Anybody else recognize how fucking inhuman this people are? From dealing with them In real life to reading their disgusting little forums where they treat renters as cattle, these people are some of the most wretched human beings on the planet. I’ve never had a landlord that was a decent human being. Take a look at this little gem from their cursed subreddit.
Land lord hate thread
Definitely the most parasitic class, entirely a remnant of the degenerated effete aristocracy and deeply reactionary in character.
Every time I’ve ever gone to that subreddit, I always leave feeling extremely ill. I had no idea it was this bad in the USA.
The US is *really* not a good place to be poor.
Although to be fair there are programs to help very poor people that are surprisingly """generous""". Housing can be subsidized and there is some rent-control in certain places. But it's never enough to let people have a decent life.
And the way it's implemented, it's public money straight into the pockets of the owning class.
And for the working poor that have somewhat higher income it's fucking hell.
What subbreddit is this from?
Is there any western English speaking nation that’s any better for people to flee to who want a better life.
does Zig Forums support rent-control?
it has always seemed obvious to me that housing in cities with rent control (NYC, SF, DC) is far more expensive to live in than cities without, even for low income people
Zig Forums doesn't support rent
sure whatever, but do people here think that rent control is actually an improvement over the status quo?
It's a stopgap at best. The only real solution is to hang all the land lords.
The art in that flintstones comic is really nice.
So you do think that rent control is an incremental improvement?
I am more skeptical of the wisdom of your radical programme, given you support intermediate solutions are observably backfiring
The problem with rent control is precisely because it's a stopgap intermediary it works in the short term but quickly loses whatever advantage it gave because it doesn't actually change how rent works.
Landlordism and the ownership of private property by a landlord class is where neoclassical "supply and demand" arguments break down. You'll often hear that "only if we build more housing, then we can reduce rents." But to get the necessary capital together in the first place means going to the holders of capital – a handful of financial institutions which supply capital through vehicles such as real estate investment trusts (REITs). But there's the catch: those funds won't invest unless rents continue to rise. (These REITs have also been the beneficiaries of massive amounts of liquidity injected by the central banks – known as QE – since 2008.)
However, rents have stopped rising in some major markets recently like San Francisco, New York, etc. but that has scarcely anything to do with an increase in available supply, but the Fed ending QE in September which means there's less free money to plow into these markets… I think. It's complicated.
I prefer massive investment in public housing and expropriating the landlord class of its property.
I prefer guillotine but you do you.
On its own it's a temporary measure at best that's ultimately ineffective because they'll just find some other way to fuck you. If you're implementing rent control as part of some comprehensive reform plan to eventually cut out landlords entirely, then whatever.
What the fuck do you know about my "radical programme," fuckface.
you alluded to killing landlords earlier
So you disagree that rent control is backfiring? You seem disinterested in it, but also apparently support it?
Personally, I am disinterested in bloodthirsty larping and more interested in the effects of policy.
killing landlords isn't 'bloodthirsty larping', its the very real thing communists do upon taking power
Here's a fun one on real estate biz - from the comments on a Drudge tweet about housing prices going up. Note that one of them states a fact and the other briefly mistakes it for an attack. Person A then clarifies that he, too, is one of these Pod People and they make up.
I am not preoccupied by things that are not going to happen in my lifetime.
I am more interested in pressing, practical topics, like the effectiveness of rent control.
It is concerning that you all show no curiosity surrounding regarding this question.
t. increasingly nervous landlord in 1915
bitch please, the far left is in shambles globally
I already know you lot are blackpilled regarding your prospects, no need to pretend otherwise.
Make rent public, and only on unimproved value of land. Private rent, flat taxes, and production taxes out. No need for rent control.
keep dreaming libtard :^)
yea lets do it sounds rad
I hope a landlord runs over your dog, classcuck.
My dude, what is wrong with these mofos
Eh… it generally tends to create a class of tenant-aristocrats over time, as rent-controlled apartments become these valuable assets in the hands of a lucky few.
Now if you talk about general rent control, at that point you will have no choice but to abolish the market, as you will get a housing supply crisis as soon as the rent becomes too low to merit further investment in tenant housing.
It's hard to think of a walk of life more transparently parasitic
owning a casino or being a military contractor is arguably more parasitic
landlords are definitely up there though
Thank you based mechanic.
the chad mechanic vs the virgin landlord
I remember this time a landlord called me to fix the plumbing in a student's room.
Poor guy just had a matress with some sheats and his laptop on the side, I went to a restaurant down in the street and left him with a heated meal covered in aluminum foil for when he got back.
Hope the guy enjoyed the lamb. Funnily enough he had hidden some books under his matress guess which one he had ?
Nah Sorel
What do you not understand?! I'll simplify. Markets=Bad
Rent Control=Not a good solution
Are libtards always this fucking stupid or is it just me? They always use fancy language like "programme", and I guarantee its because they think they are in some sort of "Communist setting" so they have to act refined. Retards.
Not much of a fan of having rent controls specifically for people who already live there. It's not really good that some inhabitants are really not eager to move out then, and the newcomers will have it much worse. I also don't like when an employer establishes much worse contracts for new people who pretty similar skills and do pretty much the same as the old staff, and believe these are very similar in a way, driving a wedge between people who basically have the same interest. If the rent controls are of a more general type (a cap on increase per 5 years or something like that), so that you moving out doesn't allow the landlord to jack up rent, those already living in a place are still not very eager to move and people from elsewhere are still at a big disadvantage. One could officially establish some system where rents are controlled and new people moving in also pay those moving out for doing that. I guess instead of directly fixing all rents everywhere it could be regulated in aggregate, first fixing the total rent and then allow trading in rent-raising rights (similar to carbon trading).
My grandma inherited some houses from a friend who left them in his will to her and had to become a landlord and I can assure you that poor renters are 10x worse than whatever you think landlords are like. They regularly just wreck the houses when they get evicted, and one woman who was apparently a prostitute left a bunch of dildos everywhere. My grandma has sold most of the houses.
I'm sorry for your poor kulak grandmother getting exploited by her tenants.
You dont know the half of it. I own alot of land and property myself which is managed by an agency who allow me to specify what kind of tenants i want.
Pets or a smoker? fuck off
Solo moms? nope go catch a dick with your cooch somewhere else.
Do they have a shitskin? No. Don't want the place smelling of "Curry"
Are they are group of people? nope fuck off were full. That takes care of students and other young people.
Sometimes i will have a house sitting empty for six months before finding a white middle class tenant and that's okay with me.
The system is barbarism.
Correct, but you are still the precise type of people who are purged during the revolution. Maybe gulag where you can actually learn how to produce for society.
I'm glad you agree piggy now go walk up to the edge of the ditch with all your little friends
There is a very good chance that it will be you getting machine gunned into a ditch thanks to the international lefts rapacious need for virtue signaling immigrants over their own people.
Rest assured i would be much happier under a socialist system where there is no mass immigration but here we are with purple haired soys leading the charge against fascists like me.
sure bub
Do i have your attention now.
are you seriously offering a jpg as proof of anything
no, because I'm not an ant
fuck i dint realize landowner's were this retarded, off yourself why dont cha
So long as it goes to Europeans i couldn't give a fuck.
migration literally wouldn't happen in socialism you megafaggot. only capitalism and its retarded market systems lead to the mass migration of cheap labour.
Why is Zig Forums so easy to bait and derail?
Migration occurs because of market needs you dipshit, kys rarto
Communism lead by the modern day left would be a mystery meat shit show that would make me want to go full fucking Breivik. If you are like me and have talent and also want to help your own people then there is only one realistic way and that is co-opting the system.
It's true. Majority of Zig Forumsacks are either anti-immigration or they don't give a shit. And the ones who support it are probably anarchy-kidies.
Yeah, it's sad that the board has become so reactionary. Thanks, reddit.
get shot faggot
Do you deny what i posted?
report submitted :^)
Can you support what you posted you impossible dipshit?
And I've already dismissed it, cocksucker
Absolutely, no true Scotsman.
I honestly couldn't give a fuck what mystery meat communists have to say on the subject of race you are just wasting your time.(USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST)
Every time you fucking retards run out of arguments you just say the name of a random logical fallacy.
You deserve a bullet to the back of the head.
Do you actually think the majority of this board support this shit?
Probably not, but the BO does, so that's the end of the discussion usually.
Before reddit
After reddit
Come at me faggot.
The by far dominant position on Zig Forums has consistently been that borders are a bourgeois construct to be done away with in socialism but not in capitalism due to the effect of mass migration on class struggle.
gtfo with your revisionist bullshit implying that redditors of all fucking things would make Zig Forums more anti-immigration
Out of context, that's true.
Get fucked you ignorant shitcock. That is absolutely the case and this board has been in a fucking state ever since that catgirl drama brought in hundreds of pseudo leftist brainlets.
Read Bob Black.
Even before that, Zig Forums was and still is anit-immigration.
harry tuttle, based mechanic.
ITT: Hypocritical Red painted, liberal, first world honkies in families that own rental properties shitting all over rent control c-c-c-c-c-cuse it's only temporary LMAO
1st world house owners and Landlords are the cancer of modern society.
you're right. instead of taking real action let's just do something that appears to help while masking the real problem
mad brills yo write a book the people need to hear your message
Implimenting rent control WOULD be real action. WTF are you even trying to say?! Is letting landlords have HALF of the take home pay of all the proles GOOD in your opinion?
Awwww I hurt a petite bourgeoisie's fee fees.
Am I wrong for hating petite bourg filth like landlords more than actual the bourgeoisie?
Wait until you meet the proletarian third world fascist classcucks. Those ones will make you say "Kulaks deseverd worse" every morning until the end of your life.
There is nothing wrong with raising a fascist state in Africa.
Brother Sankara did a preety nice job
Shut the fuck up.
No. Ask proles that actually deal with bourgeois (server in a fancy golf club or something), and they will pretty much unanimously tell you that the almost-haves are bigger assholes than the haves.
He is a perfect fascist example to follow "social fascist" is better
Do you happen to own an estate with automated milk production?
what forums do they have?
This thread should be about hating mods over landlords because "muh property"
Fuck it. Now it is.
A landlord is confined to the law. Mods are not. I guess they COULD but it goes unenforced. Build a meth lab on a landlords property and the landlord is liable. Make a school shooting thread on Reddit and…noone is liable? (Because the bourgeois government does not want to open that can of worms either holding individual accountability protecting people from mods, nor wants to hold mods to the same standards as other property holders and risk their CIA plants dying in the hot sun)
Landlords pay taxes. Many infact and are obligated for utility ususlly too. Normally just breaking even. Mods do it for free…if by free you mean untaxed PayPal showers of free money that they than use to go to Thailand and rape little boys chained to beds.
Landlords cannot discriminate as even said in the picture. They can't even technically evict you at their own juncture. They have to prove it was for reasonable violation, there is a waiting period of six months before they can force yoi out, and there's still egg shells to walk on. Mods on the other hand just ban you and everyone's excuse is "stop being a faggot".
Landlords are required by law to be up to date with their tenants and their utilities so this requires a lot of travel and work outside of paper trails and numbers. Mods sit behind a computer for ten hours a day banning you whole drinking cummies from their sippy cup.
IMO rent control is a decent demand to build a movement on and an ok short term measure. But neolibs are right that it has some flaws, and furthermore it's a specifically capitalist reform that tweaks the existing landlord system instead of moving away from it.
The real program should be for high quality, cheap (maybe free in some cases), and prosocial public housing along the lines of Vienna. The Austrian succdems basically solved the housing problem there 80 years ago; the model just needs to be adopted elsewhere. About 2/3 of Vienna's population lives in public housing, which puts it into the category of programs like Medicare or Social Security which are for the whole population and are therefore held to a high standard, rather than food stamps or existing public housing which are constantly under attack in order to punish the poor, and are vulnerable to right-wing tactics like race-baiting.
The other thing that makes this a good reform is that it attacks the entire concept of landlords rather than simply putting a leash on them and, if successful, would refute the rhetoric of privatization. It demonstrates the superiority of social ownership over capitalist ownership. The system would from the outset lay the groundwork for urban housing under full socialism.
First two pics are of Karl-Marx-Hof, Vienna's first big public housing project; the others are more recent complexes.
How's life Jim?
Yeah OP. What monsters they are. Go spray paint the place and bust the windows out.
OP is a massive FAGGOT commie
ikr my dad is one of these, and he would literally scream in glee at the propect of the right wing presidential candidate passing legislation literally cutting his salary in half, eliminating his prospects of retirement, and shitting on the already shit healthcare he pays a lot to get, like WTF YOU IMBECILE HE IS LITERALLY PASSING LEGISLATION DESIGNED TO FUCK YOU, ==YOU LITERALLY ARE CHEERING ON AS HE FUCKS YOUR LIFE WHAT THE FUCK==
fuck i failed at red text
Why do you guys back on usury and then turn around defend landlords? It's literally the same thing.
*bag on usury
Daily reminder that voluntary homelessness and living in a car is the true red pill.