Debate Ghost

Ghost from True Capitalist Radio is taking calls right now. Most of you probably know who is he and most of you probably hate his views. Put your money where your mouth is and debate him. Prove to him why capitalism is wrong.

his number is in the link

Attached: ghostpic6.png (225x300, 17.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Someone ear rape the USSR anthem

Won't work, just debate him and prove to him why he's wrong. The better your points are the better it will be for all of us.

Someone ear rape the USSR anthem

Attached: 0f7eb2b7-623d-48ad-93d9-e4d4ca9ef241.jpg (640x480, 15.77K)

I would, but it costs so much fucking money to make a long distence call

Someone ear rape the USSR anthem.

Ear rape the Internationale

ear rape the USSR anthem


But I just want to ear rape the USSR Anthem

Its 99 cents a minute. Only works for Canada and the US right now though

Ghost isn't worth a half bent moss covered penny lol

But someone should blare the Internationale instead

An American should blare the Internationale at its loudest point and someone else make sure to record his shitfest

well go ahead and call

Hell no. Go back to where you came from

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That's a mighty emaciated sea lion

The other day he had to read off the drudge report because nobody was calling into his failed, irrelevant podcast.


I didn't know alex jones did call ins.

Attached: alex jones ghost.jpg (1280x720, 75.2K)

So call and debate him. Put him in his place

that's not how ghostler works.

Hi Ghost.

No, Ghost, I won't pay you for some social interaction in your life.

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Holy crap, he winds himself up even without provocation.

Attached: 99cents.mp4 (500x534, 230.78K)

If you're reading this "We're coming bucko" comrade, please do it again. I will give you all of my succ.

I’m pretty sure it would take a fucking hour just to get through his thick skull that Socialism =/= when the government dogs stuff. And I don’t think people here are willing to spend 60 USD on THAT

Call in and thank him for introducing you to Marxist-Ghostlerism.

better yet, pretend you're capcom

Stirner shitposting WHEN



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I miss when calling in to fuck with ghost was free, and we didn't have to pay his shekel fee.

Attached: ghostkingofmexicans - Copy.png (1893x1076, 621.12K)

jesus, this show sucks now without radio grafitti.

Do it mi nigber


Someone earrape the red flag.

Attached: IMG_20180511_204708.jpg (500x302, 39.32K)

Ghost has some of the best nuclear takes


Someone really needs to remind Ghost that he is an absolute jew for doing this.


No thanks.
Ghost has really gone off his rocker ever since he came back from that several year long break.
Without radio-graffiti, I'm not about to subject myself to the angry, racist, Jewish hambone's greed fuelled antics and general insanity.

Hell, even if he still was going radio-graffiti.
You would have to be a fucking idiot to actually call up his toll line to participate in it.

In all honestly, it was probably one of Ghost's autistic sycophants from the 'inner circle' that posted this.
The number of people listening to his show has dropped from several thousand to several hundred due to the lack of RG; So him getting his pet autists to shill his show on places like this would be expected.

Just keep in mind that this dramatic drop in quality of the show over the last few years ultimately comes back the inner circle.
They are what killed TCR.

Can we all agree that for the short time he was around, Benito Ghostini was a true gem of comedy splicing?

Charlie Ghost was by far one of the best single splices in the entire show.


While Benito Ghostini was good, I personally prefer coodoo17.
Ghostini just never had these sort of classics:

My all time favourite troll however was Germit.
His calls were always the highlight of radio-graffiti.

Coodoo was great but from what I understand he was trying to dox ghost and it was part of why he left the first time

Actually, I take it back, the true shining star was Ghetto Capitalist.

While Ghetto Capitalist was always able to get top tier rage out of Ghost, his shtick got kinda boring after a while (like Tub Guy).

I personally prefer more dynamic trolls like the ABS, the Bitch Horse or the Internet Buttstalker (including his later emulators).

Ghetto Capitalist was way more interesting though because he was providing social commentary on Ghost's otherwise boring political tirades

Does anybody have that clip of a comrade calling a Tory campaign office?

What? I need this.

Literally who?

Are you new to ghost?
The man is literally only good for baiting with communism and ponies

We don't want baboons eeking and ooking on our show, call animal control or better yet the zoo instead.

You're going back to the Zoo first, Monkeyman.

that hand sign means "I'm gay" in Turkey. its also a way for fellow Kurds to identify each other.

No, don't. They used to play the USSR anthem in his pre-2012 days. Its a failtroll.

The "SUCK MAAAAH DIIICK" guy was really cool too, espeically because he could do pretty convincing impersonations of other trolls

I don't think I laughed harder when he pulled this off.

That's a pretty regular take on the American right. Dinesh D'souza has made a killing off shit like that.

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Literally no one