Broke: neoliberalism was about the FED

Broke: neoliberalism was about the FED

Joke: neoliberalism was about cheap labour

Woke: neoliberalism was about UFOs

Attached: aliens-ufos.jpg (940x545, 47.67K)

Video also features a very detailed discussion on the financial crisis and why it happened.

Dont worry, communism is always 10 steps ahead

Attached: posad.jpg (320x187, 18.86K)

$21 trillion of unaccounted money, $50 trillion possibly because analysis is not done on the paper trail. The woman interviewed was a semi-high level staffer for Bush's housing development department who also worked in big financial firms.

Claim: The US is building secrete bases and flying saucer tech on Earth as well as probably Mars because where the fuck else is all this money going? Lockheed takes a few billion for a new plane nobody asked for or wanted, but what is the rest of it doing?

JOKE: these threads

This shit is fucking hilarious. It's two people who just can't accept that capitalism is an inefficient system so they have to link it's social failures to aliens and secret parallel civilizations being built in Antarctica.

Also I love that the ex-Wall Street execs ideal society would entail every neighborhood having it's own stock which would encourage local investment and upkeep to increase the stocks value thus expanding the wealth of the neighborhood. Very big brain stuff going on here.

Attached: when you discover the FEMA camps.jpg (638x475, 53.26K)

I don't see how she isn't credible.

Bumping so this board watches the video.

She has insider knowledge, that's the point. She said she's documented everything. And Lockheed has been heavily invested in UFOlogy for quite some time now.

No, she's pretty critical of the system as a whole.

why not?

No… they're pretty critical of capitalism, meaning a society where the ultimate goal is capital accumulation and nothing else. You seriously aren't curious about where this absolutely immense amount of money is going? Everyone knows it hasn't disappeared, it's being used for something. The bourgs on wallstreet don't have it, the open military and government don't have it, but it's Pentagon money and someone in the military has it and is using it. This isn't a case of mismanagement, she goes over that. This is a case of deliberate obfuscation of fund allocations so that whatever the fuck they are doing will never be found.So… what the fuck are they doing with that money that they don't want us to know about?

They're definitely studying UFOs, there definitely are secret military bases alien related or not, and the ultra bourgs and their bureaucrats definitely DO conspire, do carry out social control experiments on society, and plan shit all the time, the idea that they don't is ridiculous. There is shit on the moon, there is shit on Mars, there have been saucer "crashes" and there are small but real pieces recovered and known. Why in the world would the bourgs who love power NOT want to scavenge alien technology and knowledge while keeping us in the dark?

Richard Dolan is basically a modern Posadist minus the explicit Marxism. He dropped out of grad school to study the history of the US government's UFO coverup, and there is without question for a fact such a coverup just by looking at the paper trail. To me, those of you who don't take this seriously are the crazy ones. You've never looked into the issue and think it is unrelated to economics when just about every UFO investigator thinks precisely the opposite: it IS all about money and power. How many powerful groups lose if UFOs are revealed to be real, to have technology the likes which we have been told is impossible, and worse, that the aliens are mostly communists?

can we skip the ayylums? it is pretty much known that this is psyops

What about this indicates that it's a psyops?

There are no aliens or UFOs. Most of the people promoting this garbage are former CIA who are trained in the art of psychological warfare. They propagate the alien bullshit for the same reason Alex Jones promotes the Illuminati: it takes the focus off of real issues like capitalism.

[Citation needed]

Neo-Liberal is code for Marxist.

Woke: UFO coverup conspiracy is a government conspiracy

Because it spawns from the fundamentally flawed premise that the reason your local infrastructure and public utilities are crumbling is that people don't have enough skin in the game. Like all Lolbert fantasies the destructive realities of impersonal market forces disciplining our behaviour are never called into question. For them the problem isn't the market - it's that the market hasn't been generalized enough. It also completely ignores the fact that most people don't own their homes or apartments which means the only people profiting will be banks, developers, and real estate firms.

Oh I'm curious. I just don't think draconians or the grays are involved. I've actually read a lot about this stuff (ufos, secret space program, breakaway civilizations, etc) because I find it interesting as contemporary folklore.

How is the government history, not of the CIA, but of the military's interest in UFOs folklore? Are the nuclear silos constantly vsited and messed with by them folklore? Is the radar information folklore? Is the impossible to produce here bismuth/magnesium micron layered meta material folkore?

You're poisoning the well here. Don't compare what this is about to the rest of the alien nuts like Wilcock or Ike. Nobody cares if you like reading stories from morons because you find it fun.

Citations of what? NASA doesn't say shit about it, but it's in their images sometimes just there and sometimes covered up with simple image manipulation. I can link you images, videos, etc, and you can do these things yourself with the original NASA images if you care. I assume, however, that you would claim these are all just fictions of pareidolia if not just artifacts of image manipulation even if it's just playing with contrasts to reveal details.

It isn't. Like all good stories there's a kernel of truth at it's foundation.
The OP pic is a bunch of ayys around a flying saucer. The well was spiked from jump street.

OP here. I chose the pic, because it is attention-getting. The video is quite informative and I'd suggest taking note of the things she points out, even if you don't agree with her "not reeeeel capitalizum" undertones.

Pls do. I want proof the aliens are real.