Hello! I come from pol, and I'm trying to open my mind a bit to gain some info about the side I have been taught to hate. What are your stances on the economy and how come communist countries have been mostly impoverished?
Enlighten me
Abolish private property.
They were only if you compare them to developed first world nations of 2018. The USSR was the second largest economy on the planet. The GDR outperformed FRG. Everywhere socialist regimes had better economies and quality of life than *comparable* capitalist nations. Comparing Cuba and the US is disingenuous. Compare Cuba and the Dominican Republic and you'll see the picture.
But what if you compare modern day North Korea to South Korea?
commieblock was late to the game of capitalism, and - if china still counts - managed to catch up
And wouldn't you want to work less if you're not getting the fruits of your labour?
China was in a famine until it introduced capitalism
Learn how to post, jesus fuck.
You're not getting the fruits of your labor under capitalism. Under socialism you would receive the full value of your labor.
China hasn't been in a famine since 1961, still a ways to go until they became capitalist. Also socialism can't eliminate droughts.
You're comparing a country that practically got built by American money and protectionism and a country that was bombed into the ground, had like a fifth of their population killed by those same bombs, has been cut off from the rest of the world, and hit by the hardest sanctions in history.
They're shit BTW, don't misunderstand me, forced labor camps are crap. But comparing them isn't really fair.
China's land back then wasn't very arable, famines happened all the time because of the shitshow called Mother Nature, had nothing to do with communism. Some of it was due to poor decisions, sure, like the unintended consequences of killing the sparrows and continuing to export massive amounts of grain during said famine, but it still could have been avoided with better thinking, no need for capitalism.
Tbh rightards raise genuine concerns about liberalism but never have an answer other than retarded feels>reels nonsense.
The real answer to liberalism is socialism. It always has been and always will be.
Also read the faq.
Uhhh, that's exactly what happens under capitalism and what us socialist want to end.
Because they started out that way and/or were purposefully kept that way as resource farms for Imperialist industry.
Have you never picked up a fucking history book in your life?
read a book op
cuba and haiti
or india and soviet union
or literally any third world shithole that became infinitely better because of communism.
pic related, super capitalism is communism, but maybe if someone says the word communism in a way you like you'll understand the benefits
but thats exatcly what happens under capitalism and what socialists wants to end.
like, seriously, that's the point of our shit.
Lol that pic's clever. Maybe we should just rename socialism to super-capitalism or something and maybe we'll have more people on board.
Isn't Burkina faso like one of top African countries in health and education??
hmm communist state with the highest human development index in the subcontinent or corporatist dystopian hellscape? I JUST CAN'T DECIDE
nah it's a real shithole again
Yeah honestly do that motherfucker. South Korea is a fucking hellhole for people that can't work. So much of of their elderly population is dying in slums.