Gender Solidarity thread

Comrades, I've heard some incel opinions being spread here, and that's counter revolutionary.

This thread is for de-inceling yourself. For men respecting women, for women respecting men.

Capitalism has done much to damage to us. The standards it sets for the sexes crushes our self image, exploitation of culture destroys the social realm for finding lovers, and alienation makes us failures at communication.

It's time to start working to fix those things.

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All that posting is mostly just actual reactionaries using leftist sounding psychobabble to own us at our own game or whatever. It falls apart under elementary Marxist scrutiny.

Isn't having sex literally the only way to do that?

Saying that all people who are virgins but want sex are incels is like saying everyone who likes to remotely humanise animals is a furry.

but isn't that the definition of a furry?

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not unless you want furry to be a meaningless empty category that includes essentially every human being on earth.


JFL @ femails trying to logic

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This is what incels need to understand.

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forgot to take off shitposting flag

We already understand, that is why we are blackpilled. Blupilled feminist normie faggots are the one who need to see this DANK FUCKING SHIT.

It's not about that. If she doesn't like you, STOP APPROACHING HER.

The right one doesn't need to try because Chad genetics and a lifetime of positive reinforcement have made him a well adjusted individual. By contrast, incels are bullied for their looks throughout their entire lives, so there is really nothing to be confident about. Might as well ask an Amazon warehouse worker to just start his own business. The existence of the 1/100000 who can do it doesnt justify the exploitation of the rest.

Furries sexualize anthropomorphic animals, normal people think animals that can talk with human eyes are cute.

Incel is a state of mind, a persecution complex with mental gymnastics that are breaking Olympic standards. If an incel were to have sex, they'd probably get even more black pilled, since most people first time isn't that great and they'd somehow blame their partner for that.

Or, well I don't know. Has anyone here that even somewhat held incel beliefs had sex? How did that change what you thought? Was it with a serious partner, or just casually?

Everyone hates a house nigger, even your masters.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)

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incels as a reactionary subculture, sure, but I think we should also be providing realistic ideological alternatives and material solutions for lonely and virgin men more generally.

a confused society is a weak society. the queer bullshit is trying to make society less confident for who they are. "am i a boy? am i a girl?"

Can't even deny it because you know its true.

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If commies didn't want to destroy the family structure, why do they rabidly defend femail sexual liberation which has directly led to skyrocketing single mother rates? Leftoids are a lot like women in that you have to watch what they do and not what they say.

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Having a girlfriend is really nice, not for the sex, mostly for having someone around who I like talking with. Just chatting about whatever, with someone you care about is comfy. We talk about politics and current events quite a bit. I'm farther to the left than her, but the more we talk, the more she realizes that the issues concerning race, sex and gender are presupposed by the distribution of the means of production, and in order to bring about a more egalitarian society, material conditions must be changed. It makes her sad, since she knows that that means violent revolution is the only proper method to bring that about and is a sweet girl who doesn't want to think of anyone dying, but she understands.

I also like cooking with her. Being around the kitchen, preparing meals with her. She prefers doing most of the work, not because I'm a bad cook, but she feels like its a way if her to do something special for me. I don't want to make her feel like she has to do that though, so I always find some menial thing to help her with, and she appreciates having me there to talk to.

Someday, I sincerely hope you boys who think you are incels can give up your Resentment, and find a partner who you will be happy with. It's a wonderful experience.


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Didn't read any post but using chad should be fucking bannable

They don't. What commies are generally against is the nuclear family and rather have traditional family, but this is not the case anymore. No one wants to destroy the family except capitalism. Family and marriage as bourgeoisie institutions (property relations) are what we seek to destroy.
They don't. Lenin hated sexual liberation and called bourgeoisie. The one who defend sexual liberation as is intended today are those hipsters college red liberals who are against the USSR.

Explain also how, if we wanted to destroy family, the soviet model was absolutely pro family

this is not data

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Women suck

fuck off

If the Soviets were even half as patriarchal as you say they were I am in love. That said, I have conclusively demonstrated that at least 80% of this board will defend even the most bourgeoisie of sexuality so long as it is an incel making the accusation. I am here to make these commies see the contradictions in their world view, and hopefully ascend to a higher level of thought.

no see the reason these peope are upset is that they don't, at least not on tap.

Could you give us some examples?

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what do whores have to do with the means of production
no, babies do not count

I don't like to work so it would really be nice to still be able to have a long term and happy relationship even if I was chronically underemployed
Just want someone to talk to watching the sun rise at my cabin while we had some coffee. I mean girls like that at first but kind of shy off when they find out that's pretty much all I want to do in life. Just take it easy


This. The recent wave of incelposting is nothing but Zig Forums gaslighting, it's just another iteration of "if you're a commie why won't you give me your iphone?". I don't know why you fucks still engage them.

If anything, the capitalism cannot be matched when it comes to destroying families of lower half of income distribution.

Long work hours, unpaid overtime, work related stress, poverty and stress about not having sufficiently livable wage. All those erode the relationship between husband and wife and it shows in various ways. No wonder that sometimes it ends up in divorce.

What soviets did, and in other eastern bloc countries and other socialist countries was to allow young newlywed couples to have an apartment or house and start a family. And it was affordable and secure, so people did start families. Nowadays houses or flats are expensive, job security is gone. Not much of an environment to start a family.

Of course the rich fucks have enough of a wealth to not be affected, and combined with the observation that their families are formed because of the property relationships.

Now in the west, you either save up money or accept poverty if you are not a high earner and want to start a family young. You can clearly see how the family unit is being destabilized for the majority of people, while the few are rather unaffected.

What the fuck are you talking about? Everyone who wants sex but can't get it is involuntarily celebrate by definition you fucking idiot.

Impossible to fix on the internet.

ok kid

Well, would you look at all those horrible women you shouldn't want be around anyways.


There is no such thing as "bourgeois sexuality" — what the fuck are you talking about? Stop using word with a specific meaning as shallow epithets to describe what you happen not to like.

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Stop accommodating Zig Forums-tier social conservatism just to broadcast how not liberal you are to anonymous users on a Cantonese cuisine imageboard. Sexual liberation was good thing and you will never be able to undo it — get over it.

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The original meaning of "sexual liberation" was just that people could have sex outside of marriage. Also the radical idea that women weren't literal property. Hedonism wasn't a huge part of it. Gigantic street orgies will be banned under socialism.

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I understand myself to be subconsciously sexist but i don't understand how to break the conditioning that has led me there. I only recently came to the realization with myself that i'm more likely to take an emotional man seriously over a woman, and don't understand how to over come this set mindset that women are by default irrational until proven otherwise. The one idea i had was to try and find a female role model for myself (which is how i broke down my previous racists attitudes by finding minorities who's actions/attitudes/ideals i admired) but i'm struggling to find anyone for myself who is truly exceptional or worth while for me to follow

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You know that's not what is actually meant by incel in general use. It refers to a specific community of people.
The definition furries would have you use is that everyone who likes anthropomorphic animals (and this includes fucking garfield) is a furry. But again, we know that's not what people mean when they talk about furries.

No normal people refer to themselves as involuntarily celibate, nor do normal people refer to other people by that moniker except to (a) repeat the individual's pre-stated identity or (b) insult them.

Hedonism in general is worryingly destructive

This sounds incredibly lame and gay.

this seems totally real and believable, especially the child rapist one, and does not look doctored in any way

Even if you assume it's real, if you were to take him on his word then in Britain (Where he is, hence the mentions of London) it's not particularly shocking.
She turned 16 like a week later.
To American eyes, that's nonce talk. In Britain however the age of consent is 16. It's not that surprising women don't care about someone being a week too early.
Everything after that can be read as ironic shitposting, something women are familiar with.

(watch as this derails the thread into an age of consent discussion, hahahaha.)

Age of consent should be 16. I don't care how mature they are or how well they understand sex and it's consequences, we have to draw a line somewhere.

age of consent should be ~26-35 tbh. (that's an age range, not uncertainty. sex becomes legal at 26 and is made illegal again at 35.)

15 or even 14 is the trend among civilised countries, stuff like 18 is positively third world and even 16 is fairly backwards and anglosphere.
besides age of consent and similar laws aren't there to be binding but rather to provide legal recourse in cases of abuse

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but the definition of "civilised countries" is "anglosphere minus america"

NOT my comrade.

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No, it wasn't. Sexual liberation wasn't a single organization with a clear program or set of demands. Seeking acceptance for fornication was but one of the movement's goals.
That originated in 19th-century feminism. Sexual liberation was a much broader phenomenon.
One of the most popular slogans of May 68 was "Jouissez sans entrave" — "Unhindered orgasm". Rejection of the social norms regulating sex life was at the core of the sexual liberation.
"Socialism is when people aren't having fun; and the less fun they have, the socialister it is."
t. garden-variety Bible Belt pissant

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Most women lack the revolutionary thought capable of effectively holding up half the sky, right now, they are just political ammunition which we can use to defeat capitalism, I think most men are also cucks for the status quo too, but I'm not the one making a "respect women" thread. Feminism has entered a post-structuralist stage in it's evolution, so there's no way to really reel in the liberals with marxist analysis, also.

You just wanted a reason to vent about women you fucktard, at no point does the OP take the side of women over men.

This is now a hookup thread.

Good tbh. Make some use out of this fucking shit thread.
12.3 inch cock here, pan, anyone up for fucking?

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Oh and before anything else
Top, so don't ask.

But that's the exact problem a lot of incels have: who they are is shit. They're whiny, victimhooded nazi LARPers who blame all their insecurities on everything they don't like.

hmu bby i want my ass wider than the panama canal

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I want liberals to leave.


God fucking damn it that made me laugh.

Um no sweetums.

did you just re-found existentialism?

sure why not, it's not social democracy but i'll take it.

Capitalism has made pussy a commodity, women are just objects and that will not change without individual reform, I can't expect to respect a woman without her first respecting herself. You can't turn a whore into a housewife, if you want to be a wet hole and not a person, go ahead, but that's all I'm going to see you as.

Not surprised, crucify yourself you worthless faggot.

Pls no bully christnon
He's better than the krautnigger turk hating ancom and the moralist faggot who dwells in the trashcan.

youll find someone friend, i know a few girls who would think that kind of life to be pretty comfy. slow down, and let all the people who dont stop running blur in your vision, and youll start to see the people who take it slow.

Could you see how this ends up being a self defeating prophecy? just because they lack it doesnt mean they are Incapable of revolutionary thought, it means we haven't done a good enough job to convince women. And with the content of threads like this, its not particularly hard to see why.

correct, but its not like any of us actually belong to organizations through which real change can be actioned

then take that over generations. not having access to healthy family structure degrades even more over time, while more drugs are injected into communities and policing increases. no fathers, no grandfathers.

to me it seems a little different. while you are right, it probably is just false-flagging, Incels are a material trend coming into vogue, especially as the media focuses in on violent acts. While most of us know that its just a victim complex, unlike the 'gib fones' its a real thought people have, and as a community and as a platform, Incelism needs to be vocally refuted.

as such, I request that the mods do 2 things:
1) wordfilter Incel into Auto-Cuck, because thats what they are.
2) use the banhammer on threads in support of being an incel. If normies or liberals interested in leftist politics come here and see the threads filled with false-flaggers, they will make the sane decision and leave. it is not a discussion Zig Forums needs to have.

man, i made this thread to try and help everyone get girlfriends, and this is what we got

This is well-intentioned, but it conveys a misunderstanding: the resentment formed from their overall social rejection which came to be embodied by the women who have rejected them. The incel culture helps to create further resentment, but they wouldn't be there if they weren't already feeling it to some degree.

I've generally defended incels as people here, although the "culture" is absolutely horrible. It isn't true that it's only Zig Forums false-flagging. I'm convinced it's evidence of larger social problems and pinning the blame entirely on people feeling the effects of them seems one-sided and ill considered. It's pointless as most of the insults gain weight only from contemporary cultural values and reiterate liberal self-help mantra, and it also pushes people further to the right.

If that's the idea, you'd have better luck with incels. Zig Forums has plenty of those, and almost no liberals or normies are going to find their way to Zig Forums ever, unless there's news that's extremely negative and probably related to Zig Forums or one of the raiding boards. Imageboard culture will deter most of them, anyway, even disregarding incel threads.

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Literally what or whom are any of these people?

in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation, completely independent of money; and as a system of differentiation it functions just as mercilessly. The effects of these two systems are, furthermore, strictly equivalent. Just like unrestrained economic liberalism, and for similar reasons, sexual liberalism produces phenomena of absolute pauperization . Some men make love every day; others five or six times in their life, or never. Some make love with dozens of women; others with none. It's what's known as 'the law of the market'…Economic liberalism is an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society. Sexual liberalism is likewise an extension of the domain of the struggle, its extension to all ages and all classes of society.

yeah i've never heard that one before
Where's your wrangler?

Women love sexual harassment as long as it is from Chad. Prove me wrong (protip, you cant).

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T. fat and ugly degenerate

Addendum, the ending of that is one of the most hilariously autistic things I've ever seen, please hang yourself and take your terrible music tastes and gross, pedophillic fag-master with you.

ah yeah, that was always made fucking clear genius, point is chad's aren't the only one that sexual harass, fat dry incels do as well which is why we have to campaign against it

Leftoids not even trying to deny it. How can leftoids argue for abolishing hierarchy while at the same time defending genetic hierarchy? Not that we can expect logic and reason from one of the most feminized political demographics in existence.

1. The abolition of hierarchy is an anarchist goal, not broadly a leftist one.
2. Even anarchists only argue for the abolition of unnatural hierarchy, sexual hierarchy is about as natural as can be.
3. Why even talk about this? Do you expect us to care about a genetic dead end like you? The leftist project is one of establishment of the dominance of the revolutionary proletariat. We don't care about 1st world little boys.

no point in denying this shit, point is, you ain't a chad so don't think you can get away with it

"human nature is a spook except when it encroaches on chad's right to hoard sex"

oh lawd Zig Forums am I disappointed, but not surprised

he is the superior being, what do you not understand about this, of course he's gonna get laid way more then incels or even normies. it's human nature

i agree

eventually you'll realize that all of the rest of the hierarchies you see around you are a direct consequence of human nature as well

niggers for example. and the rest of "the global south". simply inferior life forms.


I'm not an anarchist, hierarchy and "spooks" factors little into Marxism, take it up with the anarchists.

The current state of things is a result of the historical dialectic, which is a product of human nature, yes. However, the nature of humanity does not in itself create the current state of things, rather the class contradictions create history which shapes human nature which again shapes class relations.
Believe that if you want, it's a highly reductionist view of history but I'll leave you to it as it's completely irrelevant to the truth of Marxist theory.
Now, back on topic, you've yet to demonstrate why anyone should care about a tiny minority of inferior men not having sex. Do you want to provide some reason that Marxists, people who are interested in the large scale class conflict leading up to the next shift in history, should care about your dick or did you just feel like acting out your victimhood on a new board?

incels will fuel reaction

your class warfare is dead right on arrival mate, sorry. more fodder for us :)

Not even. I'm not a virgin, yet I still feel totally like an incel because I'm not able to get girls as easily as chad.

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Incels, as in the online movement, are reactionary.

Lonely virgin men more generally do not exist to be your personal army. many have chosen socialism as a vehicle for radical change.

inceldom fuels reaction in every corner of the globe, from suburbs in Kansas to the backwaters of Syria and Congo, you cannot stop it.

is antithetical to real historical change, your "movement" is a non-thesis funded by capitalists afraid of decaying productivity and their position to be overthrown during the next shift in the dialectic.
You are the decay, fun, corruption and disease which you hate. Your genetic legacy is already dead, as you've admitted, and your only trace on the face of history will be a foot note on how various diseases of the society are bread by alienation.
Again, why would Marxists give you even a moment of thought?

Is this a stand up comedy?

the underlying material conditions that give rise to loneliness are what causes reaction. Try not to choke too hard when sucking your own cock.