Who here supports the Québécois nation's right to self determination against Klanadian imperialism?
Who here supports the Québécois nation's right to self determination against Klanadian imperialism?
This but unironically.
I'd prefer to keep Canada in one piece under socialism
Yes but on the condition that they give the native peoples the right to self determination and end the reservation prison system.
Vive le Quebec libre!
t. most separatists. Quebecois nationalists are probably by and large the most racist political elements in Canada with a mainstream following.
national self determination is a meme
let quebec separate then bankrupt them and re-assimilate
Got a source for that or did you pull it out of your ass?
The Bloc Quebecois literally blamed the loss of the referendum on immigrants. The PQ passed a ban on religious symbols in public buildings, which essentially meant things like burqas, turbans, and other things worn by immigrants. Quebec is the only province where the provincial government isnt obligated to provide bilingual services, and French is the only official language in Quebec (meanwhile all other provinces recognize not only English and French, but many recognize regional native languages as well). I would much rather be a francophone in an anglo province than an anglophone in Quebec.
I unironically believe all European imperialist invaders should be removed from stolen native land.
they are far to brainwashed into liberalism to be of any revolutionary value anyways.
Reminder that there are more white people in the state of New York than there are Native Americans in the entire US. Native control over the whole country is a huge meme for woke idiots with "occupied Choctaw territory" in their twitter bios.
The fact they visit Vermont and are constantly shit to people, especially non whites, I've seen it too many times, other Canadians are decent, but quebecois are assholes for the most part to anyone that isn't them
The same could be said of any oppressed nationality. The lingering of reactionary habits is no reason to abandon the Quebecois struggle any more than sexist attitudes are reason to abandon the Palestinians.
Land shouldn't be owned because muh skin colour and people shouldn't be kicked out unless they're currently being shitty reactionaries. Kicking white people out of native lands because muh past ownership just breeds more hate same with Africans in Europe and Jews in the mid east if they stopped being genocidal, zionist arseholes. Just more idpol shit. That's not too say these people haven't been abused and treated wrong by impetialist powers but kicking out people because their skin colour or culture instead of their class and reactionary thinking us diversive bullshit and implys certain skin colours have a set in stone right and more power over people with differnt skin.
There’s nothing wrong with bans on religion. All religions is inherently reactionary and should be banned, regardless of if it’s brown people doing it. And if religious immigrants resist this they deserved to be crushed, be beaten, and sent to the gualg for being the reactionary scum they are.
Pick one
I wouldn't necessarily disagree if the ban wasn't obviously brought in to target immigrants and religious minorities. To illustrate my point, the bill banned religious symbols in government buildings, but specifically exempted the crucifix in the provincial legislature. It also exempted any symbols that weren't immediately visible, such as those typically worn by Christians, if they wear any at all (small cross necklaces, etc)
Quebec seperatism is a meme and is not leftist but its still my favorite part of Canada
Honestly I used to be super opposed but then i moved from BC to Quebec and after living here for 3 years i fucking hate Anglo culture and would be indifferent to a secession as long as it wasn’t lead by racist nationalists
I do, Trudeau is the class traitor of Quebec. they also must prevent his re-entry if they do.
You've never been to Vermont
Why wouldn't they blame it on a bunch of subhuman niggers and inbred mudslimes when they're basically FOB retards who are clueless about Quebec and its culture? You act like there's something wrong to blame it on immigrants.
Shit hole Winooski full of retarded african niggers isn't even close to representing all of Vermont (a state that's beautiful due to it's lack of shit skins)
There's leagues more shit skins in Quebec than Vermont (I live in Quebec, visit Vermont all the time)
There would be no shit skins here if it weren't for the feds
the history of quebec is one of playing by the rules set out no matter who set them (usually democracy) and then getting beat by a cheater, who is usually the one who set the rules in the first place
sometimes quebec wins, but then the rules are immediately re-written
what leftypol wants to do about it is another question
I support Quebec Separatism, but only because Anglo Canadians have a very shitty culture, and of how much I fucking hate them.
I’ve been many times. And outside of Burlington and ski places, I’ve never seen any non-whites who weren’t people I was travailing with.
Get your white butthurt out of here. The white colonialists literally committed several genocides against the native peoples. This is more than idpol moron its about an historical injustice that is still ongoing.
That being said, I don't agree with the idea of kicking out all whites. If anything native territory should be greatly expanded and protections should be provided to stop any encroachment on their land.
This is the only option for North America.
too bad its an image for ants tho
I'm not white butthurt but kicking out people because their white or non native along with kicking out African-Americans and American-Asians since their also non native is pretty shit. In fact once Socialism hits we won't even need to really give a hoot about ancestor land since people will have a Representative democracy and equal right and a mostly equal wealth standing with the only differences being from how much you personally worked. This ancestor land stuff could also easily be used as a excuse for nazbols and other racial idiots to claim oppressed slavic victims of Turkish imperialism for instance so they can either kick more turks out or genocide them for not wanting to leave lands they've been in for hundreds of years even if they were working class communistic Turkish decedents all because their skin is a darker shade then the Slavs also sharing the land.
I never denied that, but those effects be minimized or eliminated with a good democratic system and a equal share to the mop and economical resources, even then native Americans have benefited off the pillaging of the third world so playing oppression Olympics is just diverse bullshit, especially when a Native American with ownership of a large company and the means of production is better off then any working class white person in America despite historical injustices.
Yes i agree especially with African Americans but to treat an entire "race" of people as "lesser" in right to say in how a land should be run or even a right to live there no matter their circumstances,relation to the mop or their political and social stance even if they were anti-slave anti-segregation working class people is plain out stupid especially when an actual fair and democratic institution is in place.
There definitely should be things in place to protect the rights and life styles of oppressed minorities but these can almost always be guaranteed with proper healthcare,welfare,education and democratic representation without infringing on the rights of another ethnic group in the area which if their not being reactionary,racist fucking idiots and are inline with Socialistic ideals and they're both respecting the other people then what's the big fucking deal outside off some muh cultual/racial genocide by intermixing anuddah shoah tier though.
forgot about that last wordfilter there
good start moron
From your lack of arguments and political illiteracy you clearly don't understand the native situation nor have a clear idea imperialism.
Read a book before responding out of personal insecurities.
Is a Native American in control of the MOP more oppressed then a working class White,Black,Asian,Mixed individual?
Try understanding politics and economics on a structural systemic basis instead of searching individual exception.
I like the free Greenland
Is a Native American in control of the MOP more oppressed then a working class White,Black,Asian,Mixed individual?
Does a Native American if they moved from elsewhere in the country where his tribe wasn't historically settled have a right to kick out or have higher priority and influence in a democratic institution then say another oppressed minority (blacks) from an area because of their ethnic grouping?
Can Greeks also claim this and kick out more Turkish peoples since Greeks were the victims of genocide and economic exploitation?
Can the ex Yugo's kick out Italians or lessen their rights in a socialist society since the Italians were literal fascists?
How would economic oppression and imperialism still exist in a ideal socialist state where the mop and democratic control of a society are shared with the rest of society?
I'm not even sure what to say in the face of all these non-arguments and false equivocations.
D- for effort; read a goddamn book
If anyone should be posting the Zig Forums no argument man it should be me since "read a goddamn book" isn't exactly a argument.
Circa Trotsky to Stalin 1939 " just read a book bro like open your eyes brah."
You expect me to take your 'arguments' in good faith yet you have only used cheap rhetoric and poorly executed sophistry.
I also answered your first question in good faith yet you chose to ignore it and pose it again along with a long list of barely related ones
It is if it's an argument where you have to prove you are in the right or more correct. Even fucking Trump beats you here because at-least he can shit out a few muh mexicans muh walls
tumblr educate urself cause arguments are too hard tier post
Then surely I could be btfo if my words are such simple rhetoric despite you offering no actual arguments. let me return the arguments you have extended to me, read a book you dumb mustachio fuckwitt.
Well this post can be summarized down too lol read a book d- for ur effort + no argument man, so i would presume you mean your other reply here.
Which is also another ur dumb read a book post
So perhaps you mean your other other reply to me here
Which I accepted was still happening and a fix could be found without delving into idpol nonsense and w hite genocide tier idealism.
Which I agreed they should be protected without handing control of land over to people based on their ethnicity which is literally identity politics taking no note of who or what lives in those areas and their relations to the means of production and economic exploitation but instead simply on the colour of their skin.
Holy fuck you are mad and still stupid. Nice try at effort posting. Though, seriously dude, is english your fifth language?
You must be pretty dense so let me sum it up in a way you might understand: ==LAND GOES TO THOSE THAT USE IT; HISTORICAL INJUSTICES NEED TO BE ADDRESSED==
I never supported kicking whites out of the americas. If you read my first post, you would realise this.
Of course but these can be addressed within a Socialist society a Black Community need not racially discriminate since past injustices will fade away in a Socialist society since inequalities and the needs of these communities to meet past injustices will be met according "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs" since these communities will need more needs to account for historical injustices.
That sure sounds like excluding or lessening peoples rights based on racial or cultural grounds to me.
If you agree with my two points, I don't see what your problem is. Its not about reverse racial discrimination, its about reversing ongoing white supremacist policies.
Socialism isn't a state of affairs that simply appears and that once in place, we can prance about in meadows under the rays of true equality. It will take immense political effort from all sides to reverse them, it won't simply whither away.
How are your projections my problem?
Again, your arguments don't make sense. You must either be an idealist who is too ignorant of material conditions to make an intelligent statement or you're arguing in bad faith.
Socialism itself and it's economics would wither away White supremacist ideology and control over society and economic injustice itself would it not? Regardless of more or less land
I don't see how granting a minority with less overall people then white people in the state of New York extra land specifically for them to maintain more control over would lead to the destruction of White supremacist policies when a Socialist government would revert the economic control and therefore 9/10 of most of the supremacist control with the leftovers being swiftly cleaned up by re-education programs and the reversal of laws that indirectly benefit whites over minorities.
Granting land to native peoples would be a Socialist policy. It wouldn't be done randomly as you make it sound, it would be a concerted effort by the local communities and those with specialised knowledge. Making sweeping generalisations about population numbers is misleading and unhelpful. Most of the land we're talking about is not even lived in by white people, only exploited by their corporations for natural resources.
You make Socialist policy and eradicating white supremacy sound like the easiest thing in the world which makes me suspect you have no historical knowledge about previous Socialist efforts.
why did you capitalise 'white' comrade?
Yeah so back to what I said, most qubecois are assholes to people, especially non-whites
I don't see what Quebec separatism would achieve. Same goes for Scotland and Catalonia and other typical separatist movements favoured by the left.
I'd prefer the French and Anglos to go back to Europe and instead sovereignty is granted to the indigenous tribes who lived on the continent before you.
Is this better?
We should focus on sovereignty for other regions of north america as well.
that's pretty awesome
Fine no Deseret
What's wrong with an independent Texas?
You should apply yourself.
All texans are racists and conservatives.
The Texan independence meme was started by butthurt European settlers who wanted to expel all the Natives
How about this?
Independence isn't a priority for them but lets not pretend that the PQ is going anywhere. Anyway the nationalist are giving up on independence in the next election they will vote for CAQ. Back in the days of Duplessis most nationalist only wanted autonomy.
Quebecois Separatists are literally some of the most reactionary in all of canada though?
Complete with Anti-Native Discrimination and strong links/Influence with the catholic church
Fuck off, Red Guards Austin is probably one of the best orgs in North America.
>>>Zig Forums
lmao nice try FBI
I'm really not in the mood to get in it right now but they're not good. Quite bad actually.
Surely this isn't a sockpuppet
Yeah sure the group that beat up a bunch of black people while calling them liberals is based. Then they allowed themselves to be disarmed by the police. At this point Redneck Revolt is better than those clowns
What's wrong with them? I've only heard good things.