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wtf I love Sawant now!

Attached: guillotine.jpg (780x602, 247.18K)

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Amazon is literally taking over Seattle. If American law weren't so retarded they would be able to target them directly instead of broad brush measures like this. But seriously fuck all urbanite yuppies and their companies.

Attached: break bezos balls454.jpg (683x767, 142.68K)

What is the tax specifically? Also they should create an exemption for cooperatives and boom, retail sector socialised.

I just looked up Amazon in Seattle and holy shit.

I'm hardly surprised that the 129 billion dollar man doesn't want to give up a single penny, but holy shit does it still get to me. These people have to be sociopaths.

Local politicians, boomers and home owners in general are freaking out about this because it might harm their property values so it Bezos' blackmail might actually succeed.

Is there a single reason lower property values aren't a good thing other than it hurting boomers and landlord leeches?

It might reduce the amount of revenue generated by property taxes.

Eh tbh that is probs covered by the tax itself.
Besides property taxes are dumb, HAIL TO LVT.


gas the upper class already

Property taxes are good because they harm the labor aristocracy and prevent them from going full petty bourg (if you own a home in these areas you are basically petite bourgeoisie.) House ownership will always be a reliable foundation for reactionary thought in America.

Attached: san francisco home 3423.png (615x155, 45.13K)

Bezos is literally taking over America tbh

I read an article (can't find sorry) that claimed the rent increases caused by Amazon moving to your town could be as much as $7,000 a year annually.

I don't know if property taxes actually work when it comes to controlling housing prices but most economists think there is a negative correlation between high interest rates and property values.


Attached: sawant head tax.png (677x823, 390.54K)

By the way this and a bunch of other anti-Sawant shit is being spammed to r/Seattle. The petite bourg tech workers are super butthurt about their grift being challenged.

Just fyi this is typical of any large company town. The alternative way is to do public-private partnerships for large buildings like San Francisco did with the Y2K/Millenium/SalesForce tower, but this also creates an incestuous and corrupt relationship between the city and private financiers.

Lower property values mean things like tobacco, alcohol and gun stores which upstanding liberals won't tolerate because tobacco, alcohol and guns are scary. 2bh Seattle should burn along with the entire west coast, Amazon should move to Chicago.

Attached: lassale street station.jpg (1200x800, 316.64K)

Also it means that Seattle and the rest of the state might have to actually tax all the rich professionals that live here instead of taxing workers to subsidize their shitty lives.
Amazon should move to Detroit. It would be funny to watch yuppies get shot trying to find a good craft brewery. Like seriously I would pay to see it.

amazon should move to hell.

That's pretty much what happens in the Bay Area because the local subway (BART) is not policed. This has resulted in the SF area stations being taken over by homeless and "youth" mob attacks occurring from the Coliseum station. It's very common for techies to get their phones stolen if not also groped or spat on trains, which is why they all take Uber instead. The shitfight for more housing also creates a situation where urban black homeowners are allied with white suburbanites against zoning reform (which also contributes to all the homeless).

LA is full which is why I mention Chicago.

So I don’t know anything about the situation but I’m gonna bet this has something to do with a neoliberal privatization scheme that liberals defended and applauded?

Kill all home owners. Fucking wannabe bourg.

Homeowners are a petty bourg labor aristocracy. Homeless people are the real proles.

No it has to do with Zig Forums becoming a police officer and then "accidentally" shooting unarmed black man who was face down on a platform and handcuffed. After he pled out to a misdemeanor of involuntary manslaughter he was let out on probation in 2011. The shitstorm that this created more or less caused BART to take an anarchist approach and not police their system at all because BART is run by San Francisco who didn't want to do a community watch as OWS proposed at the time. It also let them save money because BART police are unionized.

As a result the safety situation is slowly breaking down: legitimately insane homeless people began using trains as toilets/daycare centers, eventually clogging up all the elevators with feces rendering stations not wheelchair accessible (this is a breach of the Americans with Disabilities Act). Thieves regularly prowl trains to steal phones and laptops to do identity theft and armed attacks now happen weekly. There's been about three mob attacks where entire trains are raided by gangs of "youths" looking for wallets. Attacks on actual employees are becoming common. Did I also mention that BART has also had three systemwide power failures in the past year because their equipment is so old?

Techies who work in SF have to tolerate this, tolerate an insane 2+ hour bridge commute or take an Uber. Ironically all the adjacent commuter rail lines that run to San Jose don't have this problem because they use (union) conductors to physically check all tickets. Another thing OWS proposed BART do which they also ignored.

Homeowners are also a minority compared to renters. However homeowners vote far more aggressively than renters, and many cities require residency for at least 24 months before residents get a right to vote in a local election. This is how renters are discriminated against in local elections even in cities that allow illegal immigrants to vote.

How do you figure?

Attached: homeownership us.png (758x615, 84.5K)

just fyi this guy works for the Roseville PD now

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Police unions need to busted and a parallel court system needs to be established for police crimes (basically like family court but for cops.) Of course it's not going to happen under capitalism (though maybe the union busting might) but it is nice to imagine.

It's more like 25-40% inside most cities, San Francisco is the most stratified here were it's by neighborhood where they are able to split renters from each other and increase their own power. Same applies to the Bay Area as a whole which is split into seven different counties (vs LA which is one giant County). Basically when local elections are done on a per-neighborhood basis homeowners can fuck with the process by making it so renters have to had to live in that district for 12 months or more in order to vote there. As most leases are only for 2-3 years now due to how market rate renting regulation works (market rate rents can rise at any price, only controlled rate units can't have price increases. The process to create a controlled rate unit takes 3-4 years and is a means-tested program for applying renters but is primarily encouraged through tax breaks for the landlord).

Bourgs already have neighborhood and community watches (see the Zimmerman case), which pop up extremely quickly once homeless people and poor people start coming into close contact with rich people. The problem is that poor people are expected to deal only with police who in most cases don't even live in the city they represent because of the insane cost of housing.

that image is cursed tbh

If Amazon packed up and left this city tomorrow it would be one of the greatest things to ever happen, ever.

This. I don't understand the complaints. Seems like a lot of businesses are just butthurt about taxation in general here, which is funny because they are the ones that made it like this. Oh and also the home owners but then again is there anything that doesn't make them butthurt?

That poster is a great way to never get taken seriously by anyone outside the internet. I know you autists don't want to hear it, but the "normie" world doesn't like lolidom.

I think it's shopped.

I think.

it isn't though, is it?

It's never enough user