You're running for president. You must come up with a set of legal changes and constitutional reform in order to turn your country socialist. How do you go about destroying old bourgeois institutions and replacing them with socialist ones? List your reforms here. Assume that, while you control everything, you must still make immediately appealing changes that will guarantee you support from at least 15% of the people living in your country.
How would you win the presidency?
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Launch the entire nuclear arsenal immediately at every population centre in the US by order of magnitude.
pretending to be a socdem
Bernie policies with Trump rhetoric. Kanye 2020.
Trump style demagoguery with vague social democratic promises I have no ability to fulfill.
Spend most of my time preparing for the inevitable coup attempt, trying to turn it into a civil war.
I'd probably just nationalize a few key industries, then begin using a combination of taxation of corporations and subsidies of co-ops to gradually transition to market socialism (as a first step on the road to real socialism). I'd also either prepare for the inevitable coup or perhaps even false flag one to justify radical changes to the constitution that would establish DotP and consolidate genuine democracy. Once porky's political power is broken the transition to socialism is simply a matter of gradual reform.
Nationalize Industries to valuable to the peoples well being to be left in the capitalist class hands
Introduce protections for Co-Ops and other workers collectives
Empower unions
stop our support for imperialist wars in Syria and afghan
It wouldnt be socialist but it would be a decent start
Also it would be PM in my case cuz aus
Literally just become Huey Long
Of the US? Simple, be called Jimmy Dore and run on a manifesto of "BREKING THE CHAINS", the economic chains, the political chains, the social chains. Oh also play Fleetwood Mac everywhere you go. Make that fucking riff associated with your campaign.
This guy gets it
Required reading for others in this thread: articles 1, 2, 5 of the constitution
The president can’t just wave their hand and nationalize industries through executive fiat.
Of the UK, I basically defer you the Corbyn manifesto & The British Road to Socialism.
Well more the interstate commerce clause too, US central gov is cucked in that re3grs.
Populist rethoric and policies, use of terrorist groups against politica enemies, blackmail bribe every political enemy and make sure to have total control over government ecc. Start purging.
The commerce clause cucks the states imo. By design the federal government was supposed to be much weaker than it is today, but vague parts of the constitution like the commerce clause are interpreted to give congress free reign over basically everything.
Basically, the current broad interpretation of that clause has made the 10th amendment a legal anachronism.
I'd be better at lying than anyone who's ever run for office. Channel all the money I can to terrorists and revolutionaries. Do literally nothing else but make things shittier.
I copy and paste whatever the ruling class ideology is at the time. I run a campaign based on American values. My true policy is to stop the American machine from killing any more innocent Communists.
I just want to remind everyone that Capitalism can not and will not be fixed through """democracy""".
Like honestly it would work so fucking well
I wouldn't run as a president, i would try to get into an important position and fund left-wing paramilitary groups in preparation for the coup.
Guaranteed employment, guaranteed housing, guaranteed food, guaranteed medical care.
Boom. The wage labor system collapses instantly because workers have nothing to lose from demanding ownership.
The American political system is completely fucked beyond repair. Both major parties would need to be destroyed and a new constitutional convention called in order to address the mounting decay. The next president could be the last.
Run for state senate or mayor of a city somewhere on Democrat Cops of America ticket. Encourage others to run for local offices. Convince people that socialism is the future and watch the Democrats inevitably die as they refuse to move left. Steal Democrat and Republican seats in Congress until Democrat Cops of America is a third party of any size. Campaign on promises of healthcare, labor, education and ecology. Adovcate strongly for rewriting the constitution to allow for things like redistribution of wealth/nationalizing of industries as well as find alt solutions to fix gerrymandering and campaign donations
Hail Satan
Couple this with mass social media shilling, and I could have the presidency in a fucking land slide.
Just Trump.
Sell out as much as possible. Suck as much corporate dicks as possible.
Style myself as an outsider in political field, shit on all norms and conventions.
As I become the president, start as much wars as I can with the backing of the Military-Industrial complex.
Basically, it shows you that the track of history cannot be altered, but Capitalism is digging its' own grave. And - graves of many other people. From violent means or neglect of needs.
All right time to get to the idealism
Abolish the minimum wage.
Calculate income tax on a negative logarithmic curve, such that the poor pay in excess of 100% whereas large corporations actually pay negative taxes.
Abolish higher education. People have to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps.
Pursue a pro-pollution environmental policy because global warming increases the efficiency of solar power, and mutagenic chemicals accelerate human evolution.
Pursue a "Made in America" policy, wherein manufacturers pay a small fee to register their sweatshop in India as an American exclave.
Promise to build a wall bisecting the Atlantic Ocean to stop Muslims arriving by sea. Euromutts can fuck right off too.
To encourage innovation, rename each day of the week to commemorate one of the 7 highest grossing corporations in the country.
Make health insurance illegal.
Privatize the military.
Hope a sympathetic supreme court is willing to interpret the interstate commerce clause as allowing central planning and the complete socialization of all enterprises using wage labor.
Abolish postmodern neo-Marxism, eh.
I will become Huey Long with a bulletproof vest. I will also hang a dem for every state I win
The president doesn't have a lot of real power, that is vested in the permanent bureaucracy and a small clique of technocrats that are unelected and selected to make sure any revolutionary is nowhere near power. Dubya, Obama were both spectacularly impotent presidents whose job was to put a smiling face on whatever horrible policy the government (the unelected, real government) wanted to implement. Trump is just a fucking buffoon without even the pretense of relevance. The same can be said about Congress and the courts, and similar institutions are in place for all of the liberal democracies. It was decided a long time ago that democracy was incompatible with the demands of a national security state, and for all intents and purposes democracy was a dead letter after WW2. You couldn't have modern capitalism and democracy in the same country, not with any meaning anyway, the few countries that tried to use democratic institutions to reform got couped or sanctioned by the world's rulers.
Only in a vague sense are the rulers held accountable by the people, in that mass famine must be averted and the people have to be policed by force. If I were going to make a bid for power, I would do everything possible to disrupt the ideology of eugeno-fascism, encourage people to lie, cheat, and steal against eugeno-fascists, to regard the eugeno-fascist as a monster for which any means of resistance are acceptable. I'm sure I could find 15% with the hatred of the rulers, but some of those don't follow through with the full implications of resistance. Then it's just a matter of forming that group of resistance into something useful, which is a whole other can of worms.
I think the best way to do it would be to run as Republican and then slowly turn on your party once you get in, calling them all "Deep State"
Think about it.
If you're a Democrat, people within your own party will turn on you if you go too far left and GOP will always block your reforms, no matter what. If you're a Republican, the chuds will always worship you and they're like 30% of the country. They have no shame. They won't care if you completely lie and do the total opposite of what you promised on the campaign trail as long as you identify as a Republican.
So you get all of the chuds, plus like the left-wing of the democratic party which would constitute like 75% of the country overall. You have an insurmountable base of support and steamroll opposition.
You overestimate the size of the left wing of the Democratic Party.
There is no left wing of the Democrats, just a lot of rabble who didn't see the memo that they were never a part of the Democratic Party. Said rabble doesn't have a coherent idea of what they want; they want to have more stuff from the government and a higher standard of living for the poors, but they also want environmental regulation and "sustainability" which would actively cut into the resources available to fund a better standard of living, so they're stuck pushing for contradictory things due to a lack of understanding or theory. It is not possible to reconcile these two groups - poor masses and well-to-do environmentalists - under a single tent, but both are left out of the mainstream Democrats who are all about neoliberalism and wealth extraction for the professional class taken to ginormous extremes.
If I had to limit myself to attempting to win an election, then Long styled populism that incorporates many of the talking points and base elements of my political philosophy would be the way to go.
Essentially 'hiding ones power level', until secure in the desired position of power; All the while 'priming the pumps' ideologically to ensure the continued support of my base once I start putting in place the less electable elements of my ideology.
All of that is quite irrelevant however given how useless elections and indeed democracy as a whole is.
If I actually found myself in a nation such as America, I would instead focus on the real king makers of any nation; Its military.
With a membership of around 2092900 personnel (~0.6% of the population), not only do you have a much smaller pool of people to win over, but you get much more 'bang' for your buck compared to civilians for when the time comes to stage your coup.
At this stage, the idea of some 1917 styled workers revolution is simply bad praxis; Winning the loyalty of a given nations military is the way to go.
Change the constitution nationalizing all Utilities, Natural Resources, and Banking. Make it so Members of Parliament/Congress/Whatever of at least one house are elected based on job position. Also fund automation as much as possible to lower the rate of profit.
try reading the constitution first
There is no alternative but extensive reorganization and consolidation via coercive normalization of contemporary American culture via disarming of the bourgeoisie. One who disagrees with this point only proves it to be true.
However, this cannot occur until the military spouts the general party line to perfection.
The "illegal immigrants" have great potential in regards to filling in posts from which the bourgoeisie shall be removed from, as well as forming the main cadre for any extraordinary commision dedicated to internal affairs and counter-revolutionary activity. They will see any proactive measures undertaken in liquidation of the bourgeoisie as a class as justice. They will also gain full status, another great incentive.
well that's a relief
How is the rate of profit even calculated?
more like
*fell by
Promise tax cuts for the rich and building a wall to keep immigrants out. Then after elected go full communism.
Use the geass to make me king of america
You need only three quarters of congress.
The only form of socialism the American Military would support is nazbol. Trust me, my third cousin is a national security advisor, and I’ve lissend to him talk about politics.
Also you can do it with 2/3 of congress (both chambers) and 3/4 of the state legislatures.