This is bullshit ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴...

This is bullshit ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴ ឴ ឴឴ ឴

Attached: google.PNG (817x1267, 106.71K)

What's wrong, buddy?

I thought they stopped indexing 8ch?

Zig Forums is nowhere to be seen even tho the dudes at google are all judeo-communists according to Zig Forums

Probably because no one gives a fuck what you socialist neck beards think.

KYS faggots.

Attached: nazi punched on pol7.jpg (2592x1944, 1.69M)

Attached: c8IDKpz.jpg (1296x971, 304.98K)


This one is actually realistic

Stop obsessing over Zig Forums's delusions.

Yeah that was just a rant, the fact that /a/ and /fur/ are listed but not Zig Forums is bullshit tho

It's a compliment. Our existence is triggering for them and they lack the sense to hide it.

probably due to the fact, at least with /a/, that they have to say /a/ Zig Forums instead of 4chan, while there's only one Zig Forums

you're so fucking predictable, like holy shit, do all of you have fucking alzheimer's or something?

Attached: 42272e9d35ac08ed7c323bc1289a401ba089d79717187b4bd861e0870e29d5a1.jpeg (1024x432, 191.92K)

no one cares what you fur fag yaoi fapping losers think. That is why you're not indexed. You're literally a small closet of faggots sucking each other off in a world full of people who could give two shits about your anemic grasp of reality.

But the furfag yoai fapping polposting losers are indexed user we are the one that are not

Attached: mYnx19QN.jpg (512x512, 32.03K)


keep trying amerimutt

Attached: daddysalvador.png (255x255, 15.71K)

Your dad called and said you shouldn't be on the internet right now and you're grounded.

Attached: 6joan.jpg (600x450, 82.15K)

ohoho boy you sure got me there

Attached: nervous.jpg (2271x2380, 266.11K)

because Zig Forums and /b/ is supported by the elite while Zig Forums isn't
see how quickly the shill appeared

he isn't a shill, look at what he writes. Sounds like a 14 year old, it's probably just some salty kid who thinks he's "LE BTFO'ING XDDDD ALL LE LIBTARDZ XDDD"

here's the sage I forgot about

I guess we all know how to type in correctly?

Good, it keeps idiots out.

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