Never forget anarchists never forget never forget you stupid motherfucking little child red liberals

never forget anarchists never forget never forget you stupid motherfucking little child red liberals

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triggered ☭TANKIE☭

kek, to be expected

stop embarrassing yourself, nigger


top backpedalling, faggot

When did I say that? I just said that it's funny that you say I'm the one who's triggered yet you immediately started all caps posting. Nobody was pretending to be anything, I'm still waiting for a refutation of any of the actual points presented in the infograph and not you strawmanning me with silly memes

top lel, which reddit board you came here from?

The word ☭TANKIE☭ refers to non-stalinist supporters who like the color red.
Kruchevites againt Stalinist Hungarians, Poles, and East Germans for example.

I'm not sure what the point of this is…that there existed people who supported the USSR and the eastern bloc, QED "don't use a word fucking anarchists *incoherent screaming*"
Either way, ideological dogmatists/essentialsim out pls

still no argument

It's usually used to refer to either "Stalinists" despite there being no such thing as Stalinism among actual Leftists or "authoritarians" IE people who actually want the revolution to last more then ten minutes

Off yourself

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In your own words
"still no argument"

I mean the argument is that a movement which has consistently failed to bring about actual socialism and has repeatedly allowed itself to be cucked and to cuck the workers on behalf of the bourgeoise and imperialists probably shouldn't get too big of a head and try to judge actual socialists when they say something in the name of trying to make socialism "look bad"

I only ever really use ☭TANKIE☭ for people who support the policy of the USSR post-Stalin era.

Huge number of basic assumptions necessary to make that argument.

That's the orthodox usage.
It has become a synonym with "authoritarian" and a slur against USSR sympathizers around leftist corners on the internet this decade.

That's not how you use it, doe.

ok nigger

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imagine being an id-pol ☭TANKIE☭ lmao eat shit d00d

the image above is fucking retarded ass faggot nigger shit

however, when I see the people on the chapo reddit throwing around the word ☭TANKIE☭ for every leftist thing they dont like I unholster my revolver

ergo yeah sometimes its misused, but there's no need to cry about it like a bitch ass woman

t. anarcho boy

But that's how most ""leftists"" use it, even here on Zig Forums

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You've clearly not been around our comrades on Zig Forums. I'm denoting intent.

Zig Forums are dipshits even by red liberal standards

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well they are a bunch of libs so they do it unironically

People of color in America probably did the most radical shit in the name of socialism and communism. Ya'll are some butthurt faggots lmao



This is obviously a bait thread for all parties involved.

when the b8 is good, you gotta try it


What if everything actually is bait?

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speaking of slurs, the most serious slur and racism in 2018 is the discrimination of redditors

Yeah but redditors aren't real people so they don't count.

laying it on too hard
uhh put me in the screenie 4 reddit boys

which reddit does this go to

t. not at all a redditor

personally Im hoping for a Batko vid, been close to it but never seen one of my posts in his vids, Ive been pretty retarded here so wud get mentioned

probably someone's fucking discord i don't know

permache suck dick

can't you reconnect?
also is you?