Marxist economics still taught in Universities?

Okay, so in a debate about the relevance of Marxist economics, I brought up that Marx' ideas are still relevant in modern day economics, even if you reject it. Including there still being Marxist economists, to pro-capitalist economists using his theories to come up with better argument in favour of capitalism.

I included a list of universities of which it was said that they still had at least one course in Marxist economics, but now a guy claiming he is a British economist mentions that he spit through the course catalogues but could find only one university doing so.

Do you guys know of universities that still have Marxist economic modules/courses?

Attached: economist-richard-wolff-via-screencap-615x345.png (615x345, 186.71K)

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I have no clue, bump.
Le you can't find a answer on here you can look into >>>/marx/

Well I just finished a global econ module and they taught marxist; along with neoliberal and developmentalist, stances on topics (trade, gender roles in the economy, finance, international wealth distribution, industrialisation). My tutor was 100% marxist but also bought into intersectional bullshit. Was a good course, learnt a lot of shit, Ha-Joon Chang is dank, fuck the IMF and also unversities in the UK are fucked.

Michael Hudson said that university economics departments have blacklists of heterodox, non-neoliberal economists. I wouldn't be surprised if that guy is right, but for all the wrong reasons.

maybe start there?

Marxism is mandatory in all of the Chinese curriculum. Same for Cuba, Vietnam, and DPRK obviously. Xi Jinping, the president of one of the most powerful countries on earth, constantly reminds people to read Marx, Lenin, AND Stalin… anyone who thinks they're irrelevant, regardless of whether they agree with Marxism, is a fucking idiot.

The University of Missouri - Kansas City aka UMKC has quite a few Marxian professors in the Economics department. It's probably pretty cheap as well.

Marxists really only are allowed to teach at podunk universities that are marginal to the field of economics. Wolff is one of the few remaining Marxist econ professors in the Ivys.

I take that back, Wolff teaches at the new school. He's one of the few that has done a tour through the Ivies.

wolf is a charlatan though, the closer a "marxist" gets to the ivies, the faker he'll be.

t. maoist

The Ivies are full of bourgeois faggots. Fuck you for even appealing to that crap.

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Did you even read about Michael Hudson? Does it even matter if they teach at prestigious universities if they came from there? Or are you just chasing after prestige and a cushy professorial position rather than a sincere pursuit of knowledge?

this is what liberal brainrot looks like.

Anyone who teaches at an Ivy League school is not a marxist. You are kiterally just a neoliberal stooge at that point.

I'll doubt I'll ever be a professor but thanks for believing in me. I just mention this not because I want Marxists teaching at Ivys but simply because there's a reason why Marxists are kept out of them. Academics are pretty much prestigecucks, a lot of academics don't read anything that doesn't come from the Ivies.

Hell, Michael Hudson shows that its easier for a Marxist to get a job on Wall Street than to get a teaching job at the Ivies.

Ironically, people like Michael Hudson and Steve Keen are often given much more attention by bankers than academia, largely because schools are usually circlejerks while bankers and businessmen want to make a profit and that requires critical thinking. There was an RT appearance with Steve Keen recently where one of the topics was how insular economic departments are and how out of touch with reality they become.

nope, its put aside other heterodox crap like austrian/feminist anti-empiricist drivel
people like Wolf are not taken seriously and contribute little to nothing to the field
embrace some form of the scientific method or GTFO
post-keynesian and MMT are kinda interesting though
institutional economics too, elenor olstrom discovered interesting stuff, and behavior econ is just psychology but applied more to buying stuff and shows human irrationality, and public choice applies this theory of irrationality to politicians and political agents
picrelated mainstreamstream econ 101 textbooks, sniff around a bit

t. anti-scientific soyboy

lmao, Marxist/Classical economics is the only scientific form of economics.
