*the Walmart and Dick's listed here do not sell weapons as the existing Walmarts and Dick'ses do in the area. There are three other Walmarts directly to the east, one on each side of US-99. Two more exist to the south and seven to the north. For comparison there are only three Costcos and six Targets.

this thread is an americlap culture thread for europeans. Sacramento is estimated to have around 5,000 homeless people or 1% of the city's overall population but that number does not include farmworkers, illegal immigrants or people who are too mentally disabled to obtain welfare

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Other urls found in this thread:

Also I just noticed I wrote Dicks twice and that Google put down "Chicken Restaurant" instead of "Chick Fil A". This probably has to do with Chick Fil A's CEO lobbying against gay marriage.

This whole setup is also extra pointless because everything sold in this place can be bought online now, which is notable because most other strip malls in the area have some sort of movie theater or Home Depot that actually gets people walking in regularly. Walmart as an entity is especially pointless because Safeway does free grocery delivery and Costco will deliver things by the pallet.

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I really think America patented an alternative megastructure environment to compete with the Soviets. Call it "capitalist realism" and I don't mean the Mark Fisher book because I haven't read it. Or maybe call it "capitalist gigantism."

Here's a project going up in my town. Same basic stores. But there are some things to appreciate. Off in the distance are two tall, 60s-era prefab towers – those are dorms for a women's university that rise almost inexplicably out of the prairie. I love them. Second is the boxy Winco, a supermarket which promotes itself as being "employee owned" (via stock options) which is hardly Mondragon but I prefer it to the alternatives. They pay their employees a bit better, the goods are cheaper, and they go straight for the raw concrete aesthetic. Don't believe the hype though but there's a low bar around here.

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I live in a college town / exurb so it isn't too crazy. Drive 40 minutes toward the real suburban sprawl though and you get THIS.


It's kind of a nightmare. Anyways I'm also posting a police bulletin of a Nazi from that borg hive who had been going around putting up Nazi flyers on the college campuses around here.

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Abolish private car ownership, the real culprit.

I see this shit everywhere in my home town. Is this just bad shitposting or an actual problem i grew up with and never realized? Don't get me wrong i want to burn this stuff to the ground, I just have know idea what this thread is trying to convey.

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This stuff is completely alien to us euros.

I just figured this was part of daily life for everybody.

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That is absolutely disgusting. Parking lots are tar kulaks.

This, but with it you'll have to bulldoze half the cities in the USA. The suburbs, sprawl, etc.

Was going to post an image of tract housing but Zig Forums is broken.

fucking two birds one stone

Not really. Because of their history and different approach to urban planning (not that it's perfect, but socdems sometimes do a decent job of urban planning) euro cities are nothing like american ones at all.

Did you mean gulag? The kulaks are those who approved of designing urban areas like that.

I don't see the problem here, you could intentionally let some suburban sprawls die (ofcourse you'd make sure people are accomodated somewhere else and can bring all their stuff)
over the years they'll be reclaimed by the desert or forest and these ghost burbs become a tourist attraction
Commieblocks, lots of them. And make them good.

I've lived in several towns in Germany and I have always walked to the super market etc. Cores of many old cities are car-free. Do Americans even know what a traffic bollard is?

You're only making it more appealing!

I imagine a temporary transition phase relying on ride-sharing could be envisioned, where public transport is essentially provided by the standard 5-person car. These vehicles, if properly occupied, have some use for low density areas. A non-exploitative kind of über, if you will. But we have to get away from the idea that everyone needs a car, and away from a society structured around everyone having one.

I think commieblocks are nice. As long they are not too small and the apartments are fucking soundproofed holy shit you have zero privacy in most apartments

The endgame is restructuring society around small compact communities where transport is rendered unnecessary altogether except for a network of trains connecting and supplying neighbouring settlements.

Fischer didn't coin the Term capitalist realism. He stole it from pic related book I think

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nvm quick google search showed its from Germany of the 50s and 60s

You think that's big?

You Euros are so naive.

This is the Mall of America.

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It looks like a factory - look at that god damn roof! A consumption factory.


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Remember when shopping malls were originally intended as socialist utopian communities?

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I stayed in a prefab concrete bloc tower in Honolulu (a lot of concrete in Honolulu for earthquake and tsunami protection) and it was dead silent inside despite being in the middle of the city.

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I think we use them to control traffic if there's construction, but apparently you use them differently? I was trying to figure out what you meant and looked it up.

We have them in cities everywhere and they are permanent.

I kind of like that third one. Some nice aesthetics there. Would look better if there were plants though.

Shopping malls are dead though.

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