Neoreactionary magazine completely BTFO's Zizek

Pure ideology coming through!

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Yeah, Zizek, go read a book!

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Another disappointing entry in the "reactionaries attempt to engage zizek saga"

jacobite is such pathetic shit. they aped one of the most hated mags on the left just because its the first thing they saw and all of their articles are the same tepid shit you'd see in any other "cuckservative" publication

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It's hit-or-miss at worst. Most of the flak it gets is because it's popular and because it's tied to the Democrat Cops of America.

Jacobite, not Jacobin

How many layers of CIA are we in?

They might be aware of the similarity to 'jacobin' and mean it to be some kind of counterpoint, but the term 'jacobite' has been used by NRx'ers before.

What's so special about zizek? He literally said he's a communist only in the sense that he thinks problems should be solved communally. The guy has no theory or any idea as to how we should solve the problem facing us. Seems to me like people only like him cause he's a funny meme man

He is the king of the brocialists.

But they're not wrong, for once. This board has the same problem tbh, how do you expect to btfo accelerationism when you don't even understand it? Protip: it's not "contradictions must increase so revolution will happen" it has nothing to do with dialectics.

And accelerationists MUST be btfo'ed, they might be autistic brainlets but they're not going away just by ignoring them. I do consider them dangerous useful idiots, not in the sense that they cheer for fascism like alt-cucks, but in the sense that they cheer for the technocapitalist system that is crushing us all.

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Nick land once characterised it as "The only way out is through"
'further in until its weak and then you stab it in the heart and escape' isnt 'through', antihuman cybergothic nightmare future is 'through'.
capitalism accelerates technolgical progress, environmental degradation, the interconnectedness of the market system verging on a sort of intelligence and the free flow of resources according to the logic of this thing, etc etc., and continues to accelerate them, and by now the train is going too fast to stop.
Is, I think, the idea. Its like a black hole, all movement takes you further in, into the singularity.
Its dangerous indeed.

the author is a marxist

how tf is this NRx
bump because i'm curious

jacobites were an entirely different historical phenomenon and it was a movement to restore the catholic stuart dynasty back onto the throne of england, or scotland or ireland after the family's desposition by parliament in 1688 glorious revolution deposed James II, the last male stuart to rule.

they're basically ancomm, deleonists and trots on that corner.

whats the material difference here? cheering for or against capitalism doesn't change the falling rate of profit or that one class exploits another. Perhaps they have been btfo and are still around, there are still monarchists after all.

also pisses me off this guy implies zizek ignores other philosophers besides lacan and hegel
really strikes me as someone who only knows zizek from meme videos on youtube. You listen to any of his actual lectures or read one of his books and he brings up their work in every single one.

NRX and accelerationism is worse than the alt right because they are intellectual elitists who seek to accelerate the destruction of democracy, liberalism, and capitalism itself so i dont know, they can install some cyber monarch or something? or become robots? Havent read too deeply into it.

The alt right are just a passing populist movement.

Zizek criticizes identity politics from the far left much like leftypol but since leftists in general are group think morons the Z man comes off as a heretic and has been excommunicated

shock status: imagined

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NRx types don't really have a plan, they just see society falling apart and want to see something new happen. Obviously a movement that appeals to petty bourgs and bourgs who are bored with the current state of affairs and think they can preserve their power or gain from the society they rely upon being destroyed.

Though I disagree about the alt-right. They're a passing movement but not an ineffectual one since they have actual goals. Ron Paul's brand of politics gave us the Tea Party which set the stage for the alt right. Both used the same basic messages too: the Tea Party's primary concern was Chinese debt while the alt-right's concern is Chinese trade. Unlike the NRx these people are actually setting down goals and accomplishing them, consolidating their power and perpetuating their existence.

The alt right are populist ethno nationalism that imploded the second trump got elected because their goal had been reached and it was the only thing the held it together.

The dork enlightenment is some weird mash of neo feudalism, trans humanism, eugenics, and accelerationism espoused by silicon valley dorks, pseud intellectuals, and former libertarians that went down a weird path post ron paul. They arent overactive and most of what they do is make long winded blog posts and tweets about Autism Level and the ongoing destruction of democracy and liberalism.

DeLeonism is nothing like trots or ancoms

Were they criticizing Zizek? The Jacobite piece reads more as an attempt to court him into the NRx gang, less of a "Zizek btfo" and more of a "notice me senpai"

How else to read something like this:

The accelerationists have something that Zizek presumably lacks (in the full Lacanian sense of the term) and only they can give it to him.

Basically this. Zizek directly engages/attacks/appreciates (to a certain extent) Deleuze & Spinoza in several of his works (Organs Without Bodies and Spinoza, Kant, Hegel and… Badiou! comes to mind), and openly says that he "does not get" Nietzsche (while having read him, contra Badiou who still appreciates him)…
Pretty much.

He lacks their unwarranted sense of superiority.

But my gott isn't thish what courtship ish?

Jacobites Were Catholic fags who wanted the king of Bavaria or some shit to take the English throne so a true gatholic was at the helm

Do you faggots really not know the difference between Jacobites and Jacobins? Jesus Christ

He believes in Communism, just not the revolution. He thinks neoliberalism will just slowly die out.

Neoconservatives were a very small subsect of upper middle class intellectuals that was former trots, former succdems, general weird New York 60s writers. They eventually had immense power. It’s not how large the movement but how the movement can be used later