


Attached: A16FD387-EF9C-4B5A-98E9-44F39C6F50C4.jpeg (1125x1147, 728.9K)

Other urls found in this thread:

holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.fr/search?q=Denier legalism

Absolutely pathetic. Even people who Zig Forums worships like George Lincoln Rockwell himself used his real name in his dealings. He knew he'd be shit on for his beliefs and he loved it, because he truly believed he was right and had a massive ego to back it.

You'd think Zig Forumsfags who'd go to IRL meetups would realize that people are going to ID them and do unto them what they do onto anyone Zig Forums doesn't like: dox them. Doxxing itself isn't much more than an annoyance if you know your rights anyway.


I was struck by how last year, they kept doing these displays and little marches (the tiki-torch parade in Charlottesville was preceded by a smaller one used as a trial run). Like their whole plan of action is to have a parade, then a bigger parade, then a bigger one and so on until they match the Nuremberg rallies. Attaching a photo of one micro-rally in Texas from the summer of 2017 from the Nazi group "Vanguard America" that later all went to Charlottesville together. But then their big coming-out party turned into a disaster so what do they do now?

Fascism is fucking weird. The weird thing is that they, ideologically, have to show themselves. It doesn't "work" or "click" or whatever the hell without these mass public displays and rituals. Notice at Charlottesville, how half the torch march had cameras livestreaming everything? They had cameras up on poles filming down onto their heads so everyone could see. They don't just want people to see them, they need people to see them, but they doxxed themselves in the process.

Attached: vanguard_austin.png (1194x720, 1.81M)

It is courage and determination, unlike the antifa kiddies who are masked all the times.

Straight and forward, that is the right wing way.

Hey pal, don't let me interrupt you while you're making a mistake.

My only guess is that fascism is a politics of "self-expression." And it's a politics based on aesthetics. They think that if they only express themselves enough, then the masses of whites (who they think mostly agree with them naturally) will snap out of their Jewish-induced false consciousness and "wake up." I first saw a proto version of this in the Ron Paul movement where it was all about getting the word out about RON PAUL to everyone's annoyance. There was even a "veterans for Ron Paul" march in D.C. where a few dozen POGs marched in step. That was the proto-fascism that would eventually mutate into the alt-right, and a lot of those types involved in it (like Chris Cantwell) later wound up in the alt-right.

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ofc it's retarded and it's why OG neonazis go 110% into not being anonymous because they know it is a total waste of effort. Varg is the most successful example of this, since he used his terrorism and outright murder to promote his music and his stupid political ideology. They are also constantly prepared for a fight, they are always aware that they have enemies. Really this is a statement against Zig Forums than it is any other fascist. Zig Forumsyps are sheltered by the Internet and don't expect anything bad to happen to them because they live in some big suburban house far away from reality. They put on a mask and LARP for a few hours, then come home and realize that they've made bitter enemies and can't handle the peer pressure since they are mentally weak.

Note: what I said mostly applies to Americans, who have a First Amendment right to be nazis if they want. The situation is different in countries that regulate "hate speech" or nazism directly, where non-nazis are grouped in with them. Those also tend to be the countries with the most active neo-nazi movements because otherwise normal people are forcibly removed from normal life, destroying the social pressure from trying to fit in.

Sure, fascists are spiritualist, and the less we care about PR the better.

It's not straight and forward if you don't take it home and are willing to deal with it every moment of your normal life. Antifa can't handle this which is why their movement is irrelevant. On the other side of this in mainstream society there are gun owners who openly defend their politics at every point and using all available means be it lawyers, lathes, or running for office.

Which is where Patrick Little fits into all of this: he's an idpol Zig Forumsyp but at least he is willing to send his real name and political positions to 12,000,000 Californian voters on the 5th. He's the best face Zig Forums has, because he's actually willing to get out there with his real name. This doesn't justify any of his ridiculous and unimaginative positions, but it does place him higher than larpers.

Typical fascist retardation

Reminder that the murder deaths of Soviet civilians skews this figure. When you look at losses of Soviet armed forces vs. German armed forces, they were surprisingly evenly matched.

So far all the right wingers don't wear masks, you are free to dox them all you want.

Of course, the mentally weak ones would be dead, but out of the 6000 that march in Charlotteville, how many actually kill themselves?

The right wingers have Tolkien called, northern courage, that are above materialistic fear.

This is why Nazi Germany was destroyed, but its ideology still lives on along with the german people, and to this day, we stand and fight against leftist madness and materialistic desire.

Communism is more popular among Germans than Nazism. Pls quit LARPing

Oh sure, because you actually outlaw "nazism". Meanwhile, the right wingers keep rising in Germany while the left retreats into liberalism.

Oh we ain't role playing. There's no role to play.

Every movement has that to some extent. The issue with the Pauls is that Rand couldn't figure out how to channel his father's energy into his own. By the time he did (see his speech at UC Berkeley about the NSA), Trump had come onto the scene to belittle him and his supporters as being weak on security. This worked flawlessly, notice how all debate over the NSA has been defacto silenced since December 2015 when Trump's campaign actually started to resemble a campaign.

The same applies to Hilary. She couldn't figure out how to channel Obama's energy into her own. The result was disaster. The same will likely befall whoever becomes California's next Governor, since Jerry Brown (four terms in office) is retiring and his energy can't be copied over, especially not to Newsom (his Lt Governor, hand picked successor and compadre).

Obama had the pleasure to face weak opponents, just like Trump.

McCain turns out to be a neo-liberal cuckold, while Romney was irrelevant.

As you said, all that matters in politics is charisma and energy.

Hitler has this, Stalin has it, Mao has it, FDR has it, Mussolini has it.

The will to impose your will upon their populace, with that you win. No matter what your actual policies are.

I'm willing to bet 25-50% if they were faced with a fraction of the doxxing imageboards are known to inflict upon people they dislike. Of course it's impossible to dox that amount of people but this is also just a thought experiment. By comparison, most workers engaging in a strike or work-to-rule action are already ready to be doxxed, blacklisted, and generally abused by their employer because that is why they are striking in the first place.

So you are saying 25-50% of Charlesville protesters would kill themselves if they face internet harashment, wut?

Yeah, the sames for the "nazis", they were blacklisted and fired. You are just engaging in pointless ideological hatred when the right wingers have more balls than the antifas.

That makes sense. Well, in America the Nazis who do freak me out – and who I wouldn't want to play games with – are the white-power prison gangs, who in terms of sheer numbers are probably a lot more numerous than the Zig Forums types. Many are in the system but "prison gang" is a bit of a misnomer since they're on the street as well. But they don't tend to get involved in political activism (though there are sometimes exceptions) and are content to sticking to their mafia-type activities. I think they're actually smarter, way more dangerous and also realize they're dangerous, which is why they don't try to fuck with the normies too much.

As an aside, the state rounded up 60 white-power gangsters in my city alone (of more than 5 million people granted) in one operation a few weeks ago. Compared to that Vanguard pic above, there's 20 guys in uniform in that pic, and most of those guys traveled to that rally from other cities. In a state of … 28 million people. But the white-power prison gangs have an active membership in the several thousand here and do chop people's hands off over drug debts.

Really? Little? That guy seems like a disaster.

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Typical rightardation. The reason you aren't couldn't actually be because you failed epically and ordinary people drew logical conclusions from history–it has to be because of the law. Meanwhile, the NPD has pretty much been a barely concealed Nazi party operating openly for decades in Germany with little consequence and they still don't have a great following among the German people.

True which is why pacifists always fail. This is the problem with Rand's platform, for as justified as much of it is it cannot fly in a hostile political environment dominated by constant security scaremongering. The final nail in the coffin was Russiagate, where liberals traded their supposedly anti-jingoist feelings into pure jingoism. The only people left supporting rights is a very small and disparate group of gun owners, the ACLU, desktop Linux users and immigration lawyers.

Nice wordbabble, does not change that "nazism" is banned.
People can be put into jail for thoughtcrime i.e. questioning the Holocaust, so yes, denazification is a big ass thing.

He absolutely is unless he tricks enough voters to make it to the runoff (he put himself down as a "republican civil rights activist" as his bio that appears on the ballot under his name) where he can make an ass of himself and the entire alt-right by debating Fienstien then losing to a 90% margin. But he's at least willing to put his name out there and not be anonymous.

He should absolutely debate Feinstein.

People will fucking love him for it, even the liberals have abandoned that old jewess.

I hope the best for Little, he's got balls, unlike the left.

I heard he's beefing with Anglin and Weev and crew at The Daily Stormer.

Meh, could be cool.

Zig Forums will say muh inside-op, but true right wingers take what we gonna get.

Even Hitler used to be spy, what separates the real and the spy-op is a thin line of ideology and morality.

Hm. Can't really disagree with you there.

Attached: in_the_cold.jpg (640x383, 41.4K)

Why khaki's and and collard shirts?

holocaustcontroversies.blogspot.fr/search?q=Denier legalism

Nice cuck blog.

You got me. I think think they were trying to come up with something "American" looking and they came up with that. They ended up copying the Rashtriya Swayemsevak Sangh but I don't know if that was on purpose.

The khaki-and-white-polo crowd fractured after Charlottesville and one of the successor groups adopted a blue-and-khaki uniform (the leader, a deranged teenager and one of only two not wearing a mask in the pic, picked the shirt out on Amazon). The crowd with green shirts is some Zig Forums fascist group that popped up recently and is buds with this crowd. Anecdotally, the only other guy not wearing a mask, who is one of their older members, ran as a libertarian candidate in a congressional race a few years ago back during the Ron Paul craze. He lost badly, though.

Also attaching a pic of some guys wielding firearms like a bunch of maniacs. That is from when The Daily Stormer recently tried to rebrand their "book clubs" (meetup and paper-activism groups) with a red, white and blue uniform also to invoke America, but they looked even more ridiculous and they got a lot of mockery for it, with some Nazis calling the red shoes "nigger shoes." Anglin of the Stormer ended up writing a response arguing that red New Balance sneakers were actually "Aryan" shoes because the CEO of the shoe company is pro-Trump. Yeah.

Attached: dfwuniform1-618x464.jpg (1280x960 71.75 KB, 386.76K)

Nah, trigger discipline, it's on point.

You don't understand the concept of mass rallies and ideology? It's not as if socialism is different in that regard; It's just that the neo-nazis have retarded beliefs and are afraid to show them but want to spread them everywhere at the same time.

Yeah, that. And there are socialist rallies that have been similar. But I think Nazis like to have rallies for the sake of rallies. I think they blundered badly and it has a lot in common with the American left in the late 60s. They had this idea that they would just express themselves in public with no plan beyond that, and when they got smacked down and rejected by the body politic they turned to terrorism.

Attached: new_left.jpg (1172x834, 373.62K)

Man, if only these people were holding these rallies during the 30s, or in the Soviet Union.

yeah, then they'd all be dead in the camps

Trying to copy what a regime in power does within an unpopular fringe movement as a way of building power is the definition of LARPing. I might as well go walk around in full Mao suit with a Greek fisherman's cap on my head.

Well, I might wear the cap…

Attached: 1IU7qIa.jpg (657x444, 72.56K)

The Soviet Union wasn't fighting "a rich man's war" against the invaders.

Yes they were, the bolsheviks were the rich man.

Still on that humans v. orcs binge, huh?

Attached: img-brain-universe.jpg (640x350, 106.57K)

Hey asshole, if being behind a mask is so cowardly, why don't you post with your real name, email, and give us your address? Didn't think so, idiot. Remember where the fuck you are.

Attached: mods, this anon has lost his composure.png (820x780, 133.04K)

That reminds me, who knew that Tolkien, the originator of human vs orcs, was one of the best authors alive?

Really makes me think.

Says who coward who hides behind the mask.

Press S to spit on grave


He was also a deeply religious catholic (a sect premised on the universal community of all people; it's in the name), who admitted to being dissatisfied with having to use the literary device of an innately evil race.

Yet he does it anyway, because that's the story his ancestors try to tell.

LOL he actually did it

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Still not giving your info. This was the point I was trying to make, thanks again for reminding us that nazifags are brainlets. Here's your (You).

You say that, but I'm willing to be you're not familiar with a single of the source texts Tolkien drew inspiration from. You're projection what you want to be true on him.

Most likely he was just being lazy when constructing a world to serve as the excuse for his invented elf language.

lmao this. Keep on posting the jpg. Believe me, i know for a FACT, that Zig Forums-tards are so drawn to their unconscious impulses, impressed upon them in digital form, that they will base all of their life decisions, from ideology to death, upon memes and photo-collages. These people are so fucking stupid. And I'm not talking about the Jordan Peterson types, but the Jared Taylor ones. Jordan Petersonites are just losers and not necessarily dumb (i.e. incels).

oh look, a retard.

Except the Bolsheviks had no exploiting class.

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