Japanese Communist / socialists / leftists

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I know this is hard for socdems to admit but the collapse of the soviet union and 20th century socialism (and here I mean socialism of the transition period type as defined by marxism-leninism, which I admit is superior to capitalism) was also a huge blow for left-wing parties in capitalist countries as there was less pressure on capitalists to go along with reforms. It's why the collapse of the soviet union and right-deviationism in china, european social democracy and ba'athism went hand in hand in the 90s.

Neoliberal dirty tricks and debt magic.

If Japan had turned commie it would be a shitty north korean style pariah state, there would be no anime or the video games that you enjoyed in your formative years, and you'd be an entirely different person.

There'd be no Hondas or Toyotas outside of Japan. There'd be no first world influence outside of the suffocating new world order of the west.

Feminism and social justice would have zero opposition.

And a nuclear war between east and west may have occurred.

Congratulations to leftypol for finding one of the only possible futures worse than the one we live in.

Also if Japan did become socialist the video games and anime already in existence wouldnt magically cease to exist

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go get a heart attack somewhere else burger

But it would, the governments would deem them degenerate and move on.

Not to mention, embargoes and shit.

How dare we have hobbies am I rite?

Was the work culture as crazy in the 1960s-70s as it is today?

Muh communism has neber been dried meme.

Gommunism has been tried in many countries, and they all turn out the same way. Reality doesn't oblige theory with spherical cows. You have to work with cows as they are. Hence why communism turns out the same way every time when you commies refuse to readjust your theories to cope with the data you gather from your failed experiments/countries you've ruined.

More like, how dare you put your hobbies ahead of a movement to end poverty and exploitation. I mean, I like both those things but get your priorities straight.

Nope, things were unironically better back in the 70s-80s.


Because my hobbies > your movement, dawg.

Unlike your commie ass, I don't have financial problems, I have social problems, which cannot be solved by communism.

Unless a piece of media was explicit porky propaganda i doubt it

Because it hasnt
Pretty decent places to live?
Just check up how many people in hungary Bulgaria Romania Former-USSR Regret the collapse of their nations in the 90s

The end of socialism in the 90s was literally one of the greatest human tragedies of history

Well, is it, is it not?

What's the point of communism if you get even less freedom?

Why does socialism presuppose no anime or games? Honestly, wouldn't it mean better versions of these things since the artists would have greater creative direction?

degenerates like you should off yourselves

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See every fucking "socialist" government ever, Russia, Vietnam banned fucking fantasy books from the UK (LOTR) and Hong Kong (Wuxia novels) because they are muh pornography.

You're an incel? kys then.

at this point the only thing that can save anime and video games is communism, most of the stuff bad with those two are because of late stage capitalism, under staffed studios, work times that are insufrable, lowest denominator shows, source baiting adaptations, etc, they all exist to increase profits, do you really think people with schedules like this can really produce anything worthwhile?

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Because "socialist precedence" says otherwise, unless it propagates state ideology, it's banned.

My social problems involve the propagation of gays, niggers and feminism, which I don't think will be solved by communism.



Yep, communism will save vidya game….by banning them.

no one cares what you think incel

That's not just two examples, there are a shitoad of fantasy books and wuxia novels, let alone comic/manga/video games being banned by "socialist government".

There's a reason there's a huge black market for those in the USSR.

You seem to, dickward.

Oh so you shut yourself of from the society around you then wonder why you have no social skills and Everyone hates you?

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My priorities are straight. They're just not yours. I don't care about what you view as exploitation as much as you do. I view the thing you view as exploitation as a side-effect of cultural and racial struggle against the yoke of industrial society.

Anime and japanese video games were a cultural influence that challenged and overcame the cultural influence of the west as only a first world culture can do. Japan, being the only other first world country that isn't western is the only country that could have done that.

Culture is much more important than muh taxes and muh wealth inequality. Anyone who claims to care about wealth inequality always just ends up using the power they get to wage a culture war instead anyway. 100 times out of 100.

How about I want my society to be white and straight and clean and tidy?

How about that?

not really cuck, you just seem to be shitting up this board, a tiresome initiative. go back to your pedo anime and lootbox vidya

Video games didnt exist in a developed form (Asides from Arcades) in the time of the warsaw pact
How do you suppose that somehow proves video games would be banned today?

Because video games did exist in the 70s-80s and they were banned in Russia, along with books/movies/music.

Nah, nigger, I will expose your lies.

So a Society that never existed?
Then become a socialist
Capitalist always give the warsaw pact for being clean and call it "cold and lifeless" afterall

t. basement dwelling mutt furiously jacking it to trap porn with his dorito dust covered fingers

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Alright, well, presupposing your dubious claim is actually true, why does that mean we have to do things exactly the same as the previous socialist states?
Homosexuality isn't something people are indoctrinated into, it's just a fact that a small percentage of the population is gay or trans. But why does that actually matter, anyway?
Will be fine once we establish a better society, one that doesn't entrench systemic racism.
Also, capitalism is the reason for massive economic migration, so it follows that to keep white countries white, you'd be pro socialism.
Nothing wrong with feminism at all.

By the 80s The soviets had basically swung the gates open and were basically intentionally burgerfiying their culture (Which had disastrous outcomes btw)

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Oh wow, so 50s America did not exist, Nazi Germany didn't exist and neither did the various monarchic kingdoms from 1100s to 1600s.
The east is just fucking depressing, not just "cold and lifeless".

Nope, they were still banned in the USSR, except the grey market grows larger.

They only officially accept western media by the 90s-early 00s.

heres your (you)

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So you basically argue that these aren't problems, therefore it's okay.

Well, it's not okay.

All these 3 elements spread weakness, victimization and diseases, and would be not a-okay in any society.



Well, they are right, aren't they?

Race mixing IS communism, because communism turns a blind eye to race, unless it concerns genocide of "minorities" and "jews".


Gays and niggers have the highest HIV/AIDS level in the world.
Gays and niggers constantly begs for gibs, recognization and protection because they perceive themselves as attacked by straight white males.

It's good if it's done to niggers, jews and gays.

Like culling of pests or weeds.

Black people didnt exist in the 50s?
LMAO for all of 13 years

anuddah shoah cannot come sooner

Ah, it's time for the illiterate Zig Forumsfag to fling his shit around again.

Segregated in the 50s.
So did it exist or it not?
Lynched the gays, killed the jews, killed the muslims, killed the niggers.

If the grey market wasn't a booming market, the opportunists in Russia wouldn't try to expand it.


2/10 Apply yourself.

The thing is, primitivism will give way to industry the moment some illiterate tribe of forest dwelling sunworshipers say "fuck it" and pursue agriculture, advanced tools and written language regardless of the spooky taboos.

Go live in a cave, primmie.

Except for the part where it drops birth rates to nil, makes successful marriages impossible, and feeds political power and taxes to 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧Porkie🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧 and his globalist pals so that he stays in power forever.

Oh yeah, feminism is just great. Because men totally mistreat women or something and don't naturally want to thirstily shower them with privileges to the point where it's cringy.

It's yet another 10 commies vs 1 right-winger and losing thread.

Is any of this somehow bad?

Shouldn't we study why and how this is the case and then accordingly alleviate it upon finding out the causes?
Well, actually, we have. It's poverty and a lack of comprehensive sexual education.
Are you saying discrimination doesn't exist or something?

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youre just vomiting dorito dust over this board and saying its a dish

and the goalpost sail away to never be seen again

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Revolutionary Catalonia also existed, niggy, congrats on being annarkiddie tier.

Yes, it's bad because it's hypocrisy, and genocide of these elements would do good for society.
We study it and it is because of the degenerate lifestyle of homos and the violent mind of the niggers.
Note that the rich niggers and rich homos still have more HIV/AIDS than a poor white.
So what? What's the problem against discrimination against niggers and gays?

Considering that your posts are literally nothing but buzzwords, lies, and unsourced claims, I'd say it's obvious who's "losing" here.

Me wanting two industrial cultures to oppose each other is not me endorsing industrial culture. It's me wanting there to be opposition to the monoculture of Porkystein's New World Order of globalism. Which japan was successful at.

Sorry you're too brainlet to get this but calling out hypocrisy of extremist positions is pretty retarded since none of us can live our ideals. That's why we're all on a containment site on the fringe of the internet instead of out in the world living like we want to live.

You're just as much of a LARPer as any other extremist, my brainlet friend.

Then provide HIV / AIDS awareness programs
The Amount of people with AID's Has continued to drop in developed nations so i dont see the issue

So did it exist or not?
Still lynched the gays, killed the jews, killed the muslims and killed the niggers.

I would be damn fine if we switch back to monarchic feudalism.


top lel
Proofs where?
Pick one, Negrillium.

Wonder if Zig Forums will ever realize that he actually just said that

What a fag lol go hate things that are actually a problem.

You want overpopulation bruv?
thank the commodification of anything and everything for the drop in successful marriage, marriage is no longer the financial benifit and social security it once was.
Anything that is monetized does this, cut liberal corporate "feminism" from genuine leftist female emancipation
If only primmies would read. For as long as there's been class struggle (ie forever) there've been ways to divide the exploited into categories to further maintain power over them. One has been the cultural division between man and woman, another is racial division. Liberal idpol feminism only furthers this divide, socialism recognizes the differences, but closes the gap by eliminating the class aspect.


niggers are gross tbh fam

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Which did exist, namely Nazi Germany for one, or any of the northern western monarchic kingdoms.
So it did exist, correct?
A single jew, it didn't stop the jewish polgrom from happening.
I guess the explusion of muslim didn't fucking happen in Medieval times, no? Starting from the battles of the franks vs muslims to the beatdown of the Ottoman empire in the 1600s.
In very little number.

Considering that Nazi Germany was a war state upheld by theft, murder, and slave labor monarchichally controlled by a stimulant addicted literal shithead who stocked the offices with gays, no.

Oh whoops, didn't see cavecomrade here before posting.

Because in a capitalist system having a child is financially risky and can risk someone's job. All we need to do is guarantee job security and financially compensate the socially necessary labor of raising a child. Easy.
How so?
I'm sorry, what? How is that the fault of feminism or anything other than the capitalist system?
Nice strawman.

How is it hypocrisy? How would mass murder help society?
I already explained that it was because of a lack of proper sex education, but I understand reading ain't your strong suit.

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Who are these people and why do autists spam the board with them?

whites have the highest level of pedophilia in the world. Why else do they go to SE Asia, Africa, Caribbean and Brazil to fuck little girls and boy born into poverty. See what i did there

How all of the gays are non-virgins, and how many niggers are in jail.
I pick two.
1. There's no problem in discriminating the niggers and gays.
2. The niggers and gays should stop whining and get the fuck out of if they dislike discrimination so much.

Lol. Opinion discarded. I'm sorry I only care about how ideologies manifest in the real world, not about how we wish they would operate in our mentally-masturbatory theories and hypotheses.

Feminism is superfluous bullshit because men have a natural desire to protect women and women have a natural desire to be protected by a strong male.

Feminism can only get in the way of that and make women dependent on the state instead of their family, thus leading to their "commodification."

That's not a proof you actual retard, that's an anecdote.
In other words you admit that you lied, very good.

Wow, so Nazi Germany is a monarchy, wtf seems like nationalism can exist in monarchy now.

So you claim it didn't exist?

I think it's jews who have the highest level of pedophillia in the world, but whites do have the most gays in the world, and that's a problem.
Ancient greeks and romans don't view things as gay or straight, they just fuck whatever they want.
And I agree sending all gays to the gay house, you agree?

That's not a proof, those are two proofs, nigger.

Yes and it killed 20 million white Russians
Killed 10% of Germany's White population
And put 12 Million White Europeans into concentration camps
The Jewish Pogoroms Happened because the Feudalists would borrow more then they could pay back
Funny that after kicking out those jews they forgave their own debts ;)
Lmao Ottomemes held turth in Europe till the fucking 1900s

So they obviously didnt "Hate Niggers"

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Point me to the line where I said that.

It can but not in FEUDAL Monarchy

All that need to be said, we need to go back.
So it did happen, correct?
And they would hold more if not for the monarchic whites who fought back against them.
The fact they tolerate them doesn't mean they don't hate them.
You don't see whites killing niggers on a daily basis (which should happen).

Oh so we are down with nationalist monarchy, correct?

And no, nationalism can exist in a feudal monarchy, see Louis XIV, see the Prussian king.

Neither of those things are clean nor straight.

Anecdotes are not proof, until you can site an academic source you've not made an argument.
No, if you're too fucking dumb to understand why the juxtaposition of those two quotes BTFOs you I'm going to let you wallow in that ignorant little monkey brain of yours.

All I see in this thread is some mentally ill Zig Forumscuck sperging out & is obsessed with blacks for some reason.

Well, no society can be perfect, but I'm gonna take my chances. Either way, the norman kingdom of England and the Duchy of Saxony seems like good bets for us to return to.
They are evidences which everyone can deduct their answer, there's no academic sources because there are attempts to suppress racialist/anti-homo science.
Well, OK?

This entire thread is a wonderful example of the basic tactic of the right wing, distract, move the goal posts and pivot.
Our dear Zig Forumsyp has, every single time, when confronted with an argument or a counterexample has either ignored it, changed the subject, moved the goal posts and pivoted.

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Not just blacks, but arabs = jews, blacks and gays.

You don't see me whining about asian, because asian should go back to Asia.

False france was a feudal monarchy at the time
Which fucking one?
If you mean the one that united Germany then yes he was a Nationalist

But feudalism was over because of the continental / Napoleonic wars by then sweetums ;)

Um excuse me can we get this Anti–White Communidt socialist Liberal out of here thanks?

This is making me laugh way too much.

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Louis XIV preached unity of the french against the brits and germans.
Frederick the Great who standardized education, taught the 9 prussian virtues of values and also preached the prussian identity by doing so.

If you say so, mutt.

stop being a retard once in your life