Do people actually, unironically like Bordiga? If so, how? Here's his resume:

Do people actually, unironically like Bordiga? If so, how? Here's his resume:

I just don't get it

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Other urls found in this thread: fascist police&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq577Q8vvZAhWOmeAKHYlUAsYQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=bordiga fascist police&f=false

It's the same as with any failed socialist movement or experiment… It's the underlying cause and reasoning for it as opposed to the failed attempts at seizing a hegemony.

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I have to hand it to him, he was a good quote maker

Absolutely nothing wrong with this

If you vote democrat in the United States, for instance, you are wasting your time

There's a big difference between voting Democrat and voting for a Socialist or Communist party. Bordiga opposed all of them.

Someone defend this, I absolutely can't be fucked to read this old fart who might not even be relevant.

Fuck off, Zig Forums.

is there anyone who actually likes Bordiga? I've only ever heard of negatives.

There used to be a ton of leftcom bordigists on this board. They were often actually fairly smart and well read. Idk if theyre still around I havent been here for a while.

Now keep in mind I don't wholesale agree with everything Bordiga proposed or theorized but some of your points are complete mischaracterizations of his positions.
He didn't ignore or dismiss the occupations. He stated that if the movement wasn't unified by a cohesive revolutionary party it would never be able to extend and generalize the movement beyond the factories of Turin and Milan. The failure of the Italian left to capitalize on this radical break with bourgeois order and the PSI's betrayal of the workers in favor of the CGL's brokering of an industrial peace prompted both Bordiga and Gramsci to form the PCd'I.
It's easy to call someone a coward for dropping out of political life when you aren't living in a fascist state under the constant threat of death or imprisonment. I think he ultimately thought it was futile as the window of opportunity for a communist movement was over as what was left of the radical movement coalesced into the broader antifascist movement and was content to work with monarchists and liberals against the Italian state. The organizing potential just wasn't there in his eyes.

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I sincerely hope that you are at least quoting the wrong post.

Why? Do Democrats not have favorable policies toward women, lgbtq, and minorities? Did you not see the Net Neutrality Senate vote the other day? All Democrats were for it and only 3 Republicans. Would a Democrat have put a conservative Gorsuch in the SC?

Where does he argue this?
He did not ignore nor dismiss it. Read this short interesting text.
"The Marxist critique of the postulates of bourgeois democracy is in fact based on the definition of the class character of modern society. It demonstrates the theoretical inconsistency and the practical deception of a system which pretends to reconcile political equality with the division of society into social classes determined by the nature of the mode of production.
Political freedom and equality, which, according to the theory of liberalism, are expressed in the right to vote, have no meaning except on a basis that excludes inequality of fundamental economic conditions. For this reason we communists accept their application within the class organizations of the proletariat and contend that they should function democratically."
While he did take a break after being expelled for "trotskyism" he returned to politics after WW2.

Yeah man it was awesome for black people when Bill Clinton them in jail with his shitty crime bill, and I bet Latinos were super happy when Obama deported all their family members to a degree that would make Trump blush. And let's not even mention the drone-strikes that indiscriminately killed probably thousands of Muslims that happened under Obama.

You're a fucking clown.

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Yeah man who cares if we can give gays equal rights, women reproductive rights, keep DACA and make better immigration reforms. Because a (D) President one time had to compromise with the other branches of government and didn't make everything perfect.

You're a fucking clown.

I guess you’re going to ignore the part where he literally did absolutely nothing to oppose the fascist government he was living under and then after WWII he re-emerges and accuses all of the allied powers of “fascism”. Makes you almos think that he had a bad conscious or maybe he was just a turbo-autismo


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You are so fucking retarded, holy shit. Bill Clinton personally endorsed that bill you fucking moron, this wasn't some teary-eyed half-measure the GOP forced him into. Ditto for Obama's drone strikes and deportations.

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1) Bordiga didn't live in the US, but in a country where at least you could vote for an actual socialist/communist party.
2) Even if it's meaningless in the long term, Democrats in power might at least be less harmful to the climate than Republicans, be more effective in guaranteeing gay rights, etc.

They are arguably even worse than it comes to imperialism since they gotta make sure US corporations are ruling the world to pay for all the goodies they want for their base.

Try voting for a communist or left-wing third party next time if you're so concerned about it. They run all the time. And, guess what, they'll never get any traction if no one ever defects from the two party circus.

Both (D) and (R) belong in the same mass grave, and so do you.

democrats have capitulated on every single issue you just listed for the sake of appearing more moderate and electable. fuck your liberalism and the horse you rode in on.

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The absolute state of liberals

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So fucking what? Why do you care about the reason they are doing it and not the fact that they are doing it? You just agreed that Dems are more favorable towards those groups I said, but you don't like WHY they do it… Wow

What in the actual fuck. There's going to be drone strikes and other awful shit no matter who is president. The parties do, however, differ when it comes to things like immigrants, women's rights, and gay rights. THAT'S THE FUCKING POINT.

replies should be switched smh

D's and R's are both ruling class parties that do nothing to strengthen the ruling class. Vote for communist parties so they can get a platform, don't waste your vote strengthening bourgeois parties, the bourgeois state, and the institution of bourgeois elections.

*strengthen the working class

The point is that they did. The democrats are no different than Trump all they do is pay some weak lip-service to minorities, women, etc. They are just a slightly different means to the same ends. The democratic party have the same owners as the GOP. Now instead of actually doing anything about Trump, they are going about trying to get him caught in some kind of technicality. We are fucking communists, we actually study history you class-traitorous faggot ass liberal. We know what happens with capitalism in crisis and the democrats are not going to stop a fascist state from appearing. They are largely responsible for the rise of the alt-right. They make the weakest fucking arguments against racism, we are the only ones with a real answer why and the reason we do is because we know history and how there is a economic base to all forms of oppression that you want to pretend they don't exist. Hilary is just as bloodthirsty as any republican, she will continue the military industrial complex as usual.

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Yes but anything else is a wasted vote in the U.S. I'd rather have my vote slightly help some people in some ways.
How does more votes for communist parties strengthen their platform? The media wouldn't acknowledge them more because of it. And there isn't even a communist party to vote for. There's the Republican party, Democratic party, Constitution party, Green party, and Libertarian party. Maybe the Green Party?

Do they? Do they actually? Because it feels more that the Dems just push those things so they can get elected and cover for when they implement the awful shit that ends up negatively affecting everybody, woman and gays included, in other countries which ends up creating immigration crises. I'd rather have an obviously monstrous capitalist government then a monstrous capitalist government with a human face, at least one of those things is far less obfuscated.

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No, they actually have different policies and they affect women, gays, and minorities.
No one is saying Dems would. But in the meantime, before the revolution that will happen somewhere over the rainbow, I'd like to support disenfranchised groups as much as I can.
Don't know why you keep bringing this up as if I'm saying something otherwise.

Do they? Do they actually?
Yes. Generally Dems support gay marriage, reproductive rights, DACA, and immigration reform policies.

There are communist parties in the US. At worst you could vote for a Democrat Cops of America candidate, at best maybe PSL, SEP, or PCUSA are active in your area.

A wasted vote is better than a vote that directly empowers the bourgeoisie. Yeah, yeah, they're nicer to minorities, but in the process of putting these people in power, you're allowing them legitimacy. Plus, Democrats are good at taking a more underhanded, quiet approach to crushing left politics, which is more harmful than Republicans.

Yeah, in their own countries while they do the opposite in others. I'm actually disgusted you would ever support democrats, or any bourgeoisie political party for that matter .

for as long as it helps them get elected, yeah. Dems would gladly throw every single black person, tranny, and immigrant in America into a woodchipper if you told them it would help take back the white house.

Just realized. Woops

Democracy is anti-proletarian in character.

Read Bordiga

Okay, and what about when the Democrat we help elect inevitably starts a proxy war in some third world country to overthrow the democratically elected socialist government? Does the global leftwing movement just "take one for the team" so America can have more women and black CEOs? Any time, energy, and money spent building support for a Democratic candidate would be much better used for building an actual leftwing movement, and you'd have to be a complete retard to think otherwise. Thinking you're doing minorities some big favor by picking D instead of R every 4 years when they still live under capitalism (i.e. the source of 99% of their woes) at the end of the day is as retarded as thinking you're saving the world from climate change by driving a Prius. Stop rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic and look at the big picture.

Heil Bordiga!

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You forgot about downplaying the Holocaust in the most vulgar-Marxist way imaginable.

He didn't "downplay the holocaust" you obnoxious cretin, but rather argued against the idea that it was somehow the result of some kind of radical/transcendent evil instead of simply being the logical end result of capitalist decay. If you think Bordiga was wrong on this point you're a fucking idealist.

Obama was a democrat. Was he good for blacks of Libya or women of Syria?

Holy shit anyone arguing against voting for the lesser evil is being completely idealistic.
Are all parties shit? Yes
Does this mean when given the choice between a small turd or a big turd you don't choose either only increasing the chance of the big turd being thrown in your face? Fuck no, why would anyone ever consider this a good option?

You can vote for the lesser evil and have the staunch position of opposing both when given the option.
Fuck if the choice was between Hitler and Bernie I know who I'd choose but apparently they're exactly the same.

the more I hear about Bordigas views the more he seems to be right. am I closeted leftcom? Is this why I hate ☭TANKIE☭s, find trots to often be impractical larpers and that anarchists don't have a solid enough theoretical base


Activists endlessly buggerise around and still achieve nothing.

I have personally achieved many things. Among them 1) Shutting down to the point that they do not exist any more three different far right groups in our local area. 2) helped form a tenants union which is helping out tenants in struggles with their landlords to the point that said landlords have caved and changed practice, thus bringing more people into the union so it can grow to eventually have the clout (we hope) to abolish lanlords all together (you don't go from 0 to revolution, you build trust with the proletariat through agitative reforms and then and ONLY THEN can you have a revolution) 3) Educated and radicalised new comrades 4) Formed trade unions in previously un-unionised precariat industries.

Get off your arse and go outside you lazy bastard

It was a shitpost fam, I can't believe you bit down so hard on that bait.


where can i find a good org to organize

OH NO NO NO NO NO fascist police&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiq577Q8vvZAhWOmeAKHYlUAsYQ6AEILzAB#v=onepage&q=bordiga fascist police&f=false

Not doubting you but do you have links with info about any of these far-right groups/tenants unions/trade unions? Just want to see how this kind of activism works in practice.

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lmfao what a fucking clown this guy was. How could people after 1945 give him any credibility?

voting democrat is generally beyond the pale tbh. the american liberal-left has, as a function of geography and other factors, always been able to distance itself from a genuine working class movement. even when the democrats did have meaningful trade union connections the two elements were able to avoid one another.
the labour party by contrast is perpetually capable of redemption for past betrayals, because the tradition and history of that party are inextricably linked to the working class and the trade union movement. (again this is partially a function of geography, with the UK being smaller than the average US state.)

If voting for no party is beyond the pale, you find yourself voting with the Austrian Nazi Party to keep the German Nazi Party out.

republicans abolished slavery so THERE.


Anything you'd recommend reading to have a strong understanding of the theoretical basis of these tactics?

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i think the smart ones left after a bunch of people started using the leftcom flag to seem more well red and intelligent than they were, then the larpers who just were using the flag to seem like the read stopped using it because it no longer worked for, (but hey its just a theory a film theory)

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Just go out and put as much energy and creativity you can into organising. If you say you’re going to help with something, do what you said you’d do and do it well. It’s mostly about finding serious people and leaving toxic useless organisations.

And sorry to the other guy I can’t give links security and all that

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Seriously, what happened to cause the brain drain on our board

How is pointing out that leftcoms (ESPECIALLY of the Italian variety) have historically rejected almost all forms of class struggle not a valid criticism?