmen had great characterization but it kind of falls flat in political terms imo. It isn't far off from V for Vendetta where Moore heavy-handedly juxtaposes Anarchism vs. Fascism as the only possible alternatives–although it isn't quite that bad largely because of the character of Ozymandias.

off-topic: Swamp Thing was one of Moore's underrated works imo

This. Last capeshit I watched was the Dark Knight in 2008.

trump is a liberal
you really are a burger

Yes, I actually agree but Trump isn't liberal enough for his democratic opponents, so he is portrayed as being a Nazi or deeply anti-liberal by them.

That's honestly much worse.

Swamp Thing is what first made him famous iirc. I've never read it though. Does it still hold up?

It was a pretty damn well made comic tbh especially when compared to its contemporaries. Which is not something you can say about most of these cape movies. I hope you're not one of those people who prefer the movie

And I don't really follow what connection Rorschach has to Randian ideology. He was capeshit logic taken to an extreme. I mean he was a mentally ill guy who never showered. Who Batman or the Punisher would really be if such a character could ever exist. Him exposing the Watchmen at the end I always took as more of a great irony to end the book with. That his zealous obsession ended up fucking everything over posthumously. He was a pretty cool and sympathetic character though.

Well we're leftists. Anything that doesn't end with the violent overthrow of capitalism fails politically.

These words should be in the OP of every thread about media shit.

Notice that none of the other supers who use their powers selfishly are punished in the way he is. All of them are depicted as being embroiled against the heroes, and presumably some of them lose. Syndrome is the only person who is hoist upon his own petard. Even the bomb-loving frenchman at the beginning of the movie doesn't suffer that despite being shown blowing holes in a jewelry store.


>Ditko, who was inspired by the writings of Ayn Rand's personal philosophy of objectivism, created both the Question and Mr. A as followers of the ideology. Regarding Rand's philosophy, Moore said he personally found it "laughable". In spite of this, Moore had a healthy respect for Ditko despite having different views politically. Moore recalled that Ditko's very right-wing agenda was quite interesting to him at the time, and that "probably led to me portraying Rorschach as an extremely right-wing character".en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rorschach_(comics)

Remember that Rorschach sends his diary to a rightwing paper.

Yes, its pretty good, its very critical of the military-industrial complex and other aspects of American society. It's been a long-time since I read it. If you like Moore's other work you'll like Swamp Thing and the writing is some of Moore's most poetic.

so I'm guessing you don't actually read comics?

Arming the proletariat so they can fight back against their opressors is stupid?

If you're on the side of Tchalla you should rethink your political orientation.

Holy fuck its just a movie, calm down.

Nothing. It's YouTube clickbait formula trash - everyone exaggerates their emotions on pretty much everything, it's a particularly cheap way to do theater.

Killmonger, like Bane, was a liberal caricature of a revolutionary. It's pretty obvious once he starts talking about setting up a new empire and shit. It's the usual "power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely" tripe that they have been selling to the proles for the last century or so.

Same shit happens in your bible books but you luv that shit.

Reminder that the only villain in any of these recent Marvel films that actually did nothing wrong is the Vulture

Forgot pic

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This is one hundred percent true.

The amount of ideology behind these people not grasping the most basic thing comrade Roddenberry tried to teach us. The needs of the many outweigh your dick or vag goddammit.

Also Thanos saying the universe is "finite" as to say there isn't enough resources for all of life within it. While here on Earth we already produce enough food to feed ~14 billion.

This feels like they are getting us prepped for genocide once they introduce UBI and profits go down further.

Did they even have a reason for why he shouldn't have done what he did? What he did sounded entirely reasonable.