What's up with Argentina?

I'm hearing reports about how their going 40% interest rate due and depreciating their currency, but why? I thought they had a winning streak going for them?

How come their economy is tanking now? I keep hearing people blaming peronism, is it justified?

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Neolibs got power and fucked everything for everyone. What you are seeing is a repeat of 01.
Peronits are not in power anymore and their policies were reversed, what could have been a small recession is now a full-blown crisis due to it.

What weirds me out is Temer slashing ours and in half and Globo and all the rest of the NeoLiberal, supposedly fiscally "responsible" media praising him for it. Like doesn't Hayek (and Friedman) say in the ebin Boom and Bust vid on yt that low insterest rates and da Fed create free money which creates crisis.
The military governemnt kept rates high as they were precisely to fight inflation and make it desirable for people to save, now they're praising insane and unorthodox policy that was employed by Obama and the ECB. Are they trying to get our economy tied to the general global flows so that we become completely dependent on foreign finance or do they just believe that this policy will make economic indicators better in the short term and make their austerity and privatization policies seem desirable by association or are they just crypto-communist-globalist-jews who want to make us all debt slaves like the loony right believes.

I've never seen politically engaged right-wingers on the internets talk about this either, except for Bolsonaro's finance minister kind of, but even then he's very vague and doesn't really touch the topic.

All this in his first year as presedent of Argentina.
Rightists have low lQ

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can't wait for the "socialism RUINED Argentina" PagerU video


Brazilian liberals already did that for them.

Attached: macri the social democrat.jpg (800x578, 55.45K)

the thing is that our interest rate so high that the productive porkies are protesting (Campanha Chega de Engolir Sapo - FIESP), so I find natural the government trying to lower it. But it wont go far. The Real is literally bases itself on high interest rates to atract foreign capital to keep the exchange rate valued in relation to the dolar, so we can import a lot to keep inflation low, cucking our productive structure.

may O Antagonista burn in hell, bunch of fuckers (specially Diogo Mainardi), holy shit

Same things as Ecuador, even tho the ebin "chavistas" rule there.
They are borrowing lots of money while trying to lower taxes, hoping to attract capital. But it's gonna fail lmao. Send moni

How good are FIT? Could they break throughl

The main leftist parties in Argentina are Trots who keep splitting into smaller parties, if they all joined forces they could get much better numbers during the elections

It's composed of three trot parties
PO (worker party) PTS (socialist workers party) and IS (Socialist left)
IS is the smallest of each.
Both PTS and IS come from the splitting of an old big trot party, called MAS. There are other parties that splitted from old MAS, but they won't join the coalition.
The coalition itself may break up.
PTS is the most sympathetic party towards the populists that were in the government until 2015, but officially the coalition is for an independent workers movement, no class collaboration and so on.
I believe FIT will benefit from the situation, as the Peronist left is not going far in their criticism of our current government.
The rest of leftwing parties are really shit tbh. The Stalinist and Maoist parties are just comfortable with the chavistaphiles

Wait are there Chavistas in Argentina? Also why the fuck is the Communist Party with thirdway socdems? (the worst kind of socdem).

By chavistas or chavistophiles I mean the Kirchners, which are some kind of third way nibbas. Peronism is a disgusting class collaboration movement.
I believe the communist party just gave up after the Berlin wall came down

Wait the Kirchners are/were pro Chavez? The fuck? I had them down as Blairites…

Isn't he setting himself up for a coup?

Why is Argentina's leftists are full of trots?

I am pretty sure the Argentine army couldn't coup if it wanted to…

Oof, sounds like it's all gone downhill since the dirty war

The Argentine military hs been buggered since the Falklands, a lot of its navy & airforce were destroyed in the conflict.

nazi escapees


Trots are relevant here because they didn't decide to suicide out of ideological love for third world bourgeoisie.

Here is the true answer

Attached: 9423CC2B-DC01-4C8C-9AEA-FEFB0F3A2031.jpeg (720x427, 46.2K)

That's his best take

can we just please not post this guy and his kind?
i really don't want to anymore
it never even was funny

I have never listened or read anything this person has said but lol seems pretty accurate.

Trotskysm in Argentina is actually very jewish. But I don't expect twitter Americans to have the slightest idea about actual Marxist orgs



Argentine revolution when.

care to explain?

Argentine crisis is repeating basically…