Anyone else feeling demoralized in regards to communism and feeling curious about turning to, not liberalism, but fascism instead? Is this a common feeling? God please help me.
Anyone else feeling demoralized in regards to communism and feeling curious about turning to, not liberalism...
fuck off
what the fuck is there in fascism that you'd find attractive?
I'm reasonably sure I won't ever turn to liberalism but 100% convinced I won't turn to fascism
Fascism might be our only chance to stop imperialists.
This is the true end result of "Anti-Imperialist" thought.
Funny, I was an unironic stormweenie when I was 15 but grew into a communist 10 years down the line.
Only if you are retarded.
how will fascism do that?
how will socialism not do that?
you were never a communist in the first place
and nothing of value was lost
Why am I not surprised?
Most people self-describing as "anti-imperialists" are.
Most people self-describing as anarchists dedicate their youth to kick trashcans and set tires on fire, does this mean anarchism always end in retardation? the answer is yes
epic reddit meme bro *brofist*
Fascism is corporautist garbage. Left nationalism is a thing. So is social nationalism, national communism, democratic confederalism (which is actually less nation based and more autonomous region based), national trotskyism (google "tan malaka" - unironic islamic naztrot), national anarchism (national anarchist movement). Plenty of flavors of things that aren't corporautism. Watch me get banned.
Fascism promises to preserve my own culture and our national language and all. Internationalists don't care that my nation's language is dying and we were assimilated by the English. They don't. They want everyone to speak English to each other. Hint, multiculturalism is a code word for Anglo-imperialism. Many socialists are plagued by Anglo-imperialism which I'm sick of. Socialists will and do easily favor Anglo-imperialism if it means furthering socialism or communism, or even neoliberalism sometimes like feminism.
Every "turd position" ideology like Nazbol or Asserism are all stupid internet trolls that turn to old-fashioned Nazism in a week.
Most of the ideologies i listed aren't "turd position". They're easily compatible with marxist socialism and communism. turd positionists ruin every nationalist movement because they think nationalism is compatible with pr*vate property.
Don't be dumb. Fascism promises war, which you will lose, and your opponent will make rape babies with your women.
"Multiculturalism", extreme homogenization and language imperialism are all typical for neoliberalism. Not for socialism. I don't see why you couldn't be a socialist (not even a "national socialist" or some shit, fuck that) and still care for the preservation of local languages and cultures.
So… that's why you decide just to turn to an ideology on par with nazism right away?
Not that nazbol/asserism is any better btw.
this too
On a scale of conservative to down syndrome how fucking retarded are you?
We don't need baboon assistance. Stay communist.
You are going to give me an aneurysm
Google bookchin. Learn about communalism. Learn about juche. I'd like to see a reply before i get banned tbh
honestly I have my doubts about far-right ethno-nationalist hereditary monarchism with god cult of the leader being superior to fascism
Nice non-sequitur