Are their any videos of marxists owning capitalists in debates...

Are their any videos of marxists owning capitalists in debates? Seems to just be Ben Shapiro and Stefan Molyneux walking all over marxists without any real response

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the word you're looking for is liberals sweetie

Attached: Highlights_of_Academic_Agent_vs_Jack_Debate.webm (640x360, 9.07M)

Attached: 723159055343681063e2afb975d2cd9785fa4426ce888894b4e14bf2892abab4.webm (1280x720, 2.76M)

Personally I like the one where one of the guys from TRS picked up a couple of gay twink bois off the street and asked them to debate in a room full of prepubescent teenagers with undeserved sense of smugness relative to their own mediocrity, all of which had greek/roman bust avatars and they couldn't stop laughing at their own jokes and that was supposed to be "Zig Forums getting BTFO"

I think liberals and other reactionaries are way more into American-style gladiatorial debate culture than Marxists are. Or at least I would hope so. These kinds of exchanges rarely lead to anything productive. There's no room for numbers and nuance in a shouting match, and everybody comes of looking stupid in the end. It's better to appeal directly to the material interests of working people without having to shout over an obnoxious parrot to prove yourself or whatever.

It could be that I'm just projecting my own aesthetic biases here though. Maybe some leftists actually eat this shit up.

Shouting match? It's not really like that, but occasionally yes, especially with Shapiro. Jordan Peterson? Never

holy shit this guy blew "academic" agent the fuck out
academic agent is so insufferable

Look up Chomsky vs Molyneux and anarchopac vs Molyneux.>

when has this ever happened? they don't talk to marxists.
Stefan had a 'debate' with a marxist in the form of Lauren Southern once, i'm not sure how much more literal debating against a strawman could get.
The closest Molymeme had to debating a marxist was having Chomsky on his show once (between predicting the end of civilisation and decrypting frozen ofc) which resulted in Chomsky giving him a solemn lecture for half an hour.

Attached: Chomsky vs. Molyneux.webm (854x480, 6.68M)

it's hard to respond to people who have made a career out of being dumb as a post
both shapiro and molyneux can't do basic reasoning, how do you communicate with people like that?
their audience is even dumber

getting real tired of this low effort Zig Forums baiting

and this is a good example:

just look at molymeme's face. somewhere on the switchboard of his brain a little light that says "you're in over your head" is turned on. of course this convo did literally nothing for him because he's both dumb and too monetarily invested in his gimmick to change. and even if he did change it would be to some other abominartion of an ideology.

I personally enjoy watching pseudo-intellectuals get absolutely destroyed whenever they run into an actual academic.

That was a good time

Attached: ca6e5c3bc63169df0871032956ba475369749d3555ae8523df6dfb9c8c7107c6.jpg (640x640, 172.34K)

bless jack that massive autist

Attached: lol.png (287x266, 90.57K)

Wtf, i'm a capitalist now. Hail israel! Hail the rich! More tax cuts for them! It'll trickle down any second now! More wars and death! Fuck the poor we need more iPhones! More environmental destruction! Hail Trump based MagakekXD!

Are you okay dude?

The Weeping Leaf has never actually debated any leftists afaik, he was supposed to debate Doug Lain a while back but then he wussed out, he also tried to start a twitter fight with a bot after Zizek mentioned him in an article, and when the actual Zizek heard about it he offered to debate him later this year but I don't think Peterson ever responded. He also tried to pick a fight with ANOTHER twitter bot after Chomsky, when asked what he thought about him, said he simply didn't care

shouting matches are designed to promote retarded position, if i had to "discuss" with a liberal i'd rather claim that earth is flat


Near the end of

Attached: Peterson vs Zizek.jpg (640x480, 44.62K)

fast forward some time
