
I'm beginning to think that sober politics are inherently reactionary. Never before have i met a group of people more afraid of introspection and open-mindedness than the average anti-marijuana advocate. Only in America is searching yourself for answers only you can find considered a bad thing, it seems. I am 100% sure that at least 10% of the people browsing this board would have completely different opinions on different political issues if they were exposed to certain drugs once. Sober reactionaries belong in the gulag.

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Explain, please.

Aldous Huxley's Island should be mandatory reading instead of BNW

Psychoactive chemicals can serve as a catalyst both for becoming aware of one's own consciousness, as well as opening the mind up to alternative ways of thinking due to the effects of certain compounds, like LSD, mescaline, peyote, Psilocybin, or DMT.

LSD and psilocybin are great ways to spend a day off tbqh.

Drugs, at the most basic level, introduce myopic people to new ideas, philosophies, and perspectives. Not only this, but in having new perspectives, introspection is made far easier. It is easier for someone on the outside looking in to see that a person is not doing what is in their best interests to do than it is for someone trying to conceive the idea of being caged while not knowing what a cage looks like.

drugs are silly, expensive and addictive. literal opium of the people
do yourself and those around you a favour and don't pls

Drugs in regulation are wonderful ways to see what is wrong with yourself and other people. Drugs after becoming addicted are the way to forgetting everything you have learned about yourself and others in favor of getting high again.

Drugs to me are tools of personal meditation since being sober puts you in a defensive mindset, since our psyches are literally built on layers of protection against insecurities and a projection of selfship.
But that is what they do, they offer a state of consciousness which gives us more comfortability in the realm of meditation upon certain aspects of reality, but once you have the ability to be confident within yourself, then you don't need drugs anymore, I used to liek to drink since it would allow me to open up more and think differently, but I am in that state of consciousness naturally now since I have mastery over my own mind, if you NEED drugs to think, then you are not worth drugs, or thinking.
For the record, I have never taken "hard" drugs, just alcohol, but I doubt I couldn't contemplate anything beyond my grasp without them, it's called imagination, I hate stoners just as much as conservative Christians because they represent dependence, not a humility to the gift of mindfulness.

Marijuana is a dangerous addictive drug btw, literally only drug addicts defend it's abuse, I won't let my kid smoke anything, no, I'm not a deadbeat sociopath, sorry. That doesn't mean I think it should be illegal, I just have more faith in humanity than you.

alright, as long as you promise never to take any drugs yourself. no anesthetic for surgery, no antivirals if you're sick, not even aspirin for a headache. i mean, they're just silly, expensive, and addictive after all.

I hate stoners just as much as conservative Christians do*

This is obviously a thread about recreational use of drugs you pedant.

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there isn't any difference you bourgeois fuck.

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Actually it's about the use of drugs with the specific purpose of introspection.
t. OP

it hooks young people, you can't deny that there are millions of young people addicted to marijuana. and it gives you lung cancer, and can trigger psychosis, like I said, kill yourself with drugs if you want, just don't have a tantrum when people tell you the truth, we all die, go out on your own terms, I'm not complaining.

like I said, if you think that being sober is a worthless adventure, then you are not as open-minded as the drugs make you think you are.

t. arseblasted junkie

all drugs offer introspection, I used to freak the fuck out when I went under for operations as a kid because it felt like I was dying and the doctors were killing me, so I tried to escape the operating theatre, I can see that situation as my fear of death and being controlled coming out.

Plus they can just be fun.

is your only experience with marijuana reefer madness you teetotaling fuck. none of that is true and you're either a liar or completely high on bourgeois ideology. either way, kill yourself

if being sober makes one as stupid as you then drugs need to be mandatory.

the only thing getting blasted is your mom's floppy pucker you cut rate kerensky

This unironically.

very mad

There's young people addicted to videogames and escapism. Nearly anything can be an addiction. You're much more likely to die from an alcohol addiction, but that's legal. Also, marijuana dependency is a far-cry from the addictive qualities of other drugs like heroin, opium, or alcohol.

Every study on this has turned out to only show correlation that the researchers admit isn't enough to prove a causal link, or funded by an incredibly bias source. In fact, there's actually a study as late as 2015 that admits it couldn't find a link between psychosis and cannabis.
Being completely "sober" is a meme, since regardless of taking hard drugs, simply consuming food can change the chemistry in the brain and activate pleasure centers. It's a mind altering substance.
Point is, if you can't do something in moderation and it ends up controlling your life, don't do it or try to find ways to manage it.

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it is true, one quick google search will show you, you realise that you don't need to defend marijuana to want to be able to use it? It's a plant, I don't care. I'm not a fucking cop or your parents, do whatever you want, just don't be a fool, or tell me to kill myself because you have some deep insecurity of scrutiny against drug abuse.

yes, and I think that everybody should be able to do what they want, but be informed about the consequences of their actions, I don't support videogame or television abuse either, it is bad for you, like a LOT of things.
yeah, i completely agree, I don't want people thinking that just because I'm against marijuana abuse, that I am against your freedom to do it, do whatever you want.

How am I a reactionary?


Introspect is difficult for many people because it requires you to accept your own shortcomings. Being open to new ideas requires introspect, since it is admitting that you were wrong in your previous ideas. In this way drugs can help, however, more often than not any ideas during this period will be written off. Also, this requires the person to have knowledge of the concepts in question. One could even argue that the person needs to be capable of logical deduction and some degree of non-linear thinking. Otherwise the high just ends with the typical hippy liberal non-violence world peace freedom for all conclusion. Proper mentality and education cannot be replaced by psychedelics.


It is pure ideology

my gomr8

acid and related are not addictive. stop posting misinfo.

dialecticsfags are so boring. they literally just repeat the same talking points over and over despite claiming that dialectics gives them unparalleled access to unique thoughts that others don't have. And guess what? They usually dabble in metaphysics in addition to other philosophies despite rambling on and on about their reactionary nature. off-topic: fuck what "just read Marx bro, it's more revolutionary" types say, reading Marx while French theory is cash

It really is a shame if some idort said that exact bit about red meat and heroin. Let's be real and we know different substances can elicit different responses and in this case they do.

ayyyyyyy take le drugs let your mind expand roflmao my third eye open ::DDDDD

a revolution will never be possible if you retards stay doped out of your minds to soothe the pain of life under capitalism

People like this will be the first to be re-educated via mind-altering substances.

What the fuck are you rambling about?
No, where did I say that I had access to "unique thoughts that others don't have" because of drugs? You talk about boring arguments, but you can only attack strawmen ones, apparently.

He's the one that brought up alcohol, not me.

That wasn't even the point I was making. I showed that absolute sobriety is impossible because multiple things ingested on a daily basis alter the mind. Pay attention. Christ, and I'm the one who does drugs….

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Addiction to drugs is just as reactionary as the aversion to drugs. There is a middle way…

ever eaten acid sonny?…

clearly not

Says the guy pushing the DARE program rhetoric.

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What the fuck are you even trying to say?

You should be able to figure it out brainlet. Just sound the words out.

No idea.
I do drugs, but OP sounds like he's losing it.

Sorry dude it would help if you spoke english instead of american.

I mean, I get what he means by saying "sobriety" is used as a tool by reactionaries to keep the working class productive and keeping the pharmaceutical industry the only dealer in town, but I don't think it's "inherently" the case. There are people who are better off not taking drugs. Also, just because drugs are mind altering, doesn't mean that they will immediately gravitate towards leftist thought. Could just as well open them up to more reactionary opinions involving spirit science and other weirdness.


The OP is literally about how if everyone used drugs/smoked weed it would make everyone more open to the cause of the Left. I'm not even against marijuana legalization but you guys make keeping it illegal sound very tempting.

It's literally in the post I'm replying to, if you didn't write that post why bother replying?

That's a big so-what. Eating food is pretty much what the pleasure centers of the brain are for (in addition to sex) contrary to popular belief, people who advocate sobriety aren't against people feeling good but rather are against the harmful health and social effects of drugs.

You know Berry Goldwater advocated for marijuana decriminalization "to shut the kids up" in the 60s? Is it any wonder that 99.9% of libertarians are for drug liberalization/decriminalization? Drugs are only illegal in the US to make them more profitable for big pharma and CIA-affiliated drug countries, not because they are any type of threat to the establishment. The US government has been importing hard-drugs to ply onto its own citizens for decades, almost a century now. Drugs and Alcohol have been used as methods of colonization and social control for centuries.

Even Nazi Germany was awash in drugs over its short 12 year existence and it officially rejected the drug-fueled decadence of the Weimar years. Zizek is absolutely right, the freedom to use drugs is a freedom that any fascist regime can give you. It is not inherently leftist.

I'm not OP

And the poster I'm replying to brought up alcohol. What's your point?

I just said this. Almost anything that activates that area can create dependency, including food. I agree, absolute sobriety is a big "so what". It's a fixation people have that can't be achieved.

Which doesn't really necessitate one or the other, as sobriety isn't equivalent to health and societal benefits. Most people are better off not sober from caffeine, for instance. Again, it goes back to moderation and what drugs can you handle without it controlling you.

4 life my dood

Psychedelics are part of a proper mentality and education, and it sounds like you need more of both.

I'm sorry, were you going to make a point somewhere or…?

He did? Wasn't it
And he's basically correct. Weed, when not literally medicine, is just pleasure and fun and can be used as opium of the masses. Acid on the other hand…

I attended a two and a half hour lecture by Jordan Peterson where he compared marijuana to neverland from Peter Pan, and said it keeps you from growing up, and you’ll never be able to enjoy the success of working a white collar desk job, or an academic if you ever smoke marijuana.

Not the point I was making. It's that this anarchist posters anti-drug position is ripped straight from every DARE organizer's playbook. The "pure ideology" meme goes both ways, in this case.

Neither is the anti-drug position, as that has been the stance of fascist and liberal countries.

The Soviet Union also had problems with drugs . They made the mistake of adopting the position of its liberal and fascist enemies by criminalizing drug use later on, instead of trying to progress from this dichotomous mindset people have towards them.

just…why? were you stoned?

It's funny that he can stand in front of people and say that drug users live in Neverland, then in the same breath talk about fighting Chaos Dragons.

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Not the Demon Lord of Destruction. Peterson is such a hack.