Karl Marx: Past, Present and Future


Oh Lawd.
Let's play a game Zig Forums, the objective of the game is to listen to Molyneux for as long as possible without developing a brain tumor. Good luck, have fun.

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I'm not even going to bother clicking the link because i know that i'll close the window at the first sound he makes so whats the point.
Don't understand how people can sit through his hour long rants and listen to his voice, its so grating. same goes for kermit the frog.
If anyone is willing to lose the will to live and listen through his shit i would appreciate a summation of his best hot takes.

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no thanks, I don't feel like cutting myself today

Not gonna watch it but tell me if i get some of these Rght
How many did i get?

Oh boy

Am I disqualified if I already have developed a brain tumor from inadvertently watching Molyneux before?

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Actually just thinking about him has reminded me of his voice so i'll just channel what the video is probably like:

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not too far off, unfortunately

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Scarily accurate

Samebady screencap dis. I am on phone

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He botches Hegel for an excruciatingly long time.

I made it to 7th minute where he starts quoting On The Jewish Question, I imagine he'll use it to say Marx was responsible for Hitler.

Yeah, he probably confused Socialism with Social Democracy again. I wouldn't doubt it.

I wish he went back to telling his followers to abandon their families out of fear of their potential hold over you because the potential of Peter to self destruct is just a fucking ticking time bomb that will explode at any second and it pisses me off he's so aware of this

He's some kind of sex predator and is stopping the world from knowing


Can anyone actually sit through 2 FUCKING hours of this guy?

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Seems i was spot on with my predictions…


I don't think I need to watch the video, this is probably as accurate of a tl;dw as I can get.

nah, fuck that shit

I kind of want to watch it to view dissenting opinions but I already know how cringey it's going to be. I'm certain he's not going to bring up any of Marx's actual theories and just use strawmen.

I'm not watching this. It doesn't matter what retarded bullshit he spouts this week.


Well he's an An-cap. That's to be expected. They literally think any form of collectivism is Socialism.

well, he has admitted he is an ethnocentrist and has denounced statelessness in compromise for protections against the "lessers".
He says all this in "Why I was wrong about nationalism",that was the last time I watched him, so I don't know if his Hoppean revisionism has got any more radcial from then on, I know he supports Trump, so probably.