The most powerful man on earth

How the fuck did this nigga never once indulge in amphetamine or opiate use, but Adolf Hitler, the notorious prude, did fucking meth and oxycodone?

It woulda been that easy

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Not doing drugs isn't hard.

Gotta be of sound mind to lead the people to victory, comrade.
Also what my fellow tank said.

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stalin shoulda smoked dmt tbh

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Hitler did drugs because he was recommended them by his physician.

yeah, when he found out he was being given opiates he was furious.

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This makes most of the NS Propaganda (Most of which is Un-verifiable / Untrue) About the Wiemar republic even funnier tbh

Stalin had no such power, that's an anticommunist myth.

What kind of degenerate are you that you feel the need to do all kinds of shit drugs?

According to Alex Jones, all of the commie leaders took DMT, that's how they fell into psychopathy.

it is for milennials since they have been consumed by postmodernity.

It's like the European identitarians who hate homosexuals despite it's general acceptance throughout all romantic periods of Europe.

If you don't do drugs at all it's easy to keep it that way.

unironically because his health was shit and he wanted ways to deal with it,that nigga had a crazy ammount of physical issues,i am surprised he even lived as long as he did

was homosexuality accepted post roman empire? 0w0 more info?

it wasn't defined as such as today, it was more of masculine-feminine sexuality, a man could not degrade himself through self-penetration, or at least be known to do so. Of course guys were fuckign eachother all the time back then, it is just a front, the "purity" or whatever of those times, I don't get why people were so insecure in their sexuality, maybe it was the Catholic church, probably. You can read about it online, just look it up, it's interesting.

This, nicotine is actually just as much a stimulant as Adderal at low-medium doses. Commies who want to get shit done should vape or take nicotine mints/patches.

Name one communist leader that didn't smoke.

Imagine if Stalin became as drug-fuelled an insane as Hitler towards the end of the war and they both were moving around divisions that didn't exist. The Eastern front would've been a gigantic game of 2 retards swinging foam bats at each other In the dark.

that wouldn't have happened because Stalin wasn't a dictator and would've been exchanged for someone more fit

Stalin didn't have the level of direct control that Hitler did.

Because we are miserable and dont want to feel like shit 24/7. Is that really so hard to understand?

To be fair alot of Zig Forumskiddies are also self-loathing sexual deviants and degenerate weebs.

Are there any actual benefits to smoking?
Why the fuck did so many Commies smoke?

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Appetite suppressant.

Gets you poosi.

communism is judaism

Stalin by 1943 had already let the Stavka do most of the work his intervention was basically only made during insanely important operations like Bagration

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Communism is whatever you want it to be

There's better and healthier ways of getting pussy than smoking

like what

ot being an insufferable asshole

I don't know, getting in shape and working out?

Because the Castros seem to be genetically immune to the effects of cigars so why the fuck not?

he's so woke

Fuck that meme makes me teary eyed, based stalin

Psychedelics make you more empathetic, not less. Especially if you have a "one with everything" experience or ego death.

Nah, they ate tide pods.

Like not smelling like you smoke.